UniversalRobot Directory Reference

Detailed Description

The robot arms developed by Universal Robots.

We use this example to define CuikSuite robot models form ROS URDF files. The files in the folder examples/UniversalRobots/universal_robot have been downloaded from the ROS repository. With these files we can execute

  • bin/cuikurdf2world examples/UniversalRobot/universal_robot ur_description/urdf/ur5_robot.urdf examples/UniversalRobot/ur5

To automatically generate a ur5.world file that can be manipulated as the usual word files. For instance you can execute

In the same way, we can generate the CuikSuite model for the ur10 robot

  • bin/cuikurdf2world examples/UniversalRobot/universal_robot ur_description/urdf/ur10_robot.urdf examples/UniversalRobot/ur10


file  ur10.world [code]
 Automatically generated world file.
file  ur5.world [code]
 Automatically generated world file.