Martí Morta Garriga


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Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial. CSIC-UPC
c/Llorens i Artigas 4-6, Laboratori de Robòtica Mòbil
08028 Barcelona, Spain


IRI ROS Workshop

What is ROS and what IRI ROS offers

IRI Code 2 ROS Talk

Brief ROS intro, usual problems, tips & tricks and IRI ROS

PAU Project

Teo Robot: The main robot of PAU's Mobile robotics, it is based in a Segway RMP400 platform and carries several sensors. Website

H3D 3D Laser range finder Website

Software libraries

libEPOS2: A library for Maxon Motor EPOS2 Motor Controller Documentation

Hokuyo laser 2D: A library for Hokuyo Range finders (USB & Ethernet) Tested in URG04-LX, UTM30-LX, UXM30-LX-E Documentation

Hokuyo laser 3D: A library for our 3D Laser based in a Hokuyo UTM30-LX Documentation

CTime (in the iriutils library): A library for time controlDocumentation

libEPOS (from Marcus Hauser libEPOS): A library for Maxon Motor EPOS Motor ControllerDocumentation

TCM3 compass (from Andreu Corominas): A library for TCM3 CompassDocumentation

Doxygen IRI documentation style: A doxygen class for our documentationCode