Estimació i navegació robòtica amb IMU en entorns interiors bidimensionals

Work default illustration


  • Started: 15/09/2020
  • Finished: 21/05/2021


In the context of the project FENILO. It intends to develop a mapping, localization and navigation solution for wheeled robots, in urban or buildingenvironments. The project will be implemented on top of the WOLF framework and will use LIDAR, IMU andencoder-based odometry measurements. Special attention will be placed in developing robust, versatile, accurate, andefficient solutions to the problem. Robustness will be addressed through the fusion of multi-sensory data with failtolerance. Online sensor calibration will also provide robustness as well as accuracy. Integration with ROS and itsnavigation stack, and with WOLF will provide versatility and “plug and play” capabilities.

The work is under the scope of the following projects:

  • FENILO: Framework for 2D Estimation and Navigation using IMU, Lidar and Odometry (web)