Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial



Simulated odometry with loop closure detection.


function V=SimOdometryWithLoopClosure(varargin)


 Simulated odometry with loop closure detection.

 This sensor includes a simulated odometry with the extra facility of
 closing loops for poses withing a given match area. This can be used, for
 instance to simulate a perfect vision system able to recognize if to
 images are taken from similar poses.

 The possible parameters are:
     - Another simulated vision sensor.
     - The sensor noise, a noiseless trajectory from where to generate the
       noisy simulated sensor readings, and the match area (the maximum
       displacement arount the pose where sensor readings are obtained
       where a match with another readings is possible).

 See also SimOdometry.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function V=SimOdometryWithLoopClosure(varargin)
0002 % Simulated odometry with loop closure detection.
0003 %
0004 % This sensor includes a simulated odometry with the extra facility of
0005 % closing loops for poses withing a given match area. This can be used, for
0006 % instance to simulate a perfect vision system able to recognize if to
0007 % images are taken from similar poses.
0008 %
0009 % The possible parameters are:
0010 %     - Another simulated vision sensor.
0011 %     - The sensor noise, a noiseless trajectory from where to generate the
0012 %       noisy simulated sensor readings, and the match area (the maximum
0013 %       displacement arount the pose where sensor readings are obtained
0014 %       where a match with another readings is possible).
0015 %
0016 % See also SimOdometry.
0018  switch nargin
0019     case 1
0021       % Copy constructor
0022       if isa(varargin{1},'SimOdometryWithLoopClosure')
0023         V=varargin{1};
0024       else
0025         error('Sensor copy constructor used with an non SimOdometryWithLoopClosure object');
0026       end
0028     case 3 % noise + trajectory + matchArea
0030       V.groundTruth=varargin{2};
0031       V.matchArea=varargin{3};
0033       S=SimOdometry(varargin{1},varargin{2});
0035       V=class(V,'SimOdometryWithLoopClosure',S);
0037     otherwise
0038       error('Defining a SimOdometryWithLoopClosure sensor with the wrong number of parameters');
0039   end

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial

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