Tracking and grasping

Syed Farzad Husain

On this page you can see the tracking and grasping results of our system.

Example Video 1 (Sensor -> Kinect camera):
Comparing our tracker with Kwon et al. 2009 and Ross et al. 2007.

You can also download the centroid of the cup used as a ground truth from here in Matlab mat file format.

Example Video 2 (Sensor -> Kinect camera):
Comparing our tracker with the 3d-tracker available in the Point Cloud Library.

Example Video 3 (Sensor -> Kinect camera):
Comparing our tracker with the 3d-tracker available in the Point Cloud Library

Example Video 4 (Sensor -> Kinect camera)

Example Video 5 (Sensor -> Kinect camera)

Example Video 6 (Sensor -> Kinect camera)

Example Video 7 (Sensor -> Kinect camera)


Our code is available for download as an SVN repository. In order to compile the code you will need ROS groovy and OpenCV. The code has been tested on Ubuntu 11.10 and later versions.

Code for tracker only:

Instruction to install and use the code to control WAM robot can be found at:


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