
Receding horizon control of hybrid linear delayed systems: Application to sewer networks

Conference Article


IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)





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A control-oriented hybrid linear model for water transport in sewer networks is proposed as a suitable framework for the computation of real-time controllers for the minimization of flooding in presence of heavy-rain events. The model is based on individual network elements (sewers, gates, weirs and tanks) and does not rely on topological simplifications, thus providing a better description of the hydrological and hydraulic phenomena than in similar works. Using a generic form of a hybrid linear model, a simple matrix-based procedure for the formulation and solution of an optimal control problem is also presented. This procedure is applied to the sewer network model for the case study of a part of the Barcelona sewer network in a receding horizon control strategy, showing the effectiveness of the proposed control approach.


control system synthesis, control theory, linear programming, optimisation, predictive control.

Author keywords

network modeling, receding horizon control, MPC, linear delayed systems

Scientific reference

B. Joseph, C. Ocampo-Martínez and G. Cembrano. Receding horizon control of hybrid linear delayed systems: Application to sewer networks, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013, Florence, pp. 2257-2262.