Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial
KRD Group

The CuikSuite Project File Reference

A general Serial6R mechanism. More...

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Detailed Description

A 6R loop with the following Denavit-Hartenberg parameters:

i $a_i$ $d_i$



0.3 0.0106



1 0



0 0.2



1.5 0



0 0



1.1353 0.1049 1.4716

With the above, the 6R serial chain has 16 solutions, the maximum possible number of solutions such a chain can have.

Note that if you change the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters the equations generated by cuikequation will be valid, but the representations generated by cuikanimate will be wrong. If you want to get a proper representation you have to adjust the shapes of the links.

See DoubleButterfly for an extensive step-by-step explanation of how to perform position analysis and path planning within the CuikSuite. Next, we briefly enumerate those steps:

  • Generate the equations: Execute
  • Solve the positional analysis problem: Execute
    • cuik examples/Serial6R/Serial6R_kin
  • Examine the solutions:
    • Inspect the resulting solution file (Serial6R_kin.sol) with the original set of equations, the simplified set, the set of solutions and the statistics on the solving proces.
    • Generate 3d projections of the solution points with cuikplot3d.
    • Generate snapshots of the valid poses of the 6R chain using cuikanimate. For this it is better to store one solution at a time in a temporal sol file. In this case the animation produces a still image (otherwise the animation jumps between the valid, disconnected configurations).

Definition in file