Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial



Simulates a robot performing Pose SLAM.


function Result=Simulation(F,R,Parameters)


 Simulates a robot performing Pose SLAM.
 This function is also used to continue a previously started simulation.

     F: the P_Filter to use to estimate the trajectory of the robot.
     R: The robot to use in the simulation
     Parameters.maxSteps: Number of steps to run the simulation. 
             Set to 0 to use  as many steps as sensor readings available.
             This parameter and the use of this function as well as
             ContinueSimulation allow to run a full simulation in
             separate phases.
             The first step is the initial estimation. So use at maxSteps
             2 to perform one filter step and so on.
     Parameters.plot: true if the trajectory as estimated by the filter 
                  has to be plotted while simulating.
     Parameters.plotSensors: Array of booleans indicating which sensors 
                  are to be plotted along with the filter information. 
                  Right now only RealVison and RealLaser sensors have 
                  non-void Plot functions. In the first case the images 
                  of the cameras are shown at the right of the 
                  trajectory and in the second case the laser readings 
                  are plotted at the corresponding pose.
     Parameters.Domain: Area where the robot is expected to move. Used 
                  to define the tree of poses and the axis of the plot.
     Parameters.loopClosure: Selects the method to determine the loop 
                  closure points.
     The rest of parametres depend on the 'loopClosure' value
       For 'NoLoops' or 'AllLoos' no more parameters are needed.
       For 'DetectLoops'or 'TreeDetectLoops'  we have to provide
          - Parameters.matchArea: Area arround a pose where it is likely 
            to get similar sensor readings (sensor readings that can be  
            registered to the sensor readings of the current pose).
            This is 'v_r' in the paper.
            Todo: integrate this threshold in the sensor information.
          - Parameters.loopNoise: Typical noise of the sensors closing 
            loops. The sensors that will be used to register poses.
            This is \bar{\Sigma_y} in the paper.
          - Parameters.pdRange: An interval [p1,p2]. If a pose has a 
            probability higher   p1 of being in the match area of the 
            current robot's pose it is considered for a loop (if the 
            information test below agrees to do so). If the pose has 
            probability higher than p2 of being in the match area of the 
            current robot's pose the current pose is considered for 
            removal (see information test below)
            This is 's' in the paper. However here we allow to define two
            values for it.
          - Parameters.igRange: An interval [ig1,ig2]. If the information 
            gain of apossible loop closure (suggested by the distance 
            criterion) is above ig2 the loops closure is considered 
            informativeenough. If the information gain is below ig1, the 
            current robot pose is considered redundant (it can be removed 
            since there is a very similar pose already in the trajectory).
            The information criterion is only considered after the
            distance one.
            This is 'g' in the paper. However we allow to define two
            values for it.

     Results: A structure with the Filter, the Robot, the Parameters and
              some outputs (time, inf. gain,...)


This function calls:
  • GetOdometry Get the odometry readings witht the different available sensors.
  • MoveRobot Moves the robot by one time slice.
  • display Displays the name of the robot.
  • get Get function for robots.
  • display Displays a trajectory.
  • get Get function for trajectories.
  • size Number of poses in a trajectory.
  • Update Adds a new pose to an EKF filter.
  • UpdateLoop Adds a new loop to an EKF filter.
  • get Get function for EKF filters.
  • AllLoops Selects all possible pairs of poses as potential loops.
  • ComputeNEES Quantifies the consitency of a filter.
  • DetectLoops Propose loops based on the distance between poses searching linearly.
  • GetPoseData Defines a PoseData objects from the information stored in the filter.
  • InformationGain Information gain by closing a loop with a previous pose.
  • InitFilterPlot Initializes the plot of a filter.
  • NoLoops Avoids any loop to be stablished.
  • PlotFilter (Re)plots a filter.
  • PreviousPose Identifies the previous pose.
  • ShowLinkToNeighbour Shows the line to a possible neighbour.
  • TreeDetectLoops Propose loops based on the distance between poses using a tree for the search.
  • Update Adds a pose to the filter.
  • UpdateFilterPlot Updates the plot of a filter with a new pose.
  • UpdateLoop Adds a loop to the filter.
  • display Displays the type of filter F.
  • get Generic get function for filters.
  • size Size of the state estimated in the filter
  • GetPoseData Defines a PoseData objects from the information stored in the filter.
  • Update Adds a new pose to a TRO filter.
  • UpdateLoop Adds a new loop to a TRO filter.
  • get Get function for TRO filters.
  • BTree Balanced tree constructor.
  • InsertInTree Inserts an element in a BTree.
  • UpdateTree Updates the information in a BTree.
  • display Displays a balanced tree.
  • get Get function for BTrees.
  • display Displays a PoseData object.
  • get Get function for PoseData objects.
  • display Displays the information of a Gaussian (mean and covariance).
  • get Get function for Gaussians.
  • display Displays an interval matrix.
  • size Size (rows/columns) of an interval matrix.
  • HideLinkToNeighbour Hides the line to a possible neighbour.
  • display Displays a pose.
  • get Get function for poses.
  • size Number of parameters of the pose.
  • get Generic get for relative positioning sensors
  • SensorLoopCloses Checks if two laser scan can be properly aligned.
  • display Displays the type of sensor.
  • get Generic get for sensors
  • size Number of readings stored in the Sensor.
  • SensorLoopCloses Checks if two sensor readigs can be properly registered.
This function is called by:


0001 function Result=Simulation(F,R,Parameters)
0002 % Simulates a robot performing Pose SLAM.
0003 % This function is also used to continue a previously started simulation.
0004 %
0005 %   Parameters:
0006 %     F: the P_Filter to use to estimate the trajectory of the robot.
0007 %     R: The robot to use in the simulation
0008 %     Parameters.maxSteps: Number of steps to run the simulation.
0009 %             Set to 0 to use  as many steps as sensor readings available.
0010 %             This parameter and the use of this function as well as
0011 %             ContinueSimulation allow to run a full simulation in
0012 %             separate phases.
0013 %             The first step is the initial estimation. So use at maxSteps
0014 %             2 to perform one filter step and so on.
0015 %     Parameters.plot: true if the trajectory as estimated by the filter
0016 %                  has to be plotted while simulating.
0017 %     Parameters.plotSensors: Array of booleans indicating which sensors
0018 %                  are to be plotted along with the filter information.
0019 %                  Right now only RealVison and RealLaser sensors have
0020 %                  non-void Plot functions. In the first case the images
0021 %                  of the cameras are shown at the right of the
0022 %                  trajectory and in the second case the laser readings
0023 %                  are plotted at the corresponding pose.
0024 %     Parameters.Domain: Area where the robot is expected to move. Used
0025 %                  to define the tree of poses and the axis of the plot.
0026 %     Parameters.loopClosure: Selects the method to determine the loop
0027 %                  closure points.
0028 %     The rest of parametres depend on the 'loopClosure' value
0029 %       For 'NoLoops' or 'AllLoos' no more parameters are needed.
0030 %       For 'DetectLoops'or 'TreeDetectLoops'  we have to provide
0031 %          - Parameters.matchArea: Area arround a pose where it is likely
0032 %            to get similar sensor readings (sensor readings that can be
0033 %            registered to the sensor readings of the current pose).
0034 %            This is 'v_r' in the paper.
0035 %            Todo: integrate this threshold in the sensor information.
0036 %          - Parameters.loopNoise: Typical noise of the sensors closing
0037 %            loops. The sensors that will be used to register poses.
0038 %            This is \bar{\Sigma_y} in the paper.
0039 %          - Parameters.pdRange: An interval [p1,p2]. If a pose has a
0040 %            probability higher   p1 of being in the match area of the
0041 %            current robot's pose it is considered for a loop (if the
0042 %            information test below agrees to do so). If the pose has
0043 %            probability higher than p2 of being in the match area of the
0044 %            current robot's pose the current pose is considered for
0045 %            removal (see information test below)
0046 %            This is 's' in the paper. However here we allow to define two
0047 %            values for it.
0048 %          - Parameters.igRange: An interval [ig1,ig2]. If the information
0049 %            gain of apossible loop closure (suggested by the distance
0050 %            criterion) is above ig2 the loops closure is considered
0051 %            informativeenough. If the information gain is below ig1, the
0052 %            current robot pose is considered redundant (it can be removed
0053 %            since there is a very similar pose already in the trajectory).
0054 %            The information criterion is only considered after the
0055 %            distance one.
0056 %            This is 'g' in the paper. However we allow to define two
0057 %            values for it.
0058 %
0059 %   Outputs:
0060 %     Results: A structure with the Filter, the Robot, the Parameters and
0061 %              some outputs (time, inf. gain,...)
0063   if ~Parameters.quiet
0064     fprintf('Simulating: \n');
0065   end
0067   % Robot's number of sensors
0068   Sensors=get(R,'sensors');
0069   numSensors=size(Sensors,2);
0071   pt=InitFilterPlot(F,Parameters);
0073   % Default output is a tree from the filter data (non-empty if we
0074   % are continuing a previously stopped simulation).
0075   if strcmp(Parameters.loopClosure,'TreeDetectLoops')
0076     pd=GetPoseData(F);
0077     T=BTree({pd{1:(end-1)}});
0078   else
0079     T=0;
0080    end
0082   % sometimes, when detecting possible points for loop closure we
0083   % detect that current pose is redundant (i.e., we already have
0084   % a nearby pose in the filter). If so, next pose to be added
0085   % replaces the current one. This helps to control the size
0086   % of the filter.
0087   redundantPose=false;
0089   % To gather estatistics about the loop closure
0090   NPL=0; % number of proposed loops
0091   NCL=0; % number of actually closed loops
0093   % To gather statistics about execution time
0094   timeSA=0; % Time used in state augmentation (Update)
0095   timeLC=0; % Time used in loop closure (UpdateLoop)
0096   timeS=0;  % Time used searching for neighbours
0097   timeT=0;  % Time used inserting in the tree and re-building it
0099   totalIG=0; % total information gain of actually closed loops
0101   % To comptute the filter consitency (only when grount truth is
0102   % available).
0103   groundTruthAvailable=isfield(Parameters,'groundTruth');
0104   NEES=[]; 
0106   % continue from last step
0107   step=get(F,'nSteps');
0109   done=false;
0111   while ~done
0113     step=step+1;
0115     if Parameters.maxSteps>0
0116       done=(step>=Parameters.maxSteps);
0117     end
0119     if ~done
0120       % And now iterate reading the sensors and updating the filter
0121       % done is set to true when no more sensor readings are available
0122       [done R]=MoveRobot(R); % returns done=false whe no more sensor readings
0123     end
0125     if ~done
0127       %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0128       % Update the filter with the new sensor readings -> add a new state
0129       %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0130       [SR Sn]=GetOdometry(R);
0132       ck=cputime;
0133         F=Update(F,step,SR,Sn,redundantPose);
0134       timeSA(step)=(cputime-ck);
0136       if Parameters.plot
0137         if redundantPose
0138           pt=PlotFilter(F,Parameters);
0139         else
0140           pt=UpdateFilterPlot(F,step,pt,true);
0141         end
0142       end
0144       %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0145       % Use the filter information to detect possible points for loop
0146       % closuse (i.e., if the current pose is close enough)
0147       %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0148       switch Parameters.loopClosure
0149         case 'NoLoops'
0150           L=NoLoops(F);
0152         case 'AllLoops'
0153           L=AllLoops(F);
0155         case 'DetectLoops'
0156           ck=cputime;
0157             L=DetectLoops(F,Parameters.matchArea,Parameters.pdRange);
0158           timeS(step)=(cputime-ck);
0160         case 'TreeDetectLoops'
0161           if step>1
0162             pd=GetPoseData(F,step-1);
0163             if isa(pd,'PoseData')
0164               % if 'step' is not one of the removed steps
0165               ck=cputime;
0166                 T=InsertInTree(T,pd);
0167               timeT(step)=(cputime-ck);
0168             end
0169           end
0170           ck=cputime;
0171             L=TreeDetectLoops(F,T,Parameters.matchArea,Parameters.pdRange);
0172           timeS(step)=(cputime-ck);
0173         otherwise
0174           error('Unknow loop closure procedure');
0175       end
0177       %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0178       % Check if at least one of the sensors confirm the loop closure
0179       %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0180       n=size(L,2);
0182       NPL=NPL+n; % number of tentative loop closures
0184       redundantPose=false;
0186       ncl=0; % number of closed loops in this time slice
0188       % Compute the information gain for all the tentative links
0189       allI=cellfun(@(n)(InformationGain(F,Parameters.noiseLoopClosure,n.step)),L);
0191       while n>0
0193         % select the maximally informative link.
0194         [I mi]=max(allI);
0195         link=L{mi};
0196         cl=false; % the loop is not closed so far
0198         % link to the neighbouring pose
0199         ShowLinkToNeighbour(F,Parameters,pt,step,link.step,'y');
0201         if (I>Parameters.igRange(2)) && ~PreviousPose(F,link.step)
0203           %  link to the neighbouring informative pose
0204           ShowLinkToNeighbour(F,Parameters,pt,step,link.step,'b');
0206           % Look for the sensor that confirm the loop closure link
0207           j=1;
0208           nSLC=0; % Number of sensors that confirm the loop closure
0210           while (j<=numSensors) && (I>Parameters.igRange(2))
0211             [c d Sn]=SensorLoopCloses(get(R,'sensor',j),link.step,step);
0213             if c
0214               % If the sensor confirms the loop
0215               % we compute the true information gain
0216               Is=InformationGain(F,Sn,link.step);
0217               I=min(I,Is);
0219               if Is>Parameters.igRange(2)
0220                 % This sensor confirms the loop and it is truly
0221                 % informative: Store the link data (link mean and noise)
0222                 % according to this sensor
0223                 nSLC=nSLC+1;
0224                 dSLC{nSLC}=d;
0225                 sSLC{nSLC}=Sn;
0226               end
0227             end
0228             j=j+1;
0229           end
0231           % if at least one sensor confirms the infomrative link
0232           if nSLC>0
0233             cl=true; % the link is actually confirmed and the loop closed
0235             % if at least one sensor confirms the loop closure, execute it.
0236             ck=cputime;
0237               F=UpdateLoop(F,link.step,dSLC,sSLC);
0238             timeLC(step)=(cputime-ck);
0240             ncl=ncl+1;
0242             totalIG=totalIG+I;
0244             if ~Parameters.quiet
0245               fprintf('  Loop closure: [%u %u] ig:%f pd:%f -> ',link.step,step,I,link.pd);
0246               display(dSLC{1});
0247             end
0249             if Parameters.plot
0250               % Replot the filter after the loop closure
0251               pt=PlotFilter(F,Parameters);
0252             end
0253           end
0254         end % information is large enough
0256         % If the pose is close to another pose and the change in the map when
0257         % linking the two poses is small -> the current pose is redundant
0258         if (link.pd>Parameters.pdRange(2)) && (I<Parameters.igRange(1))
0259           redundantPose=true;
0260         end
0262         L(mi)=[]; % Removes element mi from L
0264         if cl
0265           % If the link resulted in a loop we have to recompute the
0266           % information gain
0267           allI=cellfun(@(n)(InformationGain(F,Parameters.noiseLoopClosure,n.step)),L);
0268         else
0269           allI(mi)=[]; % Removes element mi from allI
0270         end
0272         n=size(L,2); % n=n-1
0274       end % while n>0
0276       if ncl>0
0277         redundantPose=false;
0278         if strcmp(Parameters.loopClosure,'TreeDetectLoops')
0279           % If we closed a loop, we have to update the tree
0280           pd=GetPoseData(F);
0281           ck=cputime;
0282             T=UpdateTree(T,F,pd);
0283           timeT(step)=(cputime-ck);
0284         end
0285       end
0287       NCL=NCL+ncl; %number of loops actually closed
0289       if groundTruthAvailable
0290         NEES(step)=ComputeNEES(F,Parameters.groundTruth);
0291       end
0292       %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0294       pt=HideLinkToNeighbour(Parameters,pt);
0296     end % if ~done
0298   end % while
0300   Result.Filter=F; % Filter at the end of the simulation
0301   Result.Robot=R; % Robot used in the simulation
0302   Result.Tree=T; % Tree used for data association, possibly empty
0303   Result.Parameters=Parameters; % Parameters used in the simulation
0305   Result.timeS=timeS; % Seach time during data association
0306   Result.timeT=timeT; % Time used building and updating the tree
0307   Result.timeSA=timeSA; % Time used in state augmentation (one value per iteration)
0308   Result.timeLC=timeLC; % Time used in loop closure (one value per iteration)
0309   Result.timeF=sum(timeSA)+sum(timeLC); % Total time used in filter operations
0310   Result.time=Result.timeF+sum(Result.timeS)+sum(Result.timeT); % Total time used in the simulation
0311   Result.numClosedLoops=NCL; % Number of closed loops
0312   Result.numProposedLoops=NPL; % Number of proposed loops
0314   Result.totalIG=totalIG; % Sum of the information gain for all loops
0315   Result.NEES=NEES; % NEES per iteration
0317   if ~Parameters.quiet
0318     fprintf('\nSimulation done:\n');
0319     fprintf(' Execution time: %f s (%f s per step)\n',Result.time,Result.time/step);
0320     fprintf('   NN search time        : %f\n',sum(Result.timeS));
0321     if strcmp(Parameters.loopClosure,'TreeDetectLoops')
0322     fprintf('   Tree update time      : %f\n',sum(Result.timeT));
0323     end
0324     fprintf('   State Augmenation time: %f\n',sum(Result.timeSA));
0325     fprintf('   Loop Closure time     : %f\n',sum(Result.timeLC));
0326     if Result.numProposedLoops>0
0327       fprintf(' Closed vs. Proposed loops: %u/%u = %.2f %%\n',Result.numClosedLoops,Result.numProposedLoops,Result.numClosedLoops/Result.numProposedLoops*100);
0328     else
0329       fprintf(' No loop closure was proposed\n');
0330     end
0331   end

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial

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