Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial



Get function for PoseData objects.


function out=get(PD,field)


 Get function for PoseData objects.

 Allows acces to the information stored in a PoseData object, PD.

 Possible fields to query are

     - isInterval: true if the PoseData object includes intervalar
       information, i.e, if it holds information for a collection of
     - mean: The mean stored in the PoseData object. This can be a vector
       of doubles or a vector of intervals depending on wether the
       PoseData is refered to a single pose or to a set of poses.
     - covaraince: The covariance stored in the PoseData object. This can
       be a matrix of doubles or a matrix of intervals depending on wether the
       PoseData is refered to a single pose or to a set of poses.
     - crossCovarianceData: Data to recover the cross covariance or the
       pose with the current robot's pose. Note that this is not directly
       the cross-covariance (the accumulation of linarized motions are needed
       to get the actual cross-covariances).
     - Gaussian: A Gaussian derived from the data stored in the PoseData
       object. This only works for PoseData objects including the
       information of single poses.
     - Id: identifier(s) of the pose(s) represented by the PoseData


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function out=get(PD,field)
0002 % Get function for PoseData objects.
0003 %
0004 % Allows acces to the information stored in a PoseData object, PD.
0005 %
0006 % Possible fields to query are
0007 %
0008 %     - isInterval: true if the PoseData object includes intervalar
0009 %       information, i.e, if it holds information for a collection of
0010 %       poses.
0011 %     - mean: The mean stored in the PoseData object. This can be a vector
0012 %       of doubles or a vector of intervals depending on wether the
0013 %       PoseData is refered to a single pose or to a set of poses.
0014 %     - covaraince: The covariance stored in the PoseData object. This can
0015 %       be a matrix of doubles or a matrix of intervals depending on wether the
0016 %       PoseData is refered to a single pose or to a set of poses.
0017 %     - crossCovarianceData: Data to recover the cross covariance or the
0018 %       pose with the current robot's pose. Note that this is not directly
0019 %       the cross-covariance (the accumulation of linarized motions are needed
0020 %       to get the actual cross-covariances).
0021 %     - Gaussian: A Gaussian derived from the data stored in the PoseData
0022 %       object. This only works for PoseData objects including the
0023 %       information of single poses.
0024 %     - Id: identifier(s) of the pose(s) represented by the PoseData
0025 %       object.
0027   switch field
0028     case 'isInterval'
0029       out=PD.isInterval;
0030     case 'mean'
0031       out=PD.m;
0032     case 'covariance'
0033       out=PD.S;
0034     case 'crossCovarianceData'
0035       out=PD.CS;
0036     case 'Gaussian'
0037       out=Gaussian(PD.m,PD.S);
0038     case 'id'
0040     otherwise
0041       error('Unknown field in PoseData get');
0042   end

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial

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