Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial



Backup for a given belief (continuous state version).


function [alpha a v]=Backup(P,b,V,Alphas_j_a_o)


   Backup for a given belief (continuous state version).

   Belief backup function for POMDP defined on continuous state spaces.
   The backup operator is introduced in Section 4 (page 12) but without any
   assumption on the type of state space.
   This function corresponds to the particularization of the backup for
   continuous state spaces given on Section 5.2 of the
   paper (pages 15 and 16). 

   This function basically computes one Alpha-element for each action and
   selects the one that gives higher value for the given belief.

     P: The POMDP
     b: The belief
     V: The previous policy/value function/set of alpha-elements.
     Alphas_j_a_o: The set of pre-compute alpha_j_a_o elements. If empty,
                   the alpha_j_a_o elements are computed on the fly.


This function calls:
  • Expectation Expectation between a belief and a alpha-element.
  • Expectation Expectation between a belief and a alpha-element.
  • get Get for GBeliefs.
  • Expectation Expectation between a belief and a alpha-element.
  • Compress Gaussian mixutre compression.
  • get Get function for the GMixture object.
  • get Gaussian object get function.
  • get Get function for CS_CO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for CS_CO_DA_POMDPs.
  • ComputeAlpha_a Compute the alpha_i_n-element for the given action and belief.
  • get Get function for CS_CO_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for CS_DO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for CS_DO_DA_POMDPs.
  • ComputeAlpha_a Compute the alpha_i_n-element for the given action and belief.
  • get Get function for CS_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_CO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_CO_DA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_DO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_DO_DA_POMDPs.
  • ComputeAlpha_a Compute the alpha_i_n-element for the given action and belief.
  • get Get functio for POMDPs.
  • dim Dimensionality of a continuous space.
  • max Upper bound of a CSpace
  • dim Dimensionality of a discrete space.
This function is called by:
  • Perseus The Perseus point-based POMDP solver.
  • iPerseus Improved version of Perseus.


0001 function [alpha a v]=Backup(P,b,V,Alphas_j_a_o)
0002 %   Backup for a given belief (continuous state version).
0003 %
0004 %   Belief backup function for POMDP defined on continuous state spaces.
0005 %   The backup operator is introduced in Section 4 (page 12) but without any
0006 %   assumption on the type of state space.
0007 %   This function corresponds to the particularization of the backup for
0008 %   continuous state spaces given on Section 5.2 of the
0009 %   paper (pages 15 and 16).
0010 %
0011 %   This function basically computes one Alpha-element for each action and
0012 %   selects the one that gives higher value for the given belief.
0013 %
0014 %   Parameters:
0015 %     P: The POMDP
0016 %     b: The belief
0017 %     V: The previous policy/value function/set of alpha-elements.
0018 %     Alphas_j_a_o: The set of pre-compute alpha_j_a_o elements. If empty,
0019 %                   the alpha_j_a_o elements are computed on the fly.
0021   A=get(P,'ActionSpace'); % This is suposed to be discrete
0022   if isa(A,'CSpace')
0023     error('The Action Space must be discrete at this point');
0024   end
0025   Elements_a=arrayfun(@(a)(ComputeAlpha_a(P,V,b,a,Alphas_j_a_o)),1:dim(A),'UniformOutput',false);
0026   fprintf('a');
0027   [v na]=max(cellfun(@(ea)(Expectation(b,ea)),Elements_a));
0028   fprintf('c');
0029   alpha=Compress(Elements_a{na},P.maxAlphaC);
0030   v=Expectation(b,alpha);
0031   a=A(na);

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial

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