Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial



Limits all means to be inside the given space.


function gmOut=Crop(gm,Sp)


   Limits all means to be inside the given space.

   Crops all the elements in the mixture so that their mean is inside the
   given continous space, 'Sp'.
   See also @Gaussian/Crop


This function calls:
  • Crop Limits all means to be inside the given space.
  • GMixture Gaussian mixture constructor.
  • Crop Forces the Gaussian mean to be in a given space.
  • Crop Forces a state to be in a given continuous sub-space.
  • Crop Forces a state to be in a given discrete space.
This function is called by:
  • Prediction Belief evolution under the given action.
  • DiscretizeActionModel Produces a new action model discretizing the state space.
  • Prediction Belief evolution under the given action.
  • Prediction Belief evolution given a transition model.
  • Update Belief evolution under an observation model.
  • Update Belief evolution under an observation model.
  • Crop Limits all means to be inside the given space.
  • Crop Forces the Gaussian mean to be in a given space.
  • SampleBeliefs Samples a set of beliefs from a POMDP.


0001 function gmOut=Crop(gm,Sp)
0002 %   Limits all means to be inside the given space.
0003 %
0004 %   Crops all the elements in the mixture so that their mean is inside the
0005 %   given continous space, 'Sp'.
0006 %
0007 %   See also @Gaussian/Crop
0009   c=cell(1,gm.n);
0010   for i=1:gm.n
0011     c{i}=Crop(gm.g{i},Sp);
0012   end
0013   gmOut=GMixture(gm.w,c);

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial

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