Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial



Belief evolution under an observation model.


function bOut=Update(b,po,Sp)


   Belief evolution under an observation model.
   Corrects a belief with the information given by the observation model,
   'po' is derived with GetObservationModelFixedO for the
   corresponding obs model.

   Note that we use the backed up samples possibly created in a
   Predicition step before. If no prediction step was exectued before,  
   the backup and the samples point to the same data.


This function calls:
  • rand Random state from a discrete belief.
  • PBelief Particle-based belief constructor.
  • rand Random state from a belief.
  • Crop Limits all means to be inside the given space.
  • Value Evaluates a GMixture.
  • rand Generates random points on a GMixture.
  • Crop Forces the Gaussian mean to be in a given space.
  • Gaussian Gaussian construtor.
  • Value Evaluation of a Gaussian.
  • rand Generates random ponts on a Gaussian.
  • RandVector Selects and element from a discrete probability distribution.
  • Crop Forces a state to be in a given continuous sub-space.
  • rand Random state from a continuous space.
  • Crop Forces a state to be in a given discrete space.
  • rand Random state from a discrete space.
This function is called by:


0001 function bOut=Update(b,po,Sp)
0002 %   Belief evolution under an observation model.
0003 %
0004 %   Corrects a belief with the information given by the observation model,
0005 %   'po'.
0006 %   'po' is derived with GetObservationModelFixedO for the
0007 %   corresponding obs model.
0008 %
0009 %   Note that we use the backed up samples possibly created in a
0010 %   Predicition step before. If no prediction step was exectued before,
0011 %   the backup and the samples point to the same data.
0013   c=arrayfun(@(s)(Value(po,s)),b.noiselessMovedSamples);
0014   w=b.w.*c;
0015   g=cell(1,;
0016   for
0017     g{i}=Gaussian(b.samples(:,i),b.noise);
0018   end
0020   ns=zeros(,;
0021   nw=zeros(1,;
0022   for
0023     j=RandVector(w);
0024     ns(:,i)=Crop(Sp,rand(g{j}));
0025     nw(i)=Value(po,ns(:,i))/c(j);
0026   end
0028   bOut=PBelief(nw,ns);

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial

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