Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial



Backupt for a given belief (discrete state version).


function [alpha a v]=Backup(P,b,V,Alphas_j_a_o)


   Backupt for a given belief (discrete state version).

   Belief backup function for POMDP defined on discrete state spaces.
   The backup operator is introduced in Section 4 (page 12) but without any
   assumption on the type of state space.

   This function basically computes one Alpha-vector for each action and
   selects the one that gives higher value for the given belief.

     P: The POMDP
     b: The belief
     V: The previous policy/value function/set of alpha-elements.
     Alphas_j_a_o: The set of pre-compute alpha_j_a_o elements. If empty,
                   the alpha_j_a_o elements are computed on the fly.


This function calls:
  • Expectation Expectation between a belief and a alpha-element.
  • Expectation Expectation between a belief and a alpha-element.
  • get Get for GBeliefs.
  • Expectation Expectation between a belief and a alpha-element.
  • get Get function for the GMixture object.
  • get Gaussian object get function.
  • get Get function for CS_CO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for CS_CO_DA_POMDPs.
  • ComputeAlpha_a Compute the alpha_i_n-element for the given action and belief.
  • get Get function for CS_CO_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for CS_DO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for CS_DO_DA_POMDPs.
  • ComputeAlpha_a Compute the alpha_i_n-element for the given action and belief.
  • get Get function for CS_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_CO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_CO_DA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_DO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_DO_DA_POMDPs.
  • ComputeAlpha_a Compute the alpha_i_n-element for the given action and belief.
  • get Get functio for POMDPs.
  • dim Dimensionality of a continuous space.
  • max Upper bound of a CSpace
  • dim Dimensionality of a discrete space.
This function is called by:
  • Perseus The Perseus point-based POMDP solver.
  • iPerseus Improved version of Perseus.


0001 function [alpha a v]=Backup(P,b,V,Alphas_j_a_o)
0002 %   Backupt for a given belief (discrete state version).
0003 %
0004 %   Belief backup function for POMDP defined on discrete state spaces.
0005 %   The backup operator is introduced in Section 4 (page 12) but without any
0006 %   assumption on the type of state space.
0007 %
0008 %   This function basically computes one Alpha-vector for each action and
0009 %   selects the one that gives higher value for the given belief.
0010 %
0011 %   Parameters:
0012 %     P: The POMDP
0013 %     b: The belief
0014 %     V: The previous policy/value function/set of alpha-elements.
0015 %     Alphas_j_a_o: The set of pre-compute alpha_j_a_o elements. If empty,
0016 %                   the alpha_j_a_o elements are computed on the fly.
0018   A=get(P,'ActionSpace'); % This is suposed to be discrete
0019   if isa(A,'CSpace')
0020     error('The Action Space must be discrete at this point');
0021   end
0022   Elements_a=arrayfun(@(a)(ComputeAlpha_a(P,V,b,a,Alphas_j_a_o)),1:dim(A),'UniformOutput',false);
0023   [v a]=max(cellfun(@(ea)(Expectation(b,ea)),Elements_a));
0024   alpha=Elements_a{a};

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial

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