Farzad Husain

About me
Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (IRI, CSIC-UPC)
C/ Llorens i Artigas 4-6
08028 Barcelona (Spain)
shusain (at) iri.upc.edu


I am working towards my PhD at the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (CSIC-UPC), under the supervision of Babette Dellen and Carme Torras. My research is mainly focused on the semantic analysis using tools from computer vision and deep learning.

Publications (Google Scholar)


  • Recognizing Point Clouds using Conditional Random Fields, F. Husain, B. Dellen and C. Torras, in International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). [PDF], [bibtex]
  • Realtime Tracking and Grasping of a Moving Object from Range Video, F. Husain, A. Colomé, B. Dellen, G. Alenyà and C. Torras, in International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). [PDF], [project page], [presentation], [bibtex]

  • Joint Segmentation and Tracking of Object Surfaces in Depth Movies along Human/Robot Manipulations, B. Dellen, F. Husain and C. Torras, in 8th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP). [PDF], [project page], [presentation], [bibtex]


  • Robust Surface Tracking in Range Image Sequences, F. Husain, B. Dellen and C. Torras, Digital Signal Processing, [PDF], [project page], [bibtex]
  • Consistent Depth Video Segmentation using Adaptive Surface Models, F. Husain, B. Dellen and C. Torras, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, [PDF], [project page], [bibtex]
  • Action Recognition based on Efficient Deep Feature Learning in the Spatio-Temporal Domain, F. Husain, B. Dellen and C. Torras, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, [PDF], [project page], [bibtex]
  • Combining Semantic and Geometric Features for Object Class Segmentation of Indoor Scenes, F. Husain, H. Schulz, B. Dellen, C. Torras and S. Behnke, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, [PDF], [bibtex]