Theoretical Kinematics Virtual Library

Take to Kinematics,
it will reward you;
it is more fecund than Geometry;
it adds a fourth dimension to Geometry

--- Advice of Chevyshev to Sylvester.

The main aim of this webpage is to provide an exahustive compilation of all the scientific works by the most relevant kinematicians born about before 1950. In today's digital world, where there has been an explosion in the number of publications in all areas of knowledge, I have adopted this temporal bound to avoid including here authors with hundreds of publications which are easy to obtain from other sites.

Some works might not seem directly connected to kinematics. Their incorporation would deserve a case-by-case explanation which, for the moment, is beyond my possibilities.  

No finantial support is being received to improve and maintain this webpage. Although it is mainly the result of my personal efforts, my colleagues Petru A. Simionescu (Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, USA), Ettore Pennestrí (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy), and Victoria Tytarenko (University of Lviv, Ucrania) are helping me with their comments and scanned documents to improve the quality and completeness of this webpage. I am deeply indebted to their support.

I am t
he only responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this webpage. Thus, to report mistakes, missing references, comments, or contribute with your scanned documents, please contact me at:  f.thomas(at)

You can refer to this webpage as:
  • F. Thomas, The Theoretical Kinematics Virtual Library, webpage accessible at < >.



  • V. Liguine, Liste des travaux sur les systèmes articulés, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques et Astronomiques, Vol. 7, pp. 145-160, 1883.
  • R. Kanayama, Bibliography on the theory of linkages (1631-1931), The Tôhoku Mathematical Journal, Vol. 37, pp. 294-319, 1933.
    • Text in Japanese,  Roman references. Gives 306 titles covering the period 1631-1931.
  • Raymond Clare Archibald (1875-1955), Bibliography of the theory of linkages, Scripta Mathematica, Vol 2, pp. 293-94, 1934.
    • Gives about a dozen references not covered in Kanayania's list.
  • Hain's bibliography, 1952.
    • The 2412 references that appeared in Hain's book "Applied Kinematics".
  • Алексей Николаевич Боголюбов, Развитие проблем механики машин: (Библиография) Наукова думка,1967. (A.N. Bogolyubov, Development of Problems in Mechanics of Machines, a Bibliography, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1967). 
    • A magnificent bibliographical study of the books and journal articles which have been published, dealing with the subject of the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, between 1700 and 1964. It is considered a better compilation than the well-known appendix of 2412 references in the book "Applied Kinematics" published in 1952 by K. Hain.
  • N. Rosenauer and F.E. Crossley, Contemporary problems in the theory of machines and mechanisms: Edited by the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, 1965, Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 233-243, 1967.
  • A.H. Soni et al.,  Bibliography on Kinematics, Oklahoma State University, Still­water, 1968.
  • G.G. Lowen and R.S. Berkof, Survey of Invertigations into the balancing of linkages, Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 3 , pp. 221-231, 1968.
  • J. de Groot, Bibliography on kinematics. Vol. I, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1970.
  • J. de Groot, Bibliography on kinematics. Vol. II, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1970.



     Niculae ABRAMESCU (1884-1947)

Louis Robert Jules d'ADHÉMAR (1874-1941)
        Louis Robert Jules d'ADHÉMAR (1874-1941)

        M. H. AHRENDT ( - )

        Hiram ALBALA ( - )

     Rasim I. ALIZADE ( - )

      C. Wesley ALLEN ( - )

  • Points position reduction, Transactions of the Fifth Conference on Mechanisms, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind., pp. 181–193, 1958.
  • Four-bar linkages. Five point position reduction, Machine Design, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 141-145, 1959.
  • The design of linkages to generate functions of two variables, Transactions of the ASME, Series B, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 23-29, 1959.

Lorenzo Allievi
     Lorenzo ALLIEVI (1856-1941)

     Luís da Costa e ALMEIDA (1841-1919)

  • Apontamentos sobre duas passagens do Curso de Mechanica de M. Duhamel, O Instituto: jornal scientifico e litterario, Vol. 19, pp. 56-61, 1872.
  • Composiçao das forças parallelas, O Instituto: jornal scientifico e litterario, Vol. 20, pp.75-77, 1873.
  • Apontamentos de Mecanica, O Instituto: jornal scientifico e litterario, Vol. 23, pp.272-278, 1876
  • Composiçao das forças concorrentes deduzida do principio da alavanca, O Instituto: jornal scientifico e litterario, Vol. 24, pp. 24-28, 1877.
  • Polygono funicular, O Instituto: jornal scientifico e litterario, Vol. 24, No. 19, pp. 116-129, 1877.
  • Duas palavras acerca de uma proposiçao de Mecanica, O Instituto: jornal scientifico e litterario, Vol. 25, pp. 254-256, 1878.

Hermann Alt
     Hermann Martin ALT (1889-1954)

  • Zur Theorie der Geschwindigkeits- und Beschleunigungspläne einer komplan bewegten Ebene, Dissertation Desden, 1914.
  • Zur Synthese der ebenen Mechanismen (Synthesis of planar mechanisms), Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 373-398, 1921.
  • Über die Erzeugung gegebener ebener Kurven mit Hilfe des Gelenkviereckes (About the generation of given plane curves with the aid of the four-bar linkage), Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 13-19, 1923.
  • Die komplane Bewegung einer Ebene, deren Geschwindigkeitszustand gegeben ist (The complete movement of a plane whose velocity state is given), Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 4,  No. 3, pp. 243-249, 1924.
  • Über die Totlagen des Gelenkvierecks (About the dead points of the four-bar linkage), Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 337-346, 1925.
  • Geometrie der Bewegungen, Handbuch der Physik von Geiger-Scheel,  Bd. 5, Kap. 5, Velag  Julius Springer, Berlin, 1927.
  • Die Behandlung der Getriebelehre an den Technischen Hochschulen, VDI-Verlag, Berlin, 1929. (with Karl Kutzbach and Ernst Heidebroek)
  • Die Bedeutung der Getriebelehre für den Bau von Verarbeitungsmaschinen, Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 74, No. 5, pp. 139-144, 1930.
  • Koppelgetriebe als Rastgetriebe. Ihre Ermittlung durch Koppelkurven oder Krfimmungskreise, Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 76, pp. 456-462 and pp. 533-537, 1932. 
  • Zur Geometrie der Koppelrastgetriebe, Ingenieur-Archiv, Vol. 3,  No. 4, pp. 394-411, 1932.
  • Sonderfalle der RM-kurve und der Burmesterschen Mittelpuntkurve, Maschinenbau - der Betrieb. (Reuleaux Mitteilungen), Vol. 4, p. 277-279, 1936.
  • Getriebelehre - ein Grundpfeiler der technischen Wissenschaft, o.O. 1937.
  • Über die Totlagen von Getrieben. Maschinenbau/Betrieb 19, pp. 173-176, 1940.
  • Das Konstruieren von Gelenkvierecken unter Benutzung einer Kurventafel, Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 85, pp. 69-72, 1941.

      Fritz Gerhard ALTMANN (1899-1973)

  • Koppelgetriebe fuer gleichfoermige Uebersetzung, Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 92, No. 33, pp. 909-916, 1950.
  • Zur Zahlsynthese der raümlichen Koppelgetriebe, Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 93, No. 9, pp. 205-208, 1951.
  • Sonderformen raümlicher Koppelgetriebe und Grenzen ihrer Verwendbarkeit, VDI-Berichte, Tagungsheft No. 1, VDI, Duesseldorf, pp. 51–68, 1953; also in Konstruktion, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 97–106, 1952.
  • Über räumlicher sechsgliedrige Koppelgetriebe, Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 96, No. 8, pp. 245-249, 1954.
  • Räumliche fiinfgliedrige Koppelgetriebe, Konstruktion, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 254-259, 1954.
  • Ausgewaehlte Raumgetriebe, VDI-Berichte, Vol. 12, pp. 69–76, 1956.
  • Raumgetriebe, Feinwerktechnik, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 1-10, 1956.
  • Reibgetriebe mit stufenlos einstellbarer Übersetzung, Maschinen-bautechnik, supplement Getriebetechnik, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 313–322, 1961.

      Ugo ANCORA (1867-1936)

              ANGELES (1945- )
     Jorge ANGELES (1943- )

     Robert William ANGUS (1873-1960)

Ricardo ARANAZ (1852-1932)
      Ricardo ARANAZ E IZAGUIRRE  (1852-1932)

  • Los mecanismos. Estudios analíticos y gráficos. Texto. Establecimiento tipográfico de Zacarías Díez, Madrid, 1920.
  • Los mecanismos. Estudios analíticos y gráficos. Atlas. Establecimiento tipográfico de Zacarías Díez, Madrid, 1920.

Paul Émile APPEL (1855-1930)
      Paul Émile APPELL (1855-1930)

Siegfried Heinrich
      Siegfried Heinrich ARONHOLD (1819-1884)

Ivan Ivanovich ARTOBOLEVSKII (1905-1977)
    Ivan Ivanovich ARTOBOLEVSKII (1905-1977)
    Иван Иванович

Leonid Assur
     Leonid Vladímirovich ASSUR (1878-1920)
     Леонид Владимирович Ассур

  • Две теоремы механики твёрдого тела в применении к изучению движения плоских механизмов. Бюллетень политехнического общества, состоящего при Императорском техническом училище, 1907, № 6. — С. 301—306. (Two theorems of the mechanics of a rigid body and their application to the study of the motion of plane mechanisms. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Society of the Imperial Technical School, No. 6, pp. 301-306, 1907).
  • Analogues of the accelerations and their appliance to dynamic analysis of the planar link mechanisms (in Russian), The Proceedings of Saint-Petersburg Polytechnical Institute, Department of technical, physical and mathematical sciences, vol 9/2, pp 735–773, 1909.
  • Basic attributes of analogues of the accelerations in analytical presentation (in Russian), The Proceedings of Saint-Petersburg Polytechnical Institute, Department of technical, physical and mathematical sciences, vol 11/2. pp 317–338, 1909.
  • Velocity and acceleration vector diagrams of planar mechanisms (in Russian), Saint-Petersburg, 1911.
  • Die Methode der charakteristischen Kurven, als Beitrag zur graphischen Auswertung mehrfachen Integrale, Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, No. 60, pp. 1-60, 1912.
  • Исследование плоских стержневых механизмов с низшими парами с точки зрения их структуры и классификации. Известия СПб. политехн. ин-та, т. XX, вып. 1, 1913, C. 329-385; т. XX, вып. 2, 1913, C. 581-635; т. XXI, вып. 1, 1914, C. 187-283; т. XXI, вып. 2, 1914, C. 475-573.
  • Geometrical construction schemes of some curve lines (in Russian), Saint-Petersburg, 1916.
  • Исследование плоских стержневых механизмов с низшими парами с точки зрения их структуры и классификации. — М.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1952. (Researches on the structure and classification of planar mechanisms with lower pairs, Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1952.)

      Friedrich W. O. AUGUST (1840-1900)

  • Beweis des Peaucellier'schen Satzes (Proof of Peaucellier's Theorem), Grunert's Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 63, p. 216, 1875.


Cemil BAGCI (1932-1998)
      Cemil BAGCI (1932-1998)
      Cemil BAĞCI

      John Eddie BAKER ( - )

Robert Stawell Ball (1840-1913)
      Robert Stawell BALL (1840-1913)

Georgiy Georgievich BARANOV (1899-1968)
      Georgiy Georgievich BARANOV (1899-1968)
      Георгий Георгиевич Баранов

  • Кинематика пространственных механизмов. Труды Военно-воздушной академии им. Н.Е. Жуковского. 1937. - Вып. 18. - С. 3-64.104
  • О решении некоторых задач Чебышева. Труды семинара по ТММ. М.: Изд-во АН СССР. - 1948. - Т. 5, вып. 20. - С. 78-107.
  • Класификатиа Строение, Кинематика и Кинетостатика плоских Механизмов с Парами первого Рода, Труды семинара по ТММ, АН СССР, Труды семинара по теории машин и механизмов, Vol. 2, No. 46, pp. 15-39, 1952.
    • English translation: Classification Structure, Kinematics and Kinetostatics of Planar Mechanisms with First-Class Couples, Workshop on TMM, USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • Курс теории механизмов и машин,  Машгиз, Москва, 1959.

      Thomas Walter BARBER (1846-1917)

      Giuseppe BARDELLI (1837-1908)

      Vladimír BÁRDOŠ ( - )

  • Návody na štúdium kinematiky, 1958.
  • Príspevok k zišťovaniu geometrickej a kinematickej presnosti rovinných mechanizmov, 1961.
  • Kinematika v príkladoch, Bratislava, 1964.
  • Strojnícka statika, 1967.
  • A contribution to the theory of recursive relationships, Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 65-69, 1969.
Giuseppe BATTAGLINI (1826-1894)
      Giuseppe BATTAGLINI (1826-1894)

  • Nota sui determinanti, Rendiconto della Real Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche di Napoli, 1862.
  • Intorno ai sistemi di rette di primo grado, Rendiconti delle Reale Accad. delle Scienze Fis. e Mat. di Napoli, 1866.
    • also in Giornale di Matematiche, Vol. 6, pp. 24-27, 1868.
  • Intorno ai sistemi di rette di secondo grado I, Giornale di Matematiche, Vol. 6, pp. 239-259, 1868.
  • Intorno ai sistemi di rette di secondo grado II, Giornale di Matematiche, Vol. 7, p. 55, 1869.
  • Sulle dinami in involuzione, Rendiconto della Real Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche di Napoli, 1869.
  • Sulla composizione delle forze, Rendiconto della Real Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche di Napoli, 1869.
    • also in:  Giorornale di Matematiche, Vol. 10, pp. 133-140, 1872.
  • Sulla teorica dei momenti, Rendiconto della Real Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche di Napoli, 1869.
    • also in:  Giornale di Matematiche, Vol. 10, pp. 175-180, 1872. 
  • Sulle serie di sistemi di forze, Rendiconto della Real Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche di Napoli, 1869.
    • also in: Giornale di Matematiche, Vol. 10, pp. 180-187, 1872.
  • Sülle dinami in involuzione, Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche di Napoli, 1869.
  • Sul movimento geometrico infinitesimo di un sistema rigido, Rendiconto della Real Accademia delle scienze fisiche e matematiche di Napoli, Vol. 9, pp. 89-100, 1870.
  • Sul movimento di un sistema di forma invariabile, Giornale di Matematiche, Vol. 11, pp. 359-367, 1873.
              Stiles Beggs (1905-1991)
      Joseph Stiles BEGGS (1905-1991)

  • Mechanism, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1955.
    • Spanish translation: Mecanismos, Editorial Hispano Americana, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1963.
  • A theorem in plane kinematics, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 145–146, 1958.
  • Ein Beitrag zur Analyse Räumlicher Mechanismen, Diss., Technischen Hochchule Hannover, 1959.
  • Mirror-image kinematics, Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 388-393, 1960.
  • Some studies in space mechanism, Proceedings of the International Conference of Teachers of Mechanisms, Yale University, pp. 3-9, 1961.
  • Advanced Mechanims, Macmillan Series in Mechanical Engineering, Macmillan, N.Y., 1966.
  • Stresses in redundant mechanisms, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 223-228, 1970.
  • Mirror-image kinematics, Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vol. 65, No. 12, pp. 1517-1518, 1975.

      Jean Baptiste Charles Joseph BÉLENGER (1790-1874)

  • Traité de cinématique, 1864.
Giusto BELLAVITIS (1803-1880)
      Giusto BELLAVITIS (1803-1880)

     Enrique BELDA VILLENA (1900-1978)

  • Mecánica Pura y sus Aplicaciones Técnicas, Editorial Moderna, Bilbao, 1943.
  • Mecanismos: Teoría Cinética de los Mecanismos y Cálculo de Órganos de Máquinas, La Editorial Vizcaina, Bilbao, 1967.

 В. Я. Белецкий

  • Calculation of the full number of parameters of the scheme of a transfer hinged four-bar linkage on the condition of interpolational approximation with one multiple and two simple knots (in Russian), The Fifth Soviet Conference on Fundamental Problems in the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 1967.
  • Вычисление полного числа параметров схемы передаточного шарнирного четырехзвенника по условиям интерполяционного приближения с одним кратным и двумя простыми узлами, Анализ и синтез механизмов, pp. 128-136, 1969.
  • Расчет механизмов машин-автоматов пищевых производств (Calculation of mechanisms of automatic machines for food production), Киев: Вища школа, 1974.
  • Алгоритм синтеза и кинематического анализа семизвенного рычажного механизма с периодической остановкой, Теория механизмов и машин, Vol. 27,  pp. 96-99, 1979. (with H.T. Монашко). 
  • Синтез шагового шестизвенного механизма с регулируемым углом выстоя, Теория механизмов и машин, Vol. 30, pp. 29-31, 1981 (with H. T. Монашко)
  • Синтез многозвенной шарнирной цепи кулачково-рычажного механизма, Теория механизмов и машин. Харьков, Vol..37, pp. 3-34, 1984.
  • К синтезу передаточного шарнирного шестизвенного механизма комбинированным методом, Изв. вузов. Машиностроение, No. 2. pp. 49-52, 1988.
Geoffrey Bennett
     Geoffrey Thomas BENNETT (1868-1943)

              Bereis (1903-1966)
       Rudolf BEREIS (1903-1966)

  • Neue Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von Inversor und Polarograph (New uses of the Inversor and the Polarograph), Dissertation, Technische Hochschule, Technische Universität Wien, 1928.
  • Mechanismen zur Verwirklichung der Joukowsky-Abbildung, Archiv der Mathematik, Vol. 2, pp. 126-134, 1949/1950.
  • Aufbau einer Theorie der ebenen Bewegung mit Verwendung komplexer Zahlen (Building a theory of plane motion using complex numbers), Österreichisches Ingenieur-Archiv, Vol. 5, pp. 246-266, 1951.
  • Über die Böschungslinien auf Drehquadriken, Monatshefte für Mathematik, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp 344-351, 1952.
  • Die Fernpolstellung der ebenen Bewegung, Österreichisches Ingenieur-Archiv, Vol. 6, pp. 246-255, 1952.
  • Über die symmetrische Rollungen, Österreichisches Ingenieur-Archiv, Vol. 7, pp. 243-246, 1953.
  • Über die Geraden-Hullbhanen bei der Bewegung eines starren ebenen Systems, Österreichisches Ingenieur-Archiv, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 45-55, 1955.
  • Über koaxiale euklidische Schraubungen, Monatshefte für Mathematik, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 225-245, 1957.
  • Schraubung und Netzprojektion, Elemente der Mathematik,Vol. 12, pp. 33-40, 1957. (with H. Brauner)
  • Die Kinematik in der Gaußschen Zahlenebenem, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden, Vol. 8, pp. 1-8, 1958.
  • Über das Raumbild eines ebenen Zwanglaufes (kinematische Abbildung nach Blaschke und Grünwald), Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden, Vol. 13, pp. 7-16, 1964.
  • Grundlagen zur analytischen Erfassung spezieller Polortkurven, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden, No. 3-4, 1964.
  • Parabolische Netzprojektion. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden, Vol. 15, pp. 453-458, 1966. (with W.D. Klix)
  • Über die Bahnaffinnormalen bei der Bewegung eines starren ebenen Systems bei kollokaler Lage der ersten drei Pole, Monatshefte für Mathematik, Vol. 71, No. 4, pp. 289-299, 1967.

Evgeny Nikolaevich BEREZKIN (1921-1976)
       Evgeny Nikolaevich BEREZKIN (1921-1976)
        Евгений Николаевич Берёзкин

              Johannes Elisa Beth (1880-1952)
     Hermanus Johannes Elisa BETH (1880-1952)

  • Over de beweging van een onveranderlijk vlak in zichzelf met twee graden van vrijheid, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, Vol. 15, pp. 345-376, 1928.
  • Die Bebegungen eines starren Koerpers, die bei der Studyschen Abbildung algebraischen Bildkurven entsprechen, Christiaan Huygens, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 226-272, 1937.
  • Die Bebegungen eines starren Koerpers, die bei der Studyschen Abbildung algebraischen Bildkurven entsprechen, Christiaan Huygens, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 145-154, 1938.
  • De ontbindbare vlakke stelsels met twee graden van vrijheid, Christian Huygens, Vol. 17, pp. 164-178, 1938.
  • Kinematica in het platte vlak, Noorduijn's Wetenschappelijke Reeks, No. 32, Gorinchem, 1949.
    • Also in Christiaan Huygens, Vol. 16, No. 6,  pp. 226-272, and Vol. 18,  No. 3,  pp. 145-154.

Rudolf August Beyer
     Rudolf August BEYER (1892-1960)

     Edouard BÉZINE ( - )

Kristian Olaf Birkeland
     Kristian Olaf BIRKELAND (1867-1917)

  • En generalisation af Sylvester skjæve pantograf, Tidsskrift for Mathematik, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 17–18, 1887.
  • Étude sur la théorie des systèmes articulés,  Archiv für Mathematik og Naturvidenskab, Christiania (Oslo), Vol. 12, pp. 361-364, 1888.

     K. E. BISSHOPP ( - )

    Thomas Holmes BLAKESLEY (1847-1929)

     Wilhelm Johann Eugen BLASCHKE (1885-1962)

  • Untersuchungen über die Geometrie der Speere in der Euklidischen Ebene, Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 21, pp. 3-60, 1910.
  • Zur Geometrie der Speere im Euklidischen Raume, Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 21, pp. 201–307, 1910.
  • Ein Lehrsatz zur Kinematik, Archiv der Mathematik und Physik, Vol 3, No. 17, pp. 194-195, 1911.
  • Euklidische Kinematik und nichteuklidische Geometrie, Zeitschrift Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 60, pp. 61-91, pp. 203-204, 1911.
  • Untersuchungen über die Geometrie der Speere in der Euklidischen Ebene, Karl Prochaska Verlag, Teschen, 1915.
  • Kreis und Kugel, Verlag con Veit & Comp, Leipzig, 1916.
  • Riflessioni sulla cinematica classica, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della R. Università degli studi di Roma, Ser. 4, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 130-135, 1938.
  • Zur Bewegungsgeometrie auf der Kugel (The movement geometry of the sphere), Commentarri Mathematici Helvetici, Vol. 17, pp.80-82, 1944.
  • Über flächenläufige Bewegungsvorgänge, Commentarri Mathematici Helvetici, Vol. 17, pp. 278-282, 1944.
  • Consideraciones sobre cinemática, Publicaciones del Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad Nacional, Vol. 6 (Homenaje a Julio Bey Pastor), pp. 179-182, Rosario, Argentina, 1946. 
  • Zur Bewegungsgeometrie auf der Kugel (The movement geometry of the sphere), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1948.
  • Contributi alla cinematica (Contributions to Kinematics), Publ. Istituto per le applicazioni del calcolo N. 262, Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (CNR), Roma, 1950.
  • Geometría de los tejidos: curso de conferencias desarrollado en el Seminario Matemático de Barcelona recopiladas por José Teixidor y Alberto Dou, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Barcelona, 1954.
  • Ebene Kinematik, Math. Einzelschriften, Bd. 5, München, 1956. (with H.R. Müller).
  • Zur Kinematik, Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 171-175, 1958.
  • Anwendung dualer Quaternionen auf Kinematik, Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Gesammelte Werke, Vol. 2, pp. 1-13, 1958.
  • Curso de cinemática (A Course on Kinematics), Serie de conferencias pronunciadas en el Seminario Matemático de la Universidad de Barcelona durante el primer trimestre del curso académico 1958-1959.
  • Kinematik und Quaternionen, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1960.
  • Sulla cinematica elementale, Città di Siracusa, Celebr. Archimedée del Sec. XX, Vol. I, pp. 1-33, 1962.
  • Gesammelte Werke, v.2: Works of W. Blaschke on Kinematics (18 titles; pp.33–209), Thales, Essen.

     Zalman Shevelevich BLOCH
     Залман Шевелевич

  • On the synthesis of four-bar linkages (in Russian), Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, 1940.
  • On the theorem of Roberts-Chebyshev,  Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, No. 4, pp. 119-120, 1940.
  • Практические методы синтеза плоских четырехзвенных механизмов. Применение метода номограмм , Издательство Академии наук СССР, Москва, Ленинград, 1943. (with E.B. Karpin)
    • English translation: Practical methods of designing flat four-bar mechanism. Application of the monogram method
  • Атлас номограмм, Издательство Академии наук СССР, Москва-Ленинград, 1943. (with E.B. Karpin)
    • English translation: Atlas of Nomograms
  • Приближенный синтез механизмов: воспроизводство, применение и разработка методов академика П. Л. Чебышева, Машгиз, 1948.
    • German translation by Hans Kaiser: Angenäherte Synthese von Mechanismen: Wiedergabe, Anwendung und Entwicklung der Methoden des Akademikers P. L. Tschebyschew, Verlag Technik, Berlin, 1951.
    • English translation: Approximate synthesis of mechanisms: reproduction, application and development of the methods by academician P. L. Chebyshev.
  • Angenäherte Synthese von Mechanisme, Verlag Technik, Berlin, 1951.
Leonard Mascot BLUMENTHAL (1901-1984)
     Leonard Mascot BLUMENTHAL (1901-1984)

              C. Bogdan (1923-2004)
     Arthur BOCK (1898-1991)

Radu C. Bogdan (1923-2004)
     Radu C. BOGDAN (1923-2004)

  • Über die experimentelle Bestimmung der Bewegungen in ebenen Getrieben, Revue de Mécanique AppliquéeAcadémie de la République Populaire Roumaine, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1957. (with Chr.  Pelecudi,  E. Bugaevski, and L. Calmaciuc)
  • Etude des vitesses dans les mechanismes plans par la méthode mécano-éctronique, Revue de Mécanique Appliquée, Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1962. (with Chr. Pelecudi, L. Calmaciuc, and Gr. Antonescu)
  • Contributions to the kinematics of Chebyshev's dyad, Revue de Mécanique AppliquéeAcadémie de la République Populaire Roumaine,  Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 229-240, 1960. (with Chr.  Pelecudi)
  • Use of the harmonic analysis for studying plane Assur groups of aspect II and III,  Revue de Mécanique Appliquée, Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 533-539, 1963.
  • Analiticeskie  soobrajenia  dvuhsvennîh  kinematiceskih  gruppah, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Série de Mécanique Appliquée, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1964.
  • General study of five-bar mechanisms with the aid of complex harmonic series, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Série de Mécanique  Appliquée,  Vol. 9, No. 4, 1964.
  • Five-bar mechanisms. I—Positive transmission ratios, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Série de Mécanique Appliquée, Vol. 9, No. 5, 1964.
  • Five-bar mechanisms. II—Negative transmission ratios, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Série de Mécanique Appliquée, Vol. 9, No. 6, 1964.
  • Harmonische Analyse binarer Strukturgruppen der Aspekte IV and V, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Série de Mécanique Appliquée, Vol.  11, No. 5, 1966. (with T.  V.   Huncher) 
  • General systematization and unified calculation of five and four-bar plane basic mechanisms, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 89, No. 2,  pp. 189-198, 1967. (with T.  V.   Huncher) 
  • Analiza armonica complexa si mecanoelectrica a mecanismelor plane, Academiei, 1968.
  • Complex harmonic analysis of plane mechanisms: Programming on digital computers and experimental examples, ASME Journal of Manufactury Science and Engineering, Vol. 91, No. 1, pp. 27-36, 1969 (with D. Larionescu and I. Cărutasu).
  • Memoriilor calculatoarelor electronice, 1975.
  • Sinteza mecanismelor plane articulate, 1977 (with Dan Larionescu and S. Cononovici).

Bogolyubov, Alexey Nikolaevich
     Alexey Nikolaevich BOGOLYUBOV (1911-2004)
      Алексей Николаевич Боголюбов

  • История механики машин. Акад. наук УССР. Сектор истории естествознания и техники Ин-та истории. - Киев : Наукова думка, 1964.
  • Математики. Механики. Биографический справочник. — Киев: Наукова думка, 1967.
  • Августин Августинович Бетанкур 1758—1824. — М.: Наука, 1969.
  • Советская школа механики машин. — М.: Наука, 1975.
  • Георгий Николадзе 1888—1931. — Тбилиси: Сабчота Сакартвело, 1978.
  • Иван Иванович Артоболевский 1905—1977. — М.: Наука, 1982.
Émile BOREL (1871-1956)
     Émile BOREL (1871-1956)

Oene Bottema
     Oene BOTTEMA (1901-1992)

Jules Boulvin
     Jules BOULVIN (1855-1920)

Heinrich Georg
              Brandenberger (1896-1964),
     Heinrich Georg BRANDENBERGER (1896-1964)

  • Kinematische Getriebemodelle Miniatecnic: Eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der Kinematik und Getriebelehre, Schweizer Druck- und Verlagshaus, Zürich, 1955.

     Vladimír BRÁT (1927-1983)

  • Příručka kinematiky s příklady, 1960.
  • Maticová metoda kinematického řešení prostorových mechanismů: s nižšími kinematickými dvojicemi (The matrix method in the kinematic description of spatial mechanisms),  Nakl. Československé akademie věd., Praha, 1965.
    • German translation: Die Matrizenmethode und illre Anwendung bei räumlichen Mechanismen, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule KarI-Marx-Stadt, 1965.
  • Maticová metoda postupnych oprav v syntéze prostorovych mechanismu, Stronjnicky Casopis, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 43-56, 1969.
  • A six-link spatial mechanism, Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 325-336, 1969.
  • Zur Problematik der Getriebesynthese, Maschinenmarkt, Vol. 76, No. 44, pp. 2157-2163, 1970.
  • Application of an analogue computer to the synthesis of plane jointed mechanisms, Journal of Mechanismsms, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 107-118, 1971 (with Miroslav Václavik).
  • Kinematic analysis of spatial mechanisms with general kinematic pairs (a matrix method), Proceedings of the3rd World Congress on the TMM, Vol. C, Cupari, Yugoslavia, 1971.
  • Příručka kinematiky s příklady, Státní nakladatelství technické literatury, Praha, 1976.
  • Kinematika, 1979  (with Václav Jáč and Josef Rosenberg).
  • Maticové metody v analýze a syntéze prostorových vázaných mechanických systémů, 1981.
  • Spatial constrained mechanical system kinematic analysis employing a computer for generating a mathematical model, Acta Technica CSAV, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 93-108, 1983 (with Vladimir Pavlik and Vladimir Stejskal).
Reinhard BRAUNE (1943- )
     Reinhard BRAUNE (1943- )

Heinrich BRAUNER
     Heinrich BRAUNER (1928-1990)

Raoul Bricard
     Raoul BRICARD (1870-1944)

BROCARD (1845-1922)
      Pierre René Jean Baptiste Henri BROCARD (1845-1922)

Nikolai Grigorievich BRUEVICH (1896-1987)
      Nikolai Grigorevich BRUEVICH (1896-1987)
       Николай Григорьевич Бруевич

  • Kinetics and Statics of Flat Mechanisms, 1935.
  • Application of Vector Equations in the Kinematics of Plane Mechanisms,1935.
  • Кинетостатика пространственных механизмов / Инж.-мех. Н. Г. Бруевич. — Москва : Акад., 1937. — 85 с. (Труды Военно-воздушной ордена Ленина академии РККА им. Жуковского. Сборник; № 22).
    • English translation: Kinetics and Statics of Spatial Mechanisms.
  • Spatial Mechanisms with Passive Links, 1937.
  • Mechanisms for Solving Algebraic Equations and Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations (Mechanisms for Performing Mathematical Operations), 1941.
  • Точность механизмов / Н. Г. Бруевич. — Москва ; Ленинград : Гостехиздат, 1946 (Москва : Образцовая тип.). — 332 с.
    • English translation: Accuracy of Mechanisms.
  • Основы теории счетно-решающих устройств,  Москва : Советское радио, 1964.
    • Spanish translation: Fundamentos de la teoría de los dispositivos de cálculo.
Charles Vernon BOYS (1855-1944)
      Charles Vernon BOYS (1855-1944)

      Arthur BUCHHEIM (1859-1888)

Ludwig Burmester
      Ludwig Ernst Hans BURMESTER (1840-1927)

      Aubrey Frederic BURSTALL (1902–1984)


      Auguste CALINON (1850–1900)

                  Canalda (1843-1911)
      Luis CANALDA (1843-1911)

      Scipione CAPPA (1857-1910)

  • Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine, 2 Vols., G. Giorgis, Torino, 1890.

Ignatius Carbonnelle
      Ignatius CARBONNELLE (1829-1889)

      Jacob CARDINAAL (1848-1922)

  • Over de beweging van veranderlijke stelsels, Arnst. Akad. Versl., No. 10, pp. 550-566, pp. 687-691, 1902.
  • Over de afbeelding van de beweging van veranderlijke stelsels, Arnst. Akad. Versl., No. 11, pp. 466-471, 1902.
  • Leerboek der Kinematika, J. Waltman, Delft, 1914.

      Ernesto CAVALLI (1852-1911)

      Ernesto CESÀRO (1848-1922)

Arthur Cayley
    Arthur CAYLEY (1821-1895)

    Milton Andrews CHACE (1934-  )

  • Mechanism analysis by vector mathematics, Transactions of the Seventh Conference on Mechanisms, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., 1962.
  • Development and Application of Vector Mathematics for Kinematic Analysis of Three-Dimensional Mechanisms, PhD thesis, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1964.
  • Vector analysis of linkages, ASME Journal of Engineering for industry, Series B, Vol. 85, No. 3, pp. 289-297, 1963.   
  • Solutions to the vector tetrahedron equation, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Trans. ASME, Vol. 87, No. 2, pp. 228-234, 1965.

Michel Floréal CHARLES (1793-1880)
    Michel Floréal CHASLES (1793-1880)

  • Note sur les propriétés générales du système de deux corps semblables entr'eux, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques, Physiques et Chemiques, Vol. 14, pp. 321-326, 1831.
  • Proprietés nouvelles de l'hyperboloïde à une nappe, Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées, Vol. 4, pp. 348-350, 1839.
  • Propriétés géométriques relatives au mouvement infiniment petit d'un corps solide libre dans l'espace, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Vol. 16, pp. 1420-1432, 1843.
  • Propriétés relatives au deplacement fini quelconque dans l'espace d'une figure invariable, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Vol.51, p. 855-863, 1860.
  • Sur le deplacement d'une figure de forme invariable dans l'espace, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Vol. 52, p. 77-85, pp. 189-197, pp. 487-501, 1861
  • Sur les six droites qui peuvent être les directions de six forces en équilibre, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Vol. 52, pp. 1094-1104, 1861.
Chun-Hung CHIANG (1920-2008)     Chun-Hung CHIANG (1920-2008)

  • Mechanisms (in Chinese), Cheng Chung Book, Taipei, 1957.
  • Synthesis of four-bar linkages to match up to four prescribed velocity ratios, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Montreal, pp. 25–28, 1979.
  • On the classification of spherical four-bar linkages, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 19, No. 3,  pp. 283-287, 1984.
  • Kinematics of Spherical Mechanisms, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 1988.


      Nicholas Paul CHIRONIS (1921-1993)

  • Harmonic drive, Prod. Eng., Vol. 31, pp. 47–51, 1960.
  • Spring Design and Application, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961.
  • Mechanisms, Linkages and Mechanical Controls, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1965.
  • Gear Design and Application, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967.
  • Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991. (with Neil Sclater)
William Clifford
      Lauro CLARIANA Y RICART (1842-1916)

Pafnuty Chebyshev
     Pafnuty Lvovich CHEBYSHEV (1821-1894)
     Pafnuty Lvovich TCHEBYCHEF
     Пафнутий Львович

     Domenico CHELINI (1802-1878)

Sergey Alexandrovich
       Yan CHEN ( - )

Sergey Alexandrovich Cherkudinov
     Sergey Alexandrovich CHERKUDINOV 
     Сергей Александрович

  • Синтез плоских шарнирно-рычажных механизмов : задачи о воспроизведении непрерывной функции на заданном отрезке, - М. : Изд-во Акад. наук СССР, 1959. (Synthesis of plane-hinged mechanisms: problems on the reproduction of a continuous function on a given interval, Academy of  Sciences of the USSR, 1959.)
  • Синтез плоских механизмов / И. И. Артоболевский, Н. И. Левитский, С. А. Черкудинов ; ред. А. Е. Кобринский. - М. : ФИЗМАТГИЗ, 1959. (Synthesis of plane mechanisms [with Artobolevsky,  and Levitsky],  Fizmatgiz, Moscow, 1959).
  • Burmester's curve for the case of three infinitesimally separated positions of a plane (in Russian), Trudii Instituta Mashinovedeniia, Akad. Nauk, Moscow, Vol. 21, pp. 133-162, 1961.
  • Some properties of Burmester's curves, Chapter 37 of the book Contemporary problems in the theory of machines and mechanisms: Edited by the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, 1965 (in Russian). In this article he expands Burmester's theory by introducing the cross of opposite points, determining tangents to Burmester's centre curves and showing the construction of asymptotes to the Burmester curves.
  • On the synthesis of double-crank mechanisms (in Russian), The Fifth Soviet Conference on Fundamental Problems in the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (with G.P. Sirotkin).
  • A six-link mechanism for approximate uniform motion (in Russian), The Fifth Soviet Conference on Fundamental Problems in the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (with M.K. Uskov).
Reymond CLAVEL (1950- )
      Reymond CLAVEL (1950- )

William Clifford
      William Kingdon CLIFFORD (1845-1879)

      Édouard Charles Romain COLLIGNON (1831-1913)

      Robert CONNELLY ( - )

  • Kaleidoscopes and mechanisms, Intuitive geometry (Szeged, 1991), pp. 67–75, Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai, 63, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1994. (with B. Hendrickson and M. Terrell)
  • Generic global rigidity of body-bar frameworks, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, Vol. 103, No. 6, pp. 689-705, 2013. (with T. Jordán and W. Whiteley)
  • Rigidity and Symmetry, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2014. (with Asia Ivić Weiss and Walter Whiteley (eds.))
  • Straight line motion with rigid sets, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie (BZAG) / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 127-132, 2018.(with Luis Montejano)
  • Frameworks, tensegrities, and symmetry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2022. (with Simon D. Guest)

Hugh Graham Conway (1914-1989)
      Hugh Graham CONWAY (1914-1989)

      James Henry COTTERILL (1836-1922)

      Homersham COX (1857–1918)

Henry Howland CRAPO (1932-2019)
      Henry Howland CRAPO (1932-2019)

      W. R. CRAWFORD ( - )

  • Examples in Theory of Machines Problems, Pitmans Engineering Degree Series, London, 1936.
  • The mechanical construction of the general conic section, The Engineer, p. 210, 1936.
  • The mechanical construction of certain special curves, The Engineer, p. 441, 1938.  

      Louis Jacques CRELIER (1873-1935)

Francis Rendel Erskine CROSSLEY (1915-2017)
      Francis Rendel Erskine CROSSLEY (1915-2017)

  • Dynamics in machines, Ronald Press Co., 1954.
  • 3D mechanisms, Machine Design, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 175–179, 1955.
  • Analyzing dimensional and velocity characteristics of 3D mechanisms, Machine Design, Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 204–209, 1955. (with F. W. Keator)
  • Die Nachbildung eines mechanischen Kurbelgetriebes rnittels eines elektronischen Anulogrechners, Feinwerktechnik, Vol. 67, 1963.
  • A Contribution to Gruebler's theory in the number synthesis of plane mechanisms, ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 86, Series B, No. 1, pp. 1–5, 1964. 
  • The permutations of ten-link plane kinematic chains, Antriebstechnik, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 181–185, 1964.
  • The permutations of kinematic chains of eight members or less from the graph-theoretic viewpoint, Developments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Edited by W.A. Shaw), Vol. 2, pp. 467–486, Pergamon Press, Oxford, Great Britain, 1964.
  • The permutations or kinematic chains of eight members or less from the graph-theoretic viewpoint, Developments in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 2, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 467–486, 1965.
  • Geometric computing: Analog-simulation of a linkage, International Journal of Mechanical Science, Vol. 7, No. 9, pp. 595-60, 1965.
  • Introducing the electronic analog computer by way of kinematic geometry, Bulletin of Mechanical Engineering Education, Vol. 4, pp.145-159, 1965.
  • Simulation of motion of plane four-link mechanisms on an electronic analogue computer, in Contemporary problems in the theory of machines and mechanisms: Edited by the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, 1965 (in Russian)
  • On an unpublished work of Alt, Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 165–170, 1966.
  • Structural analysis of plane linkages by Franke's condensed notation, Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 171–183, 1966. (with T.H. Davies)
  • Analysis of the displacement of planar Assur groups by computer, Proceedings of the Third World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms,  Vol. C, Paper C-6, pp. 71–82, 1971. (with N. Seshachar).


Jacob Pieter Den
                  Hartog (1901-1989)
      Pieter Den HARTOG (1901-1989)

  • Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, 1948.

      Jean-Gaston DARBOUX (1842-1917)

      George Howard DARWIN (1845-1912)

Trevor H
      Trevor H. DAVIES ( - )

       Étienne Marie Eléonor DELASSUS (1868- )

Charles-Eugène DELAUNAY (1816-1872)
Mikola Borisovich
Charles Eugène
Mikola Borisovich
DELAUNAY (1816-1872)

              DELAUNAY (1856-1931)
Mikola Borisovich
Nikolay Borisovich
Mikola Borisovich
DELAUNAY (1856-1931)
Николай Борисович Делоне

  • Transfer turnover and mechanical drawing curves with hinged-lever mechanisms, PhD dissertation, Odessa University, 1894.
    • German translation: Transformation der Drehungen und Zeichnen von Kurven mittelst Gelenkmechanismen.
  • Appareil pour tracer des ellipses, ?, Vol. 6, pp. 11-13, 1894.
  • Uebertragung der Drehung und mechanische Zeichnung von Curven (in Russian), St. Petersburg. 90 pages, 1894.
  • Sur quelques nouveaux mécanismes: projecteur, ellipsographe, ellipsoïdographe et hyperbolographe, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, Ser.2,  No. 2, pp. p.240-245, 1895.
  • Über die mechanische Erzeugung der orthogonalen Projectionen ebener Curven, der Ellipsen und der Trochoiden, Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 40,  No. 4, pp. 242-244, 1895.
  • Sur quelques nouveaux mécanismes à losange articulé, Journal de Physique, Vol. 3, No. 4,  pp. 315-320, 1895.
  • Die Tschebyschefschen Arbeiten in der Theorie der Gelenkmechanismen, Teubner, Leipzig, 1900.
  • Курсъ теоретической механики для техниковъ и инженеровъ. С.-Петербургъ. Изданіе К. Л. Риккера, 1902.
  • Sur les calculateurs cinématiques des fonctions elliptiques, Bulletin des sciences mathématiques, Vol. 2, No. 26, pp. 177-180, 1902.
  • Детали машинъ. Краткое руководство для техниковъ и инженеровъ. С.-Петербургъ. Типографія Министерства Внутреннихъ Дђлъ,1904.
  • Курсъ технической механики. С.-Петербургъ, Часть первая -1912, Часть вторая — 1913. Изданіе К. Л. Риккера
  • Замђтка о приложеніи аналогій Кирхгоффа къ движенію волчка, открытому проф. Д. К. Бобылевымъ и В. А. Стекловымъ Извђстія Кіевскаго политехническаго института Императора Александра ІІ. Отдђлъ Инженерно-Механическій. Книга 1. Кіевъ. 1914. Типографія Т-ва И. Н. Кушнеревъ и К0. С.15-26
  • Sur les bases nouvelles de la théorie des systèmes articulées, Proceedings of the International Mathematical Congress, Toronto, August 11-16, pp. 911-913, 1924.

Traian DEMIAN (1927-1995)
     Traian DEMIAN (1927-1995)

  • Mecanisme si elemente constructive de mecanica fina, Editura didactică si pedagogică, Bucuresti, 1970. 
  • Mecanisme de mecanica fina, Editura didactica si pedagogica, 1982. (with Dumitru Tudor and Eugen Grecu)

Jacques DENAVIT (1930-2012)
     Jacques DENAVIT (1930-2012)

Peter DIETMAIER ( - )
     Peter DIETMAIER ( - )

Fedor Menasevic DIMENTBERG (1908-1999)      Fedor Menasevic DIMENTBERG (1908-1999)
     Федор Менасьевич Диментберг

     Friedrich DINGELDEY (1859-1939)

  • Über die Erzeugung von Kurven vierter Ordnung durch Bewegungsmechanismen (About the generation of four-order curves by mechanisms), B.G. Teubner, Leipzig, 1885.

              Albertus Dijksman
       Evert Albertus DIJKSMAN (1931-2009)

Martin DISTELI (1862-1923)
     Martin DISTELI (1862-1923)

Günter DITRICH (1935 - 2016 )
     Günter DITTRICH (1935 - 2016)

  • Die Bedingungen für die Umlauffähigkeit sphärischer viergliedriger Kurbelgetriebe, Industrie-Anzeiger, Vol. 91, pp. 1687-1690,
    1969. (with F. Dudita)
  • Methodische Verwendung von Rädergetrieben in ungleichförmig übersetzenden Getrieben, VDI-Z, Vol. 115, No. 7, pp. 569-576, 1973.  (with Reinhart Braune)
  • Getriebetechnik in Beispielen, R. Oldenbourg, Verlag, München Wien, 1978. (with Reinhart Braune)
  • Rechnerunterstützte Synthese ebener Kurbelgetriebe zur Erzeugung vorgegebener Bewegungsabläufe in Verarbeitungsmaschine,  Forschungsberichte des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (FOLANW, volume 2750), Westdeutscher Verlag, 1978. (with Wolfgang Unger)
  • Kinematic Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms, CRC Press, 1994. (with Asok Kumar Mallik and Amitabha Ghosh)

Alfred Cardew DIXON
     Alfred Cardew DIXON (1865-1936)

  • On certain deformable frameworks, Messenger of Mathematics, Vol. 29, pp. 1–21, 1899/1900.
  • A geometrical discussion of the results of Jacobi's transformation theory in relation to coaxial circles and linkages, The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 44, pp. 331-353, 1913.  

Bekir DIZIOGLU (1920-2005)      Bekir DIZIOGLU  (1920-2005)

Viktor Afanasevich DOBROVOLSKY
     Viktor Afanasevich DOBROVOLSKY (1884-1963)
     Виктор Афанасьевич

  • Основные принципы рациональной классификации механизмов. В кн.: Добровольский В. В., Артоболевский И. И. Структура и классификация механизмов. М.-Л.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1939.
  • Spherical three-bar curve. J. Appl. Math. a. Mech. (Akad. Naud. S.S.S.R. prikl. math, mech.), Vol. 8, p. 475-477, 1944.
  • Method of spherical images in the theory of space mechanisms (In Russian), Publications of the Seminar of Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Vol. 3, No. 11, Moscow, 1947.
  • Theorie der Mechanisme zur Konstruktion ebener Kurven, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1957.
  • Machine Elements, Mir Publishers, 1974. (with K. Zoblonsky, S. Mak, A. Radchik, and L. Erlikh).

Vladimir Vladimirovich DOBROVOLSKY (1880-1956)      Vladimir Vladimirovich DOBROVOLSKY (1880-1956)
      Владимир Владимирович

  • Новая теория сферических механизмов, ??, pp. 63-142, 1940.
  • Система механизмов, Москва, 1943.
  • Теория механизмов, Машгиз, 1946.
  • Теория сферических механизмов (Theory of spherical mechanisms),  Москва, 1947.
  • Теория механизмов, Москва, 1951.
  • Structure and Classification of Mechanisms. ??
Maurice d'Ocagne
     Maurice D'OCAGNE (1862-1938)

Carl Alhard von DRACH (1839-1915)
     Carl Alhard von DRACH (1839-1915)  

Florea DUDITA (1934 - )
     Florea DUDIȚĂ (1934 -  ) 

Rao Venkateswara DUKKIPATI (1945-2010)
     Rao Venkateswara DUKKIPATI (1945-2010)

     Stanley DUNKERLEY (1870-1912)

  • Mechanism, Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1928.

     Ernest DUPORCQ (1873-1903)

Joseph James DUFFY (1937-2002)
     Joseph James DUFFY (1937-2002)

William Jolly DUNCAN (1894-1960)
     William Jolly DUNCAN (1894-1960)

     Henri Antoine DURRANDE (1831-1904)

  • Proprietes generales du deplacement d'une figure de forme variable, Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences, Paris, Vol. 74, pp. 1243-1247, 1872.
  • L'acceleration dans le deplacement d'un systeme de points qui reste homographique a lui-meme, Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences, Paris, Vol. 75, pp. 1177-1180, 1872.
  • Essai sur le deplacement d'une figure de forme variable, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 81-121, 1873.
  • Déplacement d'un système de points. Propriétés géométriques dépendant des paramètres différentiels du second ordre, Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences, Paris, Vol. 78, pp. 1036-1040, 1874.
  • Étude de l'acceleration dans le déplacement d'un système de forme variable, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, Vol 2, No. 3, pp. 151-164,1874.


William Holding Echols (1859-1934)
     William Holding ECHOLS (1859-1934)

  • On a certain quadratic form with its geometric and kinematic interpretation, Bulletin of the Philosophical Society, University of Virginia Publications, Vol. 1, No. 9, 1912.
Edwin Bailey ELLIOTT (1851-1937)
      Edwin Bailey ELLIOTT (1851-1937)

  • A theorem in areas including Holditch's, with its analogue in three dimensions, The Messenger of Mathematics, Vol. 7, pp. 150-156, 1878.
  • Extension to curved surfaces of a former theorem on plane areas, The Messenger of Mathematics., Vol. 10, pp. 156-158, 1881.
  • Some theorems of kinematics on sphere, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 12, No. 1,  pp. 47-57, 1881.
Arnold F. EMCH
     Arnold F. EMCH (1871-1959)

Arthur G. ERDMAN ( - )
      Arthur G. ERDMAN ( - )

              David Everett (1831-1904)
      Joseph David EVERETT (1831-1904)

                  Federhofer (1885–1960)
     Virgil Moring FAIRES (1897-1969)

  • Design of machine elements,  Macmillan, New York, 1955.
  • Problems on the design of machine elements, Macmillan, New York, 1955. (with Roy Matthew Wingren)
  • Kinematics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959.
  • Mechanism, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960. (with Robert McArdle Keown).
     Roy FEATHERSTONE ( - )

              Federhofer (1885–1960)
     Karl FEDERHOFER (1885-1960)

Eugene F.
              FICHTER ( - )      Eugene F. FICHTER ( - )

Elisabeth FILEMON ( - )      Elisabeth FILEMON ( - )

  • Some questions of four-bar coupler-point curves (In Hungarian), Proceedings IUTAM Conference Nagymaros, 1968. 
  • How to draw a tangent to any point of the centerpoint curve, Periodica Polytechnica, Vol. 13, 1969. 
  • Conformal sketching of the centerpoint curve. (In Hungarian), Müszaki Tudomány, Vol. 42, 1970.
  • Marking points for crank-rocker linkage on the centerpoint curve, Periodica Polytechnica, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 287-292, 1970.
  • In addition to the Burmester theory,  Proceedings of Third World Congress for Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Kupari, Yugoslavia,  Vol. D, pp. 63-78, 1971.   
  • Useful ranges of centerpoint curves for design of crank-and-rocker linkages, Mechanism and  Machine Theory, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.  47-53, 1972.
  • Some connections of the Burmester designing process, Periodica Polytechnica Mech. Eng., Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 29-40, 1973.
  • Rapid conformal sketching of the center point curve, Periodica Polytechnica Mech. Eng., Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 213-230, 1974.
  • Practical design by means of the Burmester theory, Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, New Castle Upon Tyne, England, Sept. 8-13, Vol. 5, pp. 1101-1106, 1975.
Ian S. FISCHER ( - )
     Ian S. FISCHER ( - )

     George FONTENÉ (1848-1923)

              FONTSERÉ (1870-1970)
     Eduardo FONTSERÉ (1870-1970)

  • Tratado de cinemática, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1906.

              FONTSERÉ (1870-1970)
     Henry George FORDER (1889-1981)

     James Sutherland FRAME (1907-1997)

      Hubert FRANK ( - )


      Rudolf Heinrich August Philipp FRANKE (1870-1962)

  • Eine vergleichende Schalt- und Getriebelehre: neue Wege der Kinematik.Vortrag gehalten auf der wissenschaftlichen Tagung zur Feier des hundertsten Geburtstages von Franz Reuleaux am 11. November 1929 in der Technischen Hochschule zu Berlin. München, Berlin, (Oldenbourg), 1930.
  • Vom Aufbau der Getriebe: eine neue, die Getriebe aller technischen Gebiete einheitlich zusammenfassende Lehre für Konstrukteure und Studenten, Beuth, Berlin, 1943.
  • Vom Aufbau der Getriebe, Bd. I: Die Entwicklungslehre der Getriebe, VDI-Verlag, Berlin,1943.
  • Vom Aufbau der Getriebe, Bd. II: Die Baulehre der Getriebe, Deutscher Ingenieur-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1951.
  • Vom Aufbau der Getriebe, VDI Verlag, 1958.
Ferdinand Freudenstein
     Ferdinand FREUDENSTEIN (1926-2006)

       Macon FRY ( - )

Andrei Grigorievich GAGARIN (1855-1920)
       Andrei Grigorievich GAGARIN (1855-1920)
       Андре́й Григо́рьевич Гага́рин

       Carlo Ugo GALLETTI ( - )

Bertrand Olivier GAMBIER (1879-1954)
       Bertrand Olivier GAMBIER (1879-1954)

     Edouard Louis Marie René GARNIER (1887-1984)

  • Cours de Cinématique. Tome I: Cinématique du Point et du Solide. Composition des Mouvements, Gauthier-Villars Paris, Paris, 1949.
  • Cours de Cinématique. Tome II: Roulement et Viration. La Formule de Savary et son Extension à l'Espace, Gauthiers-Villars, Paris, 1950.
  • Cours de Cinématique. Tome III: Géométrie et Cinématique Cayleyennes, Gauthier Villars, Paris, 1951.
Yakov Lazarevich
              GHERONIMUS (1898-1984)
     Yakov Lazarevich GERONIMUS (1898-1984)
      Яков Лазаревич Геронимус

     Oswald GIERING (1933- )

     M. J. GILMARTIN ( - )

     Michael GOLDBERG (1902–1990)

Thomas Goodeve
     Thomas Minchin GOODEVE (1821-1902)

     Thomas Paton GOODMAN (1926-1964)

  • Toggle linkage applications in different mechanisms, Product Engineering, Vol. 22, pp. 172-173, Nov. 1951.
  • Linkages vs. cams, Transactions of the Fourth Conference on Mechanisms, pp. 76-83, 1957.
  • Linkages vs. cams: A quantitative comparison for rise-dwell-drop-dwell applications, Machine Design, Vol. 30, No. 15, pp. 102-109, 1958.
  • An indirect method for determining accelerations in complex mechanisms, ASME Trans., Vol. 80, pp. 1676-1682, 1958.
  • Der Stand der Getriebe-Analyse im Schrifttum des Englischen Sprachgebietes, Konstruktion, Vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 451-454, 1958. (with K. Hain)
  • An indirect method for determining accelerations in complex mechanisms, Transaction of ASME, Vol. 80, No. 8, pp. 1976-1982, 1958.
  • Four cornerstones of kinematic design, Transactions of the Sixth Conference on Mechanisms, Purdue University, Lafayetter, Ind., pp. 4-30, 1960.
  • Mechanism design. Part 1: Constraint, Machine Design, Vol. 32, No. 24,  pp. 122-127, 1961.
  • Mechanism design. Part 2: Toggle effect, Machine Design, Vol. 32, No. 25, pp. 174-179, 1961.
  • Mechanism design. Part 3: Rotation, Machine Design, Vol. 32, No. 26, pp. 110-117, 1961.
  • Mechanism design. Part 4: Invension, Machine Design, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 126-133, 1961.

     Ulrich GRAF (1908-1954)

Franz Grashof
     Franz GRASHOF (1826-1893)

Franz Grashof
     Alfred George GREENHILL (1847-1927)

      Martin Fürchtegott GRÜBLER (1851-1935)

       Anton Adalbert GRÜNWALD (1873-1932)

  • Die Projektionen einer unebenen Kurve dritter Ordnung R_0^3 und die ebenen Schnittkurven ihrer Tangentenflächen im Zusammenhang mit dem zugehörigen Nullsystem,  Schriften der Königliche böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1896.
  • Geodätischen Linien auf dem Ellipsoid (Geodesic lines on the ellipsoid), Schriften der Königliche böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1902.
  • Sir Robert S. Balls lineare Schraubengebiete, Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 48, pp. 49-108, 1903.
  • Zur Veranschaulichung des Schraubenbündels (Illustration of the screw bundle), Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 211-244, 1903.
  • Darstellung aller Elementarbewegungen eines starren Körpers von beliebigem Freiheitsgrade (Representation of all elementary movements of a rigid body of arbitrary degrees of freedom), Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 52, pp. 229-275, 1905.
  • Fußpunktskurven in der Ebene und im Raum (Nodal curves in the plane and in space), Sbb. der Königliche böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1906.
  • Darstellung der Mannheim-Darbouxchen Umschwungs-bewegung eines starren Körpers (Representation of the Mannheim-Darboux reversal motion of a rigid body), Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp 154-220, 1907.
  • Die kubische Kreisbewegung eines starren Körpers (The cubic circular motion of a rigid body), Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Vol. 55, pp. 264-296, 1907.
  • Bifokale Abbildung von Kreiskegeln auf die Punkte der Ebene, Schriften der Königliche böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1910.
  • Exakte Treffpunktbestimmung bei Verfolgungsaufgaben, Schriften der Königliche böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1914.
  • Merkwürdige Punkte von Wurfbahnen, Schriften der Königliche böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1921-1922.

      Josef GRÜNWALD (1876-1911)

Claude GUICHARD (1861-1924)
       Claude GUICHARD (1861-1924)

       George Leroy GUILLET (1887 - )

  • Kinematics of machines, Wiley, 1950.

       Osman GÜRSOY ( - )


André Maurice HAARBLEICHER (1873-1944)
     André Maurice HAARBLEICHER (1873-1944)

Eduardo Juan de Habich (1835-1909)
     Eduardo Juan de HABICH (1835-1909)
     Edward Jan HABICH

  • Sur la transformation des lignes planes par la méthode des rayons vecteurs réciproques, Nouvelles Annales de Mathématiques, Vol. 5, pp. 399-407, 1866.
  • Etudes cinématiques, Gauthier Villars, Paris, 1879.
  • Observations au sujet d'une réclamation de priorité de l'Abbé Aoust et de son analyse infinitésimale de courbes planes: lettre adressée à l'Abbé Moigno, 1879.
  • Etudes géometriques et cinématiques: note sur quelques questions de géométrie et du cinématqiue et réponse aux réclamations de M. l'Abbé Aoust, Carlos Paz Soldan, Lima, 1880.
  • Théorème de cinématique, Nouvelles Annales de Mathématiques, 3e série, vol. 1, pp. 458-462, 1882.

         Hasan Hilmi HACISALİHOĞLU (1942- )

         E. HACKMÜLLER 
( - )

Kurt Hain
      Kurt HAIN (1908-1995)

Allen Strickland HALL (1917-1999)
     Allen Strickland HALL, Jr. (1917-1999)

Viorel HANDRA-LUCA (1940-2000)
        Viorel HANDRA-LUCA (1940-2000)

  • The study of adjustable oscillating mechanisms, Journal of Engineering for Industry,  Vol. 95, No. 3, pp. 677-680, 1993.
  • Organe de masini si mecanisme, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1975.
  • Mecanisme, Litografia I.P. Cluj-Napoca, 1980. Introducere in teoria mecanismelor (2 volumes), Editura Dacia Cluj-Napoca, 1982. (with Ion Aurel Stoica)
  • Functiile de transmitere in studiul mecanismelor, Editura Academiei Bucuresti, 1983.
              HANDRA-LUCA (1940 - 2000)
        Edgar Lee HARRISBERGER (1924 -2019)

  • Mechanization of motion kinematics, synthesis, analysis, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1961.
  • Gross Motions of Space Mechanisms, PhD dissertation, Purdue University, 1963.
  • Motion programming, Machine Design, Vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 114-119, 1963.
  • A general scheme for mechanism identification, Bulletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi,  Vol. 10-14, no. 3/4, pp. 247-254, 1964.
  • Mobility analysis of a three-dimensional four-link mechanism, ASME-Publication 64-WA/MD-16, 1964.
  • Simple technique for synthesizing space crank mechanisms, Machine Design, Vol. 36, no. 21, pp. 170-175, 1964.
  • A number synthesis survey of three dimensional mechanisms, Transactions of the ASME, Series B, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 313-220, 1965.
  • Precision six-link dwell mechanisms, ASME-Paper Nr. 66-Mech-32, 1966. (with C.E. Rice)
  • Die Synthese von sechsgliedrigen Kurvengetrieben, Maschinenmarkt, Vol. 72, no. 97, pp. 30-32, 1966. (with A. Habibuddin)
  • A survey of three-dimensional mechanisms with one general constraint, Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Mechanisms, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana ASME-Paper Nr. 66-Mech-44, 1966. (with A.H. Soni)

        Harry HART (1848-1920)

              Scheunemann Hartenberg (1907-1997)
       Richard Scheunemann HARTENBERG (1907-1997)

        Wilhelm HARTMANN (1853-1922)

  • Geometrie, Mechanik und Kinematik, Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 34, 1890.
  • Über Ellipsographen und Ovalwerke. Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde, Vol. 11, pp. 285-292, 1891.
  • Ein neues Verfahren zur Aufsuchung des Krümmungskreises, Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 37, 1893.
  • Kinematik: 1. Kinematische Geometrie oder Phoronomie; 2. Theoretische Kinematik, 1903.
  • Die Maschinengetriebe. Ein Lehr- und Handbuch zum Gerbrauch in Vorlesungen sowie zum Selbstunterricht für Maschinen-Ingenieure und Studierende der Maschinentechnik, Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Stuttgart/Berlin, 1913.

    Georges Henri Chrétien HARTMANN (1854-1932)

  • Les Mecanismes,  Baillière et Fils, Paris, 1925.

Edward J. HAUG (1940 - )
     Edward J. HAUG (1940 - )

Clarence Mark HEBBERT (1890-1967)
    Clarence Mark HEBBERT (1890-1967)

    Robert Culbertson Hays HECK (1870 - 1950)

Enno HEIDEBROEK (1876-1955)
    Enno Wilhelm Tielko HEIDEBROEK (1876-1955)

  • Einzelfragen aus dem Gebiet der Maschinenteile, Zeitschrift Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 77, pp. 1168-1171, 1933.
Ernst Lebrecht HENNEBERG (1850-1933)
     Ernst Lebrecht HENNEBERG (1850-1933)

Jacques Marie HERVÉ (1944 - )
     Jacques Marie HERVÉ (1944 -  )

     Gerhard Wilhelm HESSENBERG (1874-1925)

Karl HEUN (1859-1929)
     Karl HEUN (1859-1929)

Manfred HILER (1939-2019)
     Manfred HILLER (1939-2019)

  • A computer-oriented approach for the automatic generation and solution of the equations of motion for complex mechanisms, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on the Theory of Machines and  Mechanisms, Sevilla, Vol. 1, pp. 425-430. (with A. Kecskemethy)
  • A systematic appproach for solving the inverse kinematic problem of robot manipulators, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on the Theory of Machines and  Mechanisms, Sevilla, Vol. 1, pp. 1135-1139, 1987 (with C. Woernle)
  • A loop-based kinematics analysis of spatial mechanisms, ASME Paper 86-DET-184, New York, 1986. (with A. Kecskemethy and C. Woernle)
  • The characteristic pair of joints-an effective approach for the inverse kinematic problem of robots, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,  Philadelphia, PA, Vol. 2, pp. 846-851, 1988. (with C Woernle)

      Rolland Theodore HINKLE (1913-1981)

  • Generation of the conic sections with machine tools. Theorems from Projective Geometry can be duplicated by kinematic linkages, Product Engineering, Vol. 18, pp. 162-165, 1947.
  • Kinematics of machines, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1953.
  • Design of machines, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1957.
  • Branching in design of function-generator linkages, ASME Paper No. 66-Mech-9, 1966.

      Richard Lionel HIPPISLEY (1853-1936)

       Jeremy HIRSCHBORN ( - )

  • Engineering Mechanics, Principles of Kinematics and Dynamics, University of New South Wales Students Union, 1957.
  • The synthesis of four-bar mechanisms by the method components, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1957.
  • Acceleration analysis of low-complexity mechanisms, Product Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 19, pp. 26-29, 1961.
  • Kinematics and Dynamics of Plane Mechanisms, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962.

       Gardner Dexter HISCOX (1822-1908)

Vaclav Hlavaty (1894-1969)
       Václav HLAVATÝ (1894-1969)

  • Differentielle Liniengeometrie, Noordhoff, Groningen, 1945.
    • English translation by Harry Levy: Differential Line Geometry, P. Noordhoff Ltd., 1953.

      Karl HOECKEN (1874-1962)

  • Neuer Rechenapparat zur Ermittlung der Produkte s·sin a und s·cos a (New calculator for determining the products s ​​· sin a and s · cos a), Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Vol. 38, No. 10, 1909.
  • Arithmetischer und trigonometrischer Universalrechenapparat nach Hamann (Arithmetical and trigonometrical universal calculating apparatus by Hamann), Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde, No. 31, pp. 101-105, 1911.
  • Das exzentrisch angetriebene Räderknie zur Vermittlung ungleichförmiger Drehung mit Rast und Rückwärtsgang,  Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 74, No. 9, pp. 265–271, 1930.
  • Sternradgetriebe (Maltese cross), Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol.74, No. 16, pp. 509–512, 1930.
  • Die Erzeugung von Rasten durch Koppelgetriebe, Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 74, No. 19, p. 594, 1930.
  • Ermittlung zusammengehöriger Objekt- und Bildpunkte vermittels des Kardanproblems, Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde, Vol. 50, pp. 575-578, 1930.
  • Rechnerische Ermittlung eines Konchoidenlenkers, Reuleaux-Mitteilungen- Archiv für Getriebetechnik, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp. 421-423, 1933.
  • Ellipsenzeichner, Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 286-288, 1933.

              Hohenberg (1907-1987)
     Fritz HOHENBERG (1907-1987)

Josef HOSCHEK (1907-1987)
     Josef HOSCHEK (1935-2002)

Josef HOSCHEK (1907-1987)
     John Anthony HRONES (1912-2000)

Chintien HUANG
     Chintien HUANG ( - ) 

     Ronald William Henry Turnbull HUDSON (1876-1904)

      Heinrich Adolf HÜLSENBERG (1846-1926)

Kenneth Henderson HUNT (1920–2002)
      Kenneth Henderson HUNT (1920–2002)

Manferd HUSTY (1954- )
      Manfred L. HUSTY (1954- )


Kenneth Henderson HUNT (1920–2002)
      Louis Frédéric Gustave JACOB (1857-1930)

Walther JANK (1939-2016)
      Walther JANK (1939-2016) 

Gustav Andreas Johannes JAUMANN (1863-1924)
      Gustav Andreas Johannes JAUMANN (1863-1924) 

  • Die Grundlagen der Bewegungslehre von einem modernen Standpunkte aus (The basics of kinematics from a modern point of view), Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag, Leipzig, 1905.

James Hopwood JEANS (1877-1946)
      James Hopwood JEANS (1877-1946)

      Charles Minshall JESSOP (1861-1939)

William Woolsey Johnson (1841-1927)
      William Woolsey JOHNSON (1841-1927)

        Franklin Day JONES (1879-1967)

      Albert Edward Richard De JONGE (1883-1970)

      Charles Jasper JOLY (1864-1906) 

Christian Sophus Juel (1855-1935)       Christian Sophus JUEL (1855-1935) 

  • Forelæsninger over rationell mekanik ved den Polyteknisk læreanstalt (Lectures on rational mechanics at the Polytechnic College), J. Gjellerup, København, 1913.

Gaston Maurice JULIA (1893-1978)       Gaston Maurice JULIA (1893-1978) 

      Giuseppe JUNG (1845-1926)

  • Di alcune proprietà geometriche, statiche e cinematiche dei poligoni articolati, Rendiconti dello Reale Instituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 337-348, 1885.
  • Preface to "Les figures reciproques en Statique Graphique", Gauthier-Villars, 1885.


Adolf KAGER (1940- )
    Adolf KARGER (1940- )


     Robert Edward KELLER

Alfred Kempe
     Alfred Bray KEMPE (1849-1922)

Alexander Blackie
              William Kennedy
      Alexander Blackie William KENNEDY (1847-1928)

Gerd KIPER (1919-2012)
      Gerd KIPER (1919-2012)

  • Ein Beitrag zur Synthese ebener Gelenkgetriebe, Dissertation, Berlin, 1950.
  • Synthese der ebenen Gelenkgetriebe, Dt. Ingenieur-Verl., Düsseldorf, 1952.
  • Kurvendifferentialgetriebe. Konstruktion, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp.41-48, 1968.
  • Die Wahl des Mechanismus als konstruktive Teilentscheidung, VDI-Berichte, No. 195, pp. 253-264, 1973.
  • Einfachere Konzeptionen zur Lösung von Bewegungsaufgaben, VDI-Berichte, No. 219, pp. 127-135, 1974.
  • Die 12 gliedrigen Grüblersehen kinematischen Ketten (The  twelve-link  Grubler-type  kinematic  chains), Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure für Maschinenbau und Metallbearbeitung, Vol. 117, No. 6, pp. 283-288, 1975.
  • Sammlung der Grüblersehen kinematischen Ketten mit bis zu zwölf Gliedern, Fortschr.-Ber. VDI-Z, Reihe 1, No. 44, 1976. (with D. Schian)
  • Rechnerunterstützte Synthese von Getriebebauformen, VDI-Berichte, No.. 281, pp. 85-94, 1977.
  • Ebene kinematische Ketten mit ein und zwei Laufgraden sowie bis zu sechs Gliedern und nichtzwangläufigen Kurvengelenken, Konstruktion, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 111-115, 1979.
  • Computer aided type synthesis and compilation of specific mechanisms of lowest complexity, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, pp. 1097-1100, Montreal, 1979.
  • Gelenkvierecke mit einem Polygongelenk als Rastgetriebe, VDI-Forsch.-Heft 597, pp. 19-25, 1980.
  • Nutzanwendung von mittels Rechner erstellten Getriebebauformen, VDI-Berichte, No. 434, 1982.
  • Katalog einfachster Getriebebauformen mit bis zu drei Antriebsgelenken und bis zu drei Abtriebsgliedern, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1982.

       Johann KLEIBER (1865–1941)


Arthur Warner Klein (1880-1960)
      Arthur Warner KLEIN (1880-1960)

Felix Christian KLEIN (1849-1925)
      Felix Christian KLEIN (1849-1925)

      Dilip KOHLI (1948-2001)

  • Displacement analysis of single-loop spatial mechanisms, Proceedings of the IFToMM International Symposium on Linkages, Bukarest, 1973. (with A.H. Soni)
  • Displacement analysis of spatial two-loop mechanisms, Proceedings of the IFToMM International Symposium on Linkages, Bukarest, 1973. (with A.H. Soni)
  • Synthesis and analysis of spatial, two-loop, six-link mechanisms, Doctoral dissertation, Oklahoma State University, 1973.
  • Kinematic analysis of spatial mechanisms via successive screw displacements, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 97, pp. 739–747, 1975. (with A.H. Soni)
  • Synthesis of a six-link spatial mechanism via screw triangle geometry, successive screw displacements and pair geometry constraints, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 99, pp.  532–538, 1977. (with A.H. Soni)
  • Workspace analysis of mechanical manipulators using polynomial discriminants, Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design, Vol. 107, No. 2,  pp. 209-215, 1985 . (with J. Spanos)
  • General method for the inverse kinematics of general serial manipulators, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1992. (with Michael Osvatic)
  • Inverse kinematics of general 6R and 5R,P serial manipulators, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 115, No. 4, pp. 922-931, 1993. (with Michael Osvatic)
  • Grashof type rotatability criteria of spherical five-bar linkages, Proceeding of the 22nd Biennial Mechanisms Conference: Mechanism Design and Synthesis, pp. 35-41, 1992. (with Ardie Khonji)
  • Rotatability laws for spherical n-bar chains, Proceedings of the 22nd Biennial Mechanisms Conference: Flexible Mechanisms, Dynamics, and Analysis, pp. 629-637, 1992.
  • Inverse kinematics of general 4R2P, 3R3P, 4R1C, 2R2C, and 3C manipulators, Proceedings of the 22nd ASME Mechanisms  Conference,  Scottsdale, DE-Vol.  45, pp.  129-137, 1992.
  • Inverse kinematics of general 6R and 5R,P serial manipulators, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 115, pp. 922-931, 1993.  (with M. Osvatic)
Mikhail Spirov KONSTANTINOV (1921-1991)
      Mikhail Spirov KONSTANTINOV (1921-1991)
      Михаил Спиров Константинов

  • Modulová systematika a identifikování struktur, II Konf. o teorii strojů a mechanismů, Liberec, 1976. (with B. Sači)
  • Vtori predavatelni funktsii na prostranstveni kinematichni verigi,  Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Bulgarian Acadademy of Sciences, No. 3, 1977. (with  M.D. Markov)
  • Pozitsiona identifikatsia na prostranstveni kinematichni verigi,  Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Bulgarian Acadademy of Sciences, No. 4, 1977. (with  M.D. Markov)
  • Теория на механизмите и машините, Technika, София, 1980. (with Александър Георгиев Вригазов, Емил Стоянов Станчев, Иван Неделчев Неделчев)
  • Discrete positions method in kinematics and control of spatial linkages, Mechanism and MachineTheory, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 47-60, 1980.  (with M.D. Markov)
  • Metodologie der rechenunterstützen struktusynthese und kinematikanalyse von mechanismen und roboten, SEMEMATRO-82, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 1982.
Franz Otto Kopp (1937-2015)
      Franz Otto KOPP (1937-2015)

  • Beitrag zur Struktursynthese der Mechanismen, Dissertation,Technischen Universität Hannover, Hannover, 1973.
  • Beitrag zur Struktursynthese der Mechanismen, Konstruktion, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 30-32, 1974. 

Francisc Viliam KOVÁCS (1929-2009)
      Francisc Viliam KOVÁCS (1929-2009)

  • Contributii la elaborarea unei metode unitare de sinteza a mecanismelor (Contribution to the elaboration of a unitary method for mechanisms synthesis), Ph D Thesis, Polytechnic Institute Traian Vuia, Timisoara, 1969.
  • Metode noi in sinteza mecanismelor (New methods in mechanisms’ synthesis), Editura Facla, Timisoara, 1976. (with D. Perju and G. Savii)
  • Sinteza mecanismelor (Synthesis of the mechanisms), Lito Polytechnic University of Timisoara, 1977. (with D. Perju)
  • Analiza mecanismelor (Analysis of mechanisms), Lito Polytechnic University of Timisiora, 1978. (with D. Perju and M. Crudu)
  • Manipulatoare, roboti si aplicatiile lor industriale (Manipulators, robots and their industrial applications), Editura Facla, Timisoara, 1982. (with G. Cojocaru)
Gabriel Xavier Paul
     Gabriel Xavier Paul KOENIGS (1858-1931)

Aleksandr Petrovich
       Aleksandr Petrovich KOTELNIKOV (1865-1944)
       Александр Петрович Котельников

  • Généralisation de quelques théorèmes de mécanique, Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences, Vol. CXVIII, pp. 129-131, 1894.
  • Винтовое счисление и некоторые приложения его к геометрии и механике (Screw calculus and some applications of it to geometry and mechanics), Казань, Annals of the Imperial Kazan University, 1895.
  • Schraubenrechnung und einige Anwendungen derselben auf Geometrie und Mechanik (In Russian), Kasan, 1896.
  • Проективная теория векторов (докторская диссертация). Казань, 1899.
  • Введение в теоретическую механику, М.; Л.: ОНТИ, 1925.
  • Принцип относительности и геометрия Лобачевского // In memoriam Lobatschevskii: сб. ст. Т. 2. Казань, 1927.
  • Точки Бурместера, их свойства и построение (Burmester points, their properties and construction),  Математический сборник Математическое общество, Vol. 34, No. 3-4, pp. 207-348, Moscow, 1927. (It contains a French abstract at the end)
  • Теория гироскопов. М.: МММИ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 1939.
Mikhail Dmitrievich KOVALEV ( - )
        Mikhail Dmitrievich KOVALEV ( - )
        Михаил Дмитриевич

  • Geometric theory of hinged devices, Russian Academy of Sciences, Izvestiya Mathematics, 1995, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 43-68, 1995.
  • Geometrical aspects of hinged devices and configurations, Vestnik MGTU Mashinostroenie, No. 4, pp. 33-51, 2001.
  • Frameworks restorable by single stress, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 131, No. 1, 2005.
  • On Assur's structural groups, Proceedings of EuCoMeS, the first European Conference on Mechanism Science, 2006.
  • Геометрические вопросы кинематики и статики, URSS 2019.
  • On the geometric definition of the hinge mechanism, Kempe's theorem and overripe mathematics, Sibirskii Zhurnal Industrial'noi Matematiki, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 41-54, 2022.
Aleksandr Petrovich
        Sergey Nikolaevich KOZHEVNIKOV (1906-1988)
       Сергей Николаевич Кожевников

  • Элементы механизмов, 1956.
  • Механизмы, Издательство «Машиностроение», Москва, 1965. (Mechanisms, Mechanical Engineering Publishing House, Moscow, 1965)
    • Spanish translation by Francisco Ramos Molins: Mecanismos, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1981.
  • Основания структурного синтеза механизмов, Наукова Думка, Киев,1979. (Bases for the structural synthesis of mechanisms, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1979).
Otto KRAEMER (1900-1986)
        Otto KRAEMER (1900-1986)

  • Getriebelehre, Verlag G. Braun, Karlsruhe, 1950.

Augusto KRAHE GARCÍA (1867-1930)
        Augusto KRAHE GARCÍA (1867-1930)

        Josef Leopold KRAMES (1897-1986)

     Robert Adolf KRAUS (1898-1970)

  • Zur Synthese des ebenen Gelenkviereck, Maschinenbau — Reuleaux Mitt. Archiv für Getriebetechniek, Vol 6, No. 17, pp. 149-150, 1938.
  • Grundlagen der Getriebelehre, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsanstalt, 1949.
  • Getriebelehre. Bd. I: Einführung. Berlin: VEB-Verlag Technik, 1951.
  • Getriebelehre. Bd. II: Grundlagen des systematischen Getriebeaufbaues, 1952.
  • Grundlagen des systematischen Getriebeaufbaus, Verlag Technik, Berlin, 1952.
  • Graphical linkage analysis, Machine Design, pp. 177-182, 1953. (with K.S. Rangasami).
  • Geradführungen durch das Gelenkviereck, Deutscher Ingenieur-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1955.
  • Die Geradführung durch das Gelenkviereck, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1955.
  • Getriebelehre Bd. III: Maßbestimmung, 1956.

              Krause      Martin KRAUSE (1851-1920)

  • Zur Theorie der ebenen ähnlich veränderlichen Systeme, Jahresbericht der deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Vol. 19, pp. 327-329, 1910.
  • Zur Theorie der affin veränderlichen ebenen Systeme, Sitzungsberichte der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Vol. 63, pp. 271-288, 1911.
  • Über raumliche Bewegungen mit ebenen Bahnkurven, Sitzungsberichte der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Vol. 63, pp. 515-533, 1911.
  • Analysis der ebenen Bewegung, Vereinigung wissenschaftlicher Verleger, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin und Leipzig, 1920. (Unter Mitwirkung von Alexander Carl).

Karl Kutzbach
       Karl KUTZBACH (1875-1942)

  • Grundlagen und neuere Fortschritte der Zahnrad-Erzeugung,  VDI-Verlag, Berlin, 1925.
  • Mechanische Leitungsverzweigung, ihre Gesetze und Anwendungen, Maschinenbau der Betrieb, Vol. 8, No. 21, pp. 710–716, 1929.
    • see also Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure, Vol. 77, p. 1168, 1933.


       Charles Pierre Lefebvre de LABOULAYE (1813-1886)

Charles-Ange LAISANT (1841-1920)
       Charles-Ange LAISANT (1841-1920)

  • Note sur un compas trisecteur, Compte rendu de la 4e session de l'Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences (Congrès de Nantes), No. 4, pp. 161-163, 1875.
  • Sur la cinématique du plan, Actes de l'Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences (Congrès de Paris), Vol. 1, pp. 81-86, 1878.
  • Propriétés du mouvement d'une figure plane qui reste semblable à elle-même, Actes de l'Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences(Congrès de La Rochelle), Vol. 1, pp. 106-108, 1882.
  • Interpolation cinématique, Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences. Comptes-rendus des Congrès. Paris, No. 19, pp. 70-73, 1890.
  • Introduction a la Méthode des Quaternions, Gauthier-Villars, 1881.
  • Theorie et Applications des Equipollence, Gauthier-Villars, 1887.
       Isabelino LANA SARRATE (1896-1984)

  • Elementos de Máquinas y Mecanismos, Litografia J. Torrellas, Barcelona, 1932.
  • Elementos de Máquinas, Editorial Bosch, Barcelona, 1951.
  • Cinemática y Dinámica de Máquinas, Vol. 1-6, 1970.
Henry Charles Victor
              Jacob Léauté
      Henry Charles Victor Jacob LÉAUTÉ (1847-1916)

Henri LEBESGUE (1875-1941)
      Henri LEBESGUE (1875-1941)

      Hong-You LEE ( - )

Emile Michel Hyacinthe
       Emile Michel Hyacinthe LEMOINE (1840-1912)

  • Note sur le losange articulé du Commandant du Génie Peaucellier, destiné a remplacer le parallélogramme de Watt,  Journal de Physique, Vol. 2, pp. 130-134, 1873.
  • Le losange articule du colonel Peaucellier, Comptes Rendus de la 3-е session de I'Association française pour l'avancement des sciences (Congrès de Lille), pp. 122-125, 1874.
  • Sur le lonsage articulé du colonel Peaucellier, Mémoires et Compte Rendu des Travaux de la Société des Ingénieurs Civils de France, p. 247, 1875.
  • Sur le système articule à cinq tiges de M. Hart, Revue industr. 12 avril 1875.

        Charles LEUDESDORF (1853-1924)

              Ivanovich Levitski       Paul Pierre LÉVY (1886-1971)

  • Cours de mécanique, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1928.
              Ivanovich Levitski       Nikolay Ivanovich LEVITSKI (1914-??)
      Николай Иванович

  • Синтез механизмов по Чебышеву, Изд-во АН СССР, 1946.
    • English translation: Synthesis of mechanisms according to Chebyshev, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1946.
  • Синтез шарнирного четырехзвенника по заданной траектории точки шатуна,  Известия АН СССР. ОТН. 1948. - № 10. - С. 1539-1542. 
    • English tranlation: Synthesis of four-bar mechanisms for a given trajectory of the connecting rod point, News of the USSR Academy of Sciences,  No. 10, pp. 1539-1542, 1948.
  • Проектирование плоских механизмов с низшими парами, Изд-во АН СССР, 1950.
    • English translation: Designing planar mechanisms with lower pairs, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1950.
  • Synthesis of Spatial Four-Link Mechanisms with Lower Pairs, Akad. Nauk, Moscow, Trudi Sem. Teor. Mash. Mekh., Vol. 14, No. 54, pp. 5–24, 1954. (with Sh. Shakvasian).
  • On the Synthesis of Plane, Hinged, Six-Link Mechanisms, Transactions of Second USSR Conference on General Problems in the Theory of Mechanisms and Machines (Russian),  pp. 98–104, 1960.
  • On the special properties of Lagrange's multipliers in the least-square synthesis of mechanisms, Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 3-10, 1968.
    (with Y. Sarkisian).
  • Анализ и синтез механизмов, Наука, Moscow, 1966.
    • English translation by S. K. Goel and K. L. Awasthy: Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms,  Amerind Pub. Co., 1975.
  • Теория механизмов и машин, Наука, Moscow, 1979.
    • English translation: Theory of mechanisms and machines.
              LICHTENHELDT (1901-1980)
     Willibald LICHTENHELDT (1901-1980)

     Otto LICHTWITZ ( - )

Marius Sophus LIE (1842-1899)
    Marius Sophus LIE (1842-1899)

              Nikolaevich LIGINE (1846-1900)
     Valerian Nikolaevich LIGUINE
     Валериан Николаевич Лигин

     Harvey LIPKIN (1951- )

Yom-Tov Lipman LIPKIN (1846-1875)
      Yom-Tov Lipman LIPKIN (1846-1875)
      Йом-Тов Липман Липкин
       יום טוב ליפמן ליפקין

Faydor LITVIN (1914-2017)

      Faydor Lvovich LITVIN (1914-2017)
      Файдор Львович Литвин

      Paul LOHSE

  • Neue Verfahren zur Konstruktion von ebenen Gelenkgetrieben unter besonderer Berücksichtigung eines Zehngelenkgetriebes, Diss. T. U. München, 1955.
  • Polortkurven als Hilfsmittel zur Konstruktion von Gelenkgetrieben, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 38, No. 1-2, pp. 20-28, 1958.
  • Ein Beitrag zu den Polortkurven der Getriebetechnik. Feinwerk-techno., Vol. 67, No. 10, pp. 387-393, 1963.
  • Anwendungen zu den Polortkurven der Getriebetechnik, Teil I, Industrie-Anzeiger, No. 69, pp. 1405-1406, 1964.
  • Anwendungen zu den Polortkurven der Getriebetechnik, Teil II, Industrie-Anzeiger, No. 69, pp. 1625-1628, 1964.
  • Eine Anwendung der Polortkurven der Getriebetechnik. Feinwerk-techno. Vol. 68, No. 8, pp. 303-306, 1964.
  • Zur Konstruktion von Gelenkgetrieben an Ladefahrzeugen, Konstruktion, Vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 350-353, 1968.
  • Neue Wege in der Getriebe-Synthese.
    • Teil 1, Die Grundlagen der neuen Synthese, Feinwerktechnik, Vol.74, No. 8, pp. 331-340, 1970.
    • Teil 2, Die Konstruktion von Getrieben für gegebene Kurven, Feinwerktechnik, Vol. 74.  No. 9, pp. 398-401, 1970.
    • Teil 3, Die Konstruktion von Getrieben für gegebene Gliedbewegungen, Feinwerktechnik, Vol. 74, No.11, pp. 466-470, 1970.
    • Teil 4, Die Konstruktion von Getrieben für gegebene Gliederzuordnungen, Feinwerktechnik, Vol. 75, No.2, pp. 71-85, 1971.
    • Teil 5, Die Konstruktion von Verstellgetrieben, Feinwerktechnik, Vol. 75, No. 3, pp. 119-26, 1971.
  • Getriebesynthese: Bewegungsabläufe ebener Koppelmechanismen, Springer-Verlag, 1975.

      John L. C. LÖF (1916-2013)

Gaston Albert Gohierre de LONGCHAMPS (1842-1906)
      Gaston Albert Gohierre de LONGCHAMPS (1842-1906)

  • Sur un trisecteur, Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences. Comptes-rendus des Congrès. Paris, No. 22, pp. 190-200, 1893.

      Augustus Edward Hough LOVE (1863-1940)

Kurt Luck (1931-2017)
      Kurt LUCK (1931-2017)

  • Zur Erzeugung von Koppelkurven viergliedriger Getriebe, Maschinenbautechnik (Getriebetechnik), Vol. 8, No.2, pp.97-104, 1959.
  • Zur rechnerischen Ermittlung der Abmessungen von ebenen Gelenk­getrieben, Maschinenbautechnik, Vol. 10, pp. 323-332, 1961.
  • Die Grenzlagenkonstruktion des Gelenkviereckes, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden, 1961.
  • Konstruktionselemente der Feinmechanik, 1968. (with W. Lichtenheldt).
  • Kinematische Analyse ebener Grundgetriebe in Matrizenschreibweise, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 1467-1474, 1970.
  • Getriebetechnik: Analyse, Synthese, Optimierung, Springer Verlag, 1995. (with Karl-Heinz Modler).
  • Historical evolution of the pole-theory, International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms, pp. 315-329, Springer, Dordrecht, 2004. (with W. Rehwald)


      Karl MACK (1882-1943)

  • Geometrie der Getriebe, Verlag Julius Springer, Berlin und Wien, 1931.
Aleksandr Petrovich MALYSHEV (1879-1962)       Gian Antonio MAGGI (1856-1937)

Hiroshi MAKINO (1933-)
       Hiroshi MAKINO (1933- )


  • NC assembly centre, Journal of Japan Society of Precision Engineering, Vol.41, No.3, pp. 250-255, 1975 (in Japanese).
  • Kinetics of Automated Machines, Nikkan Kogyo Shinbunsha, 1976 (in Japanese).
  • Universal cam curve and its application, Bulletin of Yamanashi University, Vol.28, pp. 48-58, 1977 (in Japanese).
  • Parallel indexing cam structure, Patent US4109548, 1978 (with Shigeyuki Shinohara)
  • Assembly process, Automation, Vol.24, No.1, pp. 18-22, 1979 (in Japanese).
  • Research and development of SCARA robot, Preprint of 47th Meeting of Special Committee for Automatic Assembly of Japan Society of Precision Engineering, p. 12, 1980 (in Japanese). (with M. Murata, N. Furuya et al).
  • Robot for assembly, Patent JPS55112789, 1980.
  • Assembly robot, Patent US4341502, 1980
  • Development of the SCARA, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 5-8, 2014.
Asok Kumar MALLIK
      Asok Kumar MALLIK (1947- )

  • Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Affiliated East-West Press, New Delhi, 1988. (with A Ghosh)
  • Kinematic Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms, CRC Press, 1994. (with Amitabha Ghosh and Gunter Dittrich)
  • Sir Alfred Bray Kempe - An Amateur Kinematician, Resonance, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 204–219, 2011.

Aleksandr Petrovich MALYSHEV (1879-1962)
      Aleksandr Petrovich MALYSHEV (1879-1962)
Александр Петрович Малышев

Dimitrie I. MANGERON (1906-1991)
      Dimitrie Ion MANGERON (1906-1991) 

  • Fundamentele mecanicii, Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romane, 1962 (with Z. Gábos and I. Stan)
  • Kinematic study with new matrix-tensor methods for four-bar spatial mechanisms, Revue de Mecanique Appliquée, Vol. 7, pp. 539-551, 1962. (with I.C. Dragan)
  • Mecanica rigidelor cu aplicatii in inginerie - Mecanica Rigidului, Editura Tehnica Bucuresti, 1978. (with N. Irimiciuc)
  • Mecanica rigidelor cu aplicatii in inginerie - Mecanica Sistemelor de Rigide, Editura Tehnica Bucuresti, 1980. (with N. Irimiciuc)
  • Mecanica rigidelor cu aplicatii in inginerie - Mecanica Vibratiilor Sistemelor de Rigide, Editura Tehnica Bucuresti, 1981. (with  N. Irimiciuc)
Nicolae Manulescu
      Nicolae I. MANOLESCU (1907–1993)

  • Teoria mecanismelor si a masinilor (Theory of mechanisms and machines), Vol 1–4, Litografia I.C.F., Bucuresti, 1955-1956.
  • Teoria mecanismelor si a masinilor. Cinetostatica si dinamica, Tehnica, 1958.
  • On the mechanisms made up of kinematic chains of different families, Studii si Cercetari de Mecanica Aplicata, Vol. XII, No. 3, pp 589–615, 1961.  (in Romanian)
  • Culegere de probleme din teoria mecanismelor si a masinilor, Didactica si Pedagogica, 1963.
  • Une méthode unitaire pour la formation des des chaïnes cinématiques et des mécanismes plans articulés avec dífférents degrés de liberté et mobilité, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques - Série de Mécanique Appliquée, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1263-1313, 1964.
  • The methods of formation of Assur Groups function of the number of loops (Zg) and of the rank of links (J), Buletin Institut Politehnic Bucuresti, Vol. XXVIII, No. 3, pp 59–83, 1966. (with P. Antonescu and I. Erceanu) (in Romanian)
  • Derivation of a general formula for the determination of the number of independent cycles of a mechanism for kinematic and kinetostatic investigation (in Russian), The Fifth Soviet Conference on Fundamental Problems in the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 1967.
  • For a united point of view in the study of the structural analysis of kinematic chains and mechanisms, Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 149–169, 1968.
  • Probleme de teoria mecanismelor si a masinilor (volumul 2), Didactica si Pedagogica, 1968.
  • Contributions to the numerical and structural synthesis of Assur groups, of kinematic chains, of mechanisms and plane jointed motor mechanisms. Doctoral dissertation, Institutut Politehnic Bucuresti (in Romanian), 1969.
  •  Brief note: Further discussion on the analysis of Kutzbach's Mechanism, Journal of Mechanisms, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 177-178, 1969.
  • La détermination des variantes indépendentes des fermés Baranov avec e = 9 eléments en utilisant la méthode de graphisation inverse, Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on TMM, vol D, paper D-12, Kupari-Dubrovnik, pp. 177-188, 1971. (with T. Ardeleanu)
  • The method of the determination of the number of structural kinematic variants of KCsj by joints simplifying, Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on TMM, vol C, paper C-12, Kupari-Dubrovnik, pp. 145-162, 1971. (with I.Tempea). 
  • Teoria mecanismelor si a masinilor, Didactica si Pedagogica, 1972.
  • A method based on Baranov trusses and using graph theory to find all the planar jointed kinematic chains and mechanisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 3–22, 1973.
  • La comparaison des chaines cinématiques et des mécanismes au point de vue structurel a l’aide de la Théorie des Graphes, Buletin Institut Politehnic Bucuresti, Vol. XXXVII, No. 1, pp. 41–46, 1975. (with M. Dranga).
  • A unified method for the formation of all planar jointed kinematic chains and Baranov trusses, Environment and Planning B, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 447–454, 1979.
  • La formation des fermes Baranov avec L3 = 0 et 1 a l’aide de la méthode unitaire élaboreée pour les chaines cinématiques planes articulées. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Theory and Practice of Mechanisms, pp. 137–158, 1981. (with A. Martineac).
  • The history of the original methods used in the synthesis of the planar kinematic chains with different degrees of freedom, Proceedings of the Conference on Mechanism Construction, pp 145–154, 1988.
  • The planar initial jointed kinematic chain, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Theory and Practice of Mechanisms, Vol. 1/2, pp. 549-556, 1989.
  • L’histoire de l’optimisation de la synthèse des chaines cinématiques planes articulées avec differentes degrés de liberté, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Theory and Practice of Mechanisms, Vol 1, pp. 169–192, 1993.
Roberto MARCOLONGO (1862-1943)
      Roberto MARCOLONGO (1862-1943)

  • Sulla ricerca dei centri di curvatura delle trajettorie dei punti di una figura mobile, Palermo Rendiconti, Vol. 7I, pp. 29-36, 1893.
  • Meccanica Razionale I. Cinematica-Statica, Ulrico Hoepli, Milano, 1905.
    • German translation by H.E. Timerding: Theoretische Mechanik. Kinematik und Statik, Teubner, Leipzig and Berlin, 1911.
  • Sulla formula fondamentale della cinematica dei sistemi rigidi, Giornale di Matematiche (Battaglini), Vol. 54, No. 7, pp. 137-140, 1916.
George H. Martin (1917-2005)
      George Henry MARTIN (1917-2005)  

Dezideriu MAROS (1920 - 2011)
      Dezideriu MAROS (1920-2011)      

      Anton Ernst MAYER (1903-1942)      

  • Die kinematische Abbildung. Dissertation, 1930.
  • Koppelkurven mit drei Spitzen und spezielle Koppelkurvenbüschel, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 43, p. 389-445, 1937.
  • Sur des faisceaux de courbes des 3-barres, Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, No. 205, pp. 98-101, 1937.
  • Koppelkurven mit drei Spitzen und spezielle Koppelkurven-Büschel, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 43, pp. 389-445, 1938.

      Alexander McAULAY (1863-1931)

      Charles William McCORD (1836-1915)

Victor Mayer Amédée
     Victor Mayer Amédée MANNHEIM (1831-1906)

Dinesh MANOCHA ( - )
       Dinesh MANOCHA ( - )

Francesco Masi
     Francesco MASI (1852-1944)

Constantinos Mavroidis ( - )
     Constantinos "Dinos" MAVROIDIS (1964-2014)

James Clerk MAXWELL (1831-1879)
     James Clerk MAXWELL (1831-1879)

     Robert Ferrier McKAY (1882-1951)

  • The Theory of Machines, E. Arnold, London, 1915.
  • The Principles of Machine Design, Longmans, Green & Co., New York;  E. Arnold & Co., London, 1924.

     Charles Walter McLARNAN (1928-1979)

              Mehmke (1857-1944)
      Rudolf MEHMKE (1857-1944)

              Fritz Heinrich MEYER zur CAPELLEN (1902 - 1985)       Walther Fritz Heinrich MEYER zur CAPELLEN (1902-1985)

Walther Fritz Heinrich
              MEYER zur CAPELLEN (1902 - 1985)        Richard Edler von MISES (1883-1953)

  • Graphische Statik räumlicher Kräftesysteme (Graphic statics of spatial force systems), Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Vol.  64, No. 3, pp. 209 – 232, 1916.
  • Anwendungen der Motorrechnung (Applications of Motor Calculus), Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 4, No. 3,  pp. 193-213, 1924.
  • Motorrechnung, ein neues Hilfsmittel der Mechanik, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 155-181, 1924.
    • English translation by E. Baker and K. Wohlhart: Motor Calculus, a New Theoretical Device for Mechanics, Institute for Mechanics, University of Technology Graz, Austria, 1996.
    • English translation by  D.H. Delphenich: Motor algebra, a new tool for mechanics.

August Ferdinand MÖBIUS (1790-1868)
      August Ferdinand MÖBIUS (1790-1868)

Karl-Heinz MODLER (1944- )
       Karl-Heinz MODLER (1944- )

  • Untersuchungen über momentane Geschwindigkeits- und Beschleunigungsverhältnisse einer räumlichen Bewegung mittels Matrizenschreibweise; Anwendung auf räumliche Kurbelschwinge, Maschinenbau-Technik, 1970.
  • Rechnerische Erfassung der Burmesterschen Mittelpunktkur­ve (Computer prints of Burmester's center point curve), Maschinenbau-Technik, Vol. 20, No. 10, pp. 471-474, 1971.
  • Entwurf von Viergelenkgetrieben für Scharnierbewegungen, Maschinenbau-Technik, Vol. 26, pp. 554-58, 1977 .
  • Eine einheitliche Methode für die exakte Synthese von Koppelgetrieben zur Realisierung von Lagenzuordnungen, Dissertation, 1978.
  • Special four-bar spatial mechanisms as function-generators, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Vol. 2, 1979.
  • Burmestersche Theorie ohne Poldreieck, Maschinenbau-Technik, pp. 116-118, 1981.

      Samuel Noah MOLIAN (1928-2001)

Arthur Morin
      Arthur Jules MORIN (1795-1880)

Frank Vigor Morley
      Frank Vigor MORLEY (1860-1937)

              Moser (1921-1970.jpg
      Leo MOSER (1921-1970)

      T.S. MRUTHYUNJAYA ( - )

     Herbert W. MÜLLER (1914-2017)

     Heinrich Robert Reinhold MÜLLER (1857-1939)

              Robert Müller
     Hans Robert MÜLLER (1911-1999)

        Francis Joseph MURRAY (1911-1996)

        Francis Emile MYARD (1893-1980)

Arvid MYKLEBUST ( - )
        Arvid MYKLEBUST ( - )


     G. NERGE ( - )

  • Zur Konstruktion von Rastgetrieben unter Ausnutzung der Totlagenwirkung, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden, No. 2, pp. 279-282, 1956/57.
  • Wurfhebelantrieb von Druckmaschinen, VDI-Berichte, No. 29, pp. 157-158, 1958.
  • Über den Stand der Analyze und Synthese von Kurvengetriebe in den USA, Maschinenbautechnik, 8, p. 620-621, 1959.
Joseph Jean Baptiste
     Joseph Jean Baptiste NEUBERG (1840-1926)

  • Sur quelques systèmes de tiges articulées. Tracé mécanique des lignes, Université de Liège, Association des Élèves des Écoles Spéciales, G. Bertrand, 1886.
  • Un problème sur les quadrilatères articulés, Verhandelingen Nederlands Natuurkundig Congres, Vol. 5, pp. 255-267, 1895..
  • Géométrie et mécanique, Bulletin de la Classe des sciences. Académie royale de Belgique, No. 11, pp. 587-592, 1922.
Justo NIETO (1943- )
     Justo NIETO (1943- )

  • Resúmenes de Cinemática, Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial, Santander, 1972.
  • Mecanismos planos con dos grados de libertad: aplicación al análisis y síntesis de mecanismos de cinco barras, Tesis doctoral, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Terrassa, 1974.
  • Formación de las cadenas cinemáticas (Parte I), Dyna, Vol. 50, pp. 465-468, 1975.
  • Formación de las cadenas cinemáticas (Parte II), Dyna, Vol. 50, pp. 557-566, 1975.
  • Exposición de una teoría unitaria sobre la equivalencia cinemática, Dyna, Vol. 51, pp. 47-53, 1976.
  • El laboratorio de teoría de mecanismos, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 1976.
  • Síntesis de estructuras planas con mínimo número de barras, Nueva Época,  No. 6, pp. 170-191, 1976. (with C. Hoppe). Also in: Técnica Industrial, 1980. 
  • Sobre la síntesis de número de la teoría de mecanismos, III Congreso de la Academia Nacional de Ingeniería, A. C., Oaxtepec, México, 1977.
  • Síntesis de Mecanismos, Editorial AC, Madrid, 1978.
  • Diseño de Robots y Manipuladores, IMHE, 1979.
  • Un nuevo mecanismo plano esférico, III Congreso Nacional sobre la Teoría de Máquinas y Mecanismos, 1980.

      Petru Nicolae NITESCU ( - )

  • Velocity Analysis of Spatial Five-Link 3R-2C Mechanisms. Part 1: The RCRCR Mechanism, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques - Série de Mécanique Appliquée, Vol. 22, pp. 307–318, 1977. (with N.I. Manolescu)
  • Velocity Analysis of Spatial Five-Link 3R-2C Mechanisms. Part 2: The RCRRC Mechanism, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques - Série de Mécanique Appliquée, Vol. 22, pp. 567–578, 1977. (with N.I. Manolescu)
  • Velocity Analysis of Spatial Five-Link 3R-2C Mechanisms. Part 3: The RRCRC Mechanism, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques - Série de Mécanique Appliquée, Vol. 22, pp. 717–724, 1977. (with N.I. Manolescu)
  • On the structural synthesis and kinematic analysis of open-loop manipulation, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1980. (with N.I. Manolescu)
  • On the kinematic synthesis of 5-axis spatial mecha­nisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 387-395, 1982. 

      Harald NOLLE ( - )

      Enrico NOVARESE (1858-1892)

  • Sulle accelerazioni nel moto di una figura piana nel proprio piano, Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Vol. 19, pp. 501-503, 1884.
  • Di una analogia fra la teorica delle velocità e la teorica delle forze, Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Vol. 21, pp. 900-911, 1886.
  • Sopra una trasformazione delle equazioni d’equilibrio delle curve funicolari, Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Vol. 22, pp. 801-808, 1887.
  • Proprietà stereometriche dei sistemi di forze, Rendiconti  Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, Vol. 21, pp. 575-579, 1888.
  • Studio sull’accelerazione di ordine n nel moto di una retta, Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Vol. 24, pp. 400-410, 1889.
  • Sull’accelerazione di second’ordine nel moto rotatorio intorno a un punto, Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Vol. 26, pp. 302-309, 1890.
  • Sulla definizione della velocità di un punto, Rivista di Matematica, No. 1, pp. 12-14, 1891.
Nicolae ORLANDEA (1937-2023)
      Nicolae "Nicky" Viorel ORLANDEA  (1937-2023)

  • Contributions to the determination of the equations of motion for multidegree of freedom systems, ASME. J. Eng. Ind., Vol. 93, No. 1, pp. 191–195, 1971. (with D. Maros)
  • Node-analogous, Sparsity-oriented Methods for Simulation of Mechanical Dynamic Systems,  PhD dissertation, University of Michigan, 1973.
  • A Sparsity-Oriented Approach to the Dynamic Analysis and Design of Mechanical Systems—Part 1. ASME. J. Eng. Ind., Vol.. 99, No. 3, pp. 773–779, 1977. (with M. A. Chace and D. A. Calahan)
  • Contributions to the algorithm of plane-producing envelope surfaces by using parallel kinematic machines structure and kinematics, Proceedings of the 2002 Parallel Kinematics Systems  Conference, Chemnitz, Germany, 2002.
  • Design of parallel kinematic systems using the planar enveloping algorithm and ADAMS computer program, ASME Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, Vol. 218, No. 4, pp. 211-221, 2004.
  • Determination of generalized coordinates and forces for generation of the three dimensional curves with torsion by PKM (Parallel Kinematik Machines), Solid State Phenomena, 2010.
Elia OVAZZA (1852–1928)
      Elia OVAZZA (1852-1928)

Mustafa Kemal ÖZGÖREN ( - )

        Mustafa Kemal ÖZGÖREN ( - )

Olgert Gustavovich OZOL (1914-1976)       Olgert