Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial



Generates Figure 5.


function MakeFigure5


   Generates Figure 5.
   In this experiment we compute the time (in seconds) for the first 
   iteration of Perseus using different number of components to represent 
   the beliefs and the alpha-mixtures. 
   This give an idea of the complexity added when incresing the number of
   components in the beliefs or in the alpha-mixtures.

   Figure 6 shows the performace degradation when using too few components
   in beliefs or in alpha-mixtures.


This function calls:
  • GenerateFigure5Data Generates the data for Figure 5.
  • set Set method for Gaussian mixtures.
  • GetData Loads and, if necessary, generates data from experiments.
  • set Set function for PODMP (base type)
This function is called by:


0001 function MakeFigure5
0002 %   Generates Figure 5.
0003 %
0004 %   In this experiment we compute the time (in seconds) for the first
0005 %   iteration of Perseus using different number of components to represent
0006 %   the beliefs and the alpha-mixtures.
0007 %   This give an idea of the complexity added when incresing the number of
0008 %   components in the beliefs or in the alpha-mixtures.
0009 %
0010 %   Figure 6 shows the performace degradation when using too few components
0011 %   in beliefs or in alpha-mixtures.
0012 %
0014   h=clf;
0015   set(h,'name','C-POMDP Figure 5','numbertitle','off');
0017   fprintf('Loading/Generating the simulation results\n');
0018   fname='Results/Test1-Figure5.mat';
0019   GenData=@()(GenerateFigure5Data(fname));
0020   Results=GetData(fname,GenData);
0022   subplot(1,2,1);
0023   bar(Results.cb,Results.tb);
0025   title('1st Iteration Exec. Time');
0026   xlabel('No. Components Beliefs');
0027   ylabel('t (s)');
0029   subplot(1,2,2);
0030   bar(,Results.ta);
0031   xlabel('No. Components \alpha-functions');
0032   ylabel('time (s)');

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial

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