TCuikSystem Struct Reference

Detailed Description

This structure includes all the information defining a position analysis problem, that is, a set of varaibles and a set of equations using these variables.
We store the variables/equations as defined by the user, a simplified version where some variables/equations are removed (because they are constant or they can be defined in function of other variables), and a simplified+dummified version where equations that can not be directly handled by linear relaxations are re-wrote into simpler equations.
Note that the two simplified cuiksystems are for internal use and its existence is transparent: all function calls refer to the original variables and equations.
Finally, this structure also includes information about variables and equations that is cached to speed up the process. Everytime there is a change in the system this information must be recomputed.

See Also
cuiksystem.h cuiksystem.c Tmapping

Definition at line 181 of file cuiksystem.h.

Data Fields

Tconstants constants
boolean updated
boolean consistent
boolean empty
boolean scalar
Tstatistics st
unsigned int searchMode
Tequation orig_eqMin
Tequations equations
Tvariables variables
unsigned int nequations
unsigned int nvariables
unsigned int * varType
Tequation eqMin
boolean simp_empty
Tequations simp_equations
Tvariables simp_variables
unsigned int simp_nequations
unsigned int simp_nvariables
unsigned int simp_nee
unsigned int * simp_tp
Tequation simp_eqMin
TJacobian J
Tequations orig_equations
Tvariables orig_variables
unsigned int orig_nequations
unsigned int orig_nvariables
char ** orig_varNames

Field Documentation

Tconstants TCuikSystem::constants

Constants defined when reading the cuiksystem from file

Definition at line 182 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), CuikSystemMerge(), DeleteCuikSystem(), and InitCuikSystem().

boolean TCuikSystem::consistent

TRUE if the system is consistent (it does not turn trivially inconsisted while simplifying it).

Definition at line 185 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), CuikSystemMerge(), InitCuikSystem(), ReduceBox(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

boolean TCuikSystem::empty

TRUE if the system includes no equations.

Definition at line 187 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), CuikSystemMerge(), DeleteCuikSystem(), InitCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

Tstatistics TCuikSystem::st

Set of statistics including information about the last attempt to solve the problem

Definition at line 190 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), DeleteCuikSystem(), LoadCSState(), MPI_SolveCuikSystem(), MPI_TreatBox(), PostProcessBox(), ReduceBox(), SaveCSState(), and SolveCuikSystem().

unsigned int TCuikSystem::searchMode
Tequation TCuikSystem::orig_eqMin
unsigned int TCuikSystem::nequations

Total number of equations in the simplified+dummified system.

Definition at line 207 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by ComputeSplitDimInt(), CopyCuikSystem(), CuikSystemMerge(), InitCuikSystem(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

unsigned int TCuikSystem::nvariables
boolean* TCuikSystem::systemVar

TRUE if the 'i'-th variable in the simplified+dummified system is a system var.

Definition at line 209 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by ComputeSplitDimInt(), CopyCuikSystem(), CuikSystemMerge(), InitCuikSystem(), MaxReduction(), MPI_SolveCuikSystem(), PostProcessBox(), ReduceBox(), ReduceBoxEquationWise(), SolveCuikSystem(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

boolean* TCuikSystem::notDummyVar

TRUE if the 'i'-th variable in the simplified+dummified system is not a dummy var.

Definition at line 211 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), CuikSystemMerge(), InitCuikSystem(), ReduceBox(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

unsigned int* TCuikSystem::varType

Type for each original variable (system, dummy, ...) in the simplified+dummified system.

Definition at line 213 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), CuikSystemMerge(), InitCuikSystem(), ReduceBox(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

Tequation TCuikSystem::eqMin

Equation to be minimized when searcMode is set to MINIMIZATION_SEARCH in its simplified+dummified form.

Definition at line 216 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), PrintCuikSystemWithSimplification(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

boolean TCuikSystem::simp_empty

TRUE if the simplified system includes no equations.

Definition at line 223 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), CuikSystemMerge(), DeleteCuikSystem(), InitCuikSystem(), SolveCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

unsigned int TCuikSystem::simp_nequations

Total number of equations in the simplified system.

Definition at line 228 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), CuikGradientInBox(), CuikNewtonInBox(), CuikNewtonSimp(), ManifoldDimension(), ReduceBox(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

unsigned int TCuikSystem::simp_nee

Number of equalities in the simplified set of equations.

Definition at line 230 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by AddSimplifiedJacobianEquations(), CopyCuikSystem(), CuikGradientInBox(), CuikNewtonInBox(), CuikNewtonSimp(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

unsigned int* TCuikSystem::simp_tp

Topology of the variables in the simplified system. NULL if all variables are real.

Definition at line 232 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), CuikGradientInBox(), CuikNewtonInBox(), CuikNewtonSimp(), InitCuikSystem(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

Tequation TCuikSystem::simp_eqMin

Equation to be minimized when searcMode is set to MINIMIZATION_SEARCH in its simplified form.

Definition at line 235 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

TJacobian TCuikSystem::J

Jacobian of the simplified set of equations (only for equalities).

Definition at line 238 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), CuikGradientInBox(), CuikNewtonInBox(), CuikNewtonSimp(), ManifoldDimension(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

unsigned int TCuikSystem::orig_nequations

Total number of equations in the original system.

Definition at line 245 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), CuikSystemMerge(), InitCuikSystem(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

boolean* TCuikSystem::orig_systemVar

TRUE if the 'i'-th original variable is a system var or a secondary var. This array is basically used to select the variables when printing solutions. We include the secondary variables since, although they can be computed from the system ones, we have no explicit equations to do so and, therefore. the presence of the secondary variables in solutions is a must. This basically caches the output of GetCSSystemVars

Definition at line 247 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by CopyCuikSystem(), CuikGradientInBox(), CuikNewtonInBox(), CuikSystemMerge(), InitCuikSystem(), PostProcessBox(), RegenerateSolutionPoint(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().

boolean* TCuikSystem::orig_notDummyVar
char** TCuikSystem::orig_varNames

Pointers to the name of the variables. Used when printing boxes.

Definition at line 256 of file cuiksystem.h.

Referenced by AddSimplifiedJacobianEquations(), CopyCuikSystem(), IncrementalSampleCuikSystemInBox(), PostProcessBox(), UnUpdateCuikSystem(), and UpdateCuikSystem().