
Study of the anchoring problem in generalist robots based on ROSPlan

Conference Article


Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CCIA)





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In real life environments where robots must deal with complex situations and humans, generalist robots that adapt to novel situations are needed. They are composed by two sub-systems: perception/actuation and knowledge representation, and they need that symbols in the high-level area are coupled to objects and actions of the low-level area. This is the so-called Anchoring Problem. In this paper we present the system we are using to study this problem. It is based on ROSPlan, a framework that provides a generic method for task planning in a ROS system. The high-level area is composed by a planner that uses PDDL files and a knowledge representation system, while the low-level area is defined as a set of robot services exported using ROS actions, services and topics. We plan to contribute to this problem by applying human-robot interaction and learning techniques, and our main objectives are: (1) link an existing symbol with a learned action by interaction, and (2) automated code generation of ad-hoc ROS nodes that connect symbols to specific perceptions/actions.


intelligent robots, robot programming.

Author keywords

anchoring problem, AI planning, learning, PDDL, action grounding, human-robot interaction, ROS, generalist robots

Scientific reference

D. Escudero and R. Alquézar Mancho. Study of the anchoring problem in generalist robots based on ROSPlan, 19th Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2016, Barcelona, in Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, Vol 288 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp. 45-50, 2016, IOS Press.