Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial



Generates the plots in Figures 2, 8, 10, and 11.


function MakeFigureSimulation(title,data)


   Generates the plots in Figures 2, 8, 10, and 11.

   A function to generate the Figures 2, 8, 10, and 11, showing four
   plots with the evolution in time of

      - The average value per belief (in the paper we actually show the
        sum of values for all beliefs).
      - The average accumulated discounted reward.
      - The number of alpha-elements in the policy.
      - The average number of policy changes per belief (in the paper we
        actually show the total number of policy changes).

   This function does not compute anything, it just load the file with the
   average results and make the plots.
   The results are loaded for a file with name 
   where data is the given parameter.

   See also GetPOMDPSolutionStatistics.


This function calls:
  • set Set method for Gaussian mixtures.
  • set Set function for PODMP (base type)
This function is called by:


0001 function MakeFigureSimulation(title,data)
0002 %   Generates the plots in Figures 2, 8, 10, and 11.
0003 %
0004 %   A function to generate the Figures 2, 8, 10, and 11, showing four
0005 %   plots with the evolution in time of
0006 %
0007 %      - The average value per belief (in the paper we actually show the
0008 %        sum of values for all beliefs).
0009 %      - The average accumulated discounted reward.
0010 %      - The number of alpha-elements in the policy.
0011 %      - The average number of policy changes per belief (in the paper we
0012 %        actually show the total number of policy changes).
0013 %
0014 %   This function does not compute anything, it just load the file with the
0015 %   average results and make the plots.
0016 %   The results are loaded for a file with name
0017 %      data-resutls.mat
0018 %   where data is the given parameter.
0019 %
0020 %   See also GetPOMDPSolutionStatistics.
0021 %
0023   h=clf;
0024   set(h,'name',title,'numbertitle','off');
0026   if ischar(data)
0027     Results=load([data '-results.mat']);
0028   else
0029     Results=data;
0030   end
0032   subplot(2,2,1);
0033   errorbar(Results.tics,Results.SM.AV,Results.SD.AV);
0034   xlabel('time (s)');
0035   ylabel('Value')
0037   subplot(2,2,2);
0038   errorbar(Results.tics,Results.SM.R,Results.SD.R);
0039   xlabel('time (s)');
0040   ylabel('Acc. Disc. Reward')
0042   subplot(2,2,3);
0043   errorbar(Results.tics,Results.SM.nAlpha,Results.SD.nAlpha);
0044   xlabel('time (s)');
0045   ylabel('No. \alpha-Elements');
0048   subplot(2,2,4);
0049   errorbar(Results.tics,Results.SM.nChanges,Results.SD.nChanges);
0050   xlabel('time (s)');
0051   ylabel('No. Policy Changes');

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial

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