Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial
KRD Group

The CuikSuite Project

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
examples/Cycloalkanes/ [code]A cycloalkane with a 7 carbon loop
examples/Cycloalkanes/ [code]A cycloalkane with a 6 carbon loop
examples/Cycloalkanes/ [code]A cycloalkane with a 8 carbon loop
examples/DeltaManipulator/ [code]The Delta parallel manipulator
examples/DoubleButterfly/ [code]The Double Butterfly linkage: simple formulation
examples/DoubleButterfly/ [code]The Double Butterfly linkage: explicit formulation
examples/DoubleButterfly/ [code]The Double Butterfly linkage: case with discrete solutions
examples/FourBars/ [code]
examples/MarylandManipulator/ [code]The Maryland parallel manipulator
examples/ParallelPlatform/ [code]A 6-6 parallel platform with 40 solutions
examples/ParallelPlatform/ [code]An architecturally singular 6-6 parallel platform
examples/RobotHand/ [code]A generic anthropomorphic hand with 4 fingers
examples/RobotHand/ [code]Direct Kinematics for a generic robot anthropomorphic hand with 4 fingers
examples/Serial6R/ [code]A general Serial6R mechanism
examples/Serial6R/ [code]A general Serial6R mechanism
examples/Serial6R/ [code]An industrial Serial6R mechanism
examples/SingleJoint/ [code]Example of how to set a prismatic joint
examples/SingleJoint/ [code]Example of how to set a revolute joint
examples/SingleJoint/ [code]Example of how to set a spherical joint
examples/SingleJoint/ [code]Example of how to set a universal joint
examples/Trisector/ [code]Mobile Laisant angle trisector
examples/Trisector/ [code]Fixed Laisant angle trisector
examples/Wheelie/ [code]The 10-Wheelie mechanism
examples/Wheelie/ [code]The 6-Wheelie mechanism
examples/Wheelie/ [code]A modified 6-Wheelie mechanism with one degree of freedom
examples/Wheelie/ [code]The 8-Wheelie mechanism
examples/Wunderlich/ [code]The Wunderlich mechanism
src/Cuik/cuik.c [code]Main body of the cuik application
src/CuikAnimate/cuikanimate.c [code]Main body of the cuikanimate application
src/CuikAnimate/cuikplay.c [code]Main body of the cuikplay application
src/CuikAnimate/cuikplay_callbacks.c [code]
src/CuikAnimate/cuikplay_interface.c [code]Implementation of the GTK interface functions for cuikplay
src/CuikAnimate/cuikplay_support.c [code]Implementation of the GTK support functions for cuikplay
src/CuikAnimate/cuiktransform.c [code]Main body of the cuiktransform application
src/CuikAnimate/include/cuikplay.h [code]Definition of the cuikplay control structure
src/CuikAnimate/include/cuikplay_callbacks.h [code]
src/CuikAnimate/include/cuikplay_interface.h [code]Headers of the GTK interface functions for cuikplay
src/CuikAnimate/include/cuikplay_support.h [code]Headers of the GTK support functions for cuikplay
src/CuikBase/box.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on Tbox
src/CuikBase/box_heap.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on box Theap
src/CuikBase/box_list.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on box Tlist
src/CuikBase/constants.c [code]Implementations of the functions operating on Tconstants
src/CuikBase/csmapping.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on Tmapping
src/CuikBase/cuiksystem.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on TCuikSystem
src/CuikBase/equation.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on Tequation
src/CuikBase/equations.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on sets of Tequations
src/CuikBase/error.c [code]Implementation of error and warning functions
src/CuikBase/filename.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on sets of Tfilename
src/CuikBase/geom.c [code]Implementation of the basic geometric functions
src/CuikBase/heap.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on Theap
src/CuikBase/interval.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on Tinterval
src/CuikBase/linear_constraint.c [code]Implementaton of the function operating on TLinearConstraint
src/CuikBase/list.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on Tlist
src/CuikBase/monomial.c [code]Implementations of the functions operating on Tmonomial
src/CuikBase/parameters.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on Tparameters
src/CuikBase/random.c [code]Implementation of the basic randomization functions
src/CuikBase/readcuiksystem.l [code]Lexical analizer of .cuik files
src/CuikBase/readcuiksystem.y [code]Syntactic analizer of .cuik files
src/CuikBase/readparameters.l [code]Lexical analizer of .param files
src/CuikBase/readparameters.y [code]Syntactic analizer of .cuik files
src/CuikBase/simplex.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on TSimplex that are independent of the simplex backend
src/CuikBase/simplex_clp.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on TSimplex using the Clp backend
src/CuikBase/simplex_glpk.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on TSimplex using the Glpk backend
src/CuikBase/simplex_lpsolve.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on TSimplex using the Lp_solve backend
src/CuikBase/statistics.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on Tstatistics
src/CuikBase/variable.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on box Tvariable
src/CuikBase/variable_set.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on box Tvariable_set
src/CuikBase/variables.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on box Tvariables
src/CuikBase/vector.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on Tvector
src/CuikBase/include/boolean.h [code]Definition of the boolean type
src/CuikBase/include/box.h [code]Definition of the Tbox type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/box_heap.h [code]Collection of methods to work on Theap of boxes
src/CuikBase/include/box_list.h [code]Collection of methods to work on Tlist of boxes
src/CuikBase/include/constants.h [code]Definition of a table of Tconstants
src/CuikBase/include/csmapping.h [code]Definition of the Tmapping type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/cuiksystem.h [code]Definition of the TCuikSystem type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/defines.h [code]
src/CuikBase/include/equation.h [code]Definition of the Tequation type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/equations.h [code]Definition of the Tequations type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/error.h [code]Error and warning functions
src/CuikBase/include/filename.h [code]Definition of the Tfilename type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/geom.h [code]Definition of basic geometric functions
src/CuikBase/include/heap.h [code]Definition of a binary heap used to implement priority queues
src/CuikBase/include/interval.h [code]Definition of the Tinterval type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/linear_constraint.h [code]Definition of the TLinearConstraint type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/list.h [code]Definition of the Tlist type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/monomial.h [code]Definition of the Tmonomial type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/parameters.h [code]Definition of the Tparameters type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/random.h [code]Definition of basic randomization functions
src/CuikBase/include/readcuiksystemtypes.h [code]Definition of data types shared between the lexical and the syntactical analizer for .cuik files
src/CuikBase/include/simplex.h [code]Definition of the TSimplex type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/statistics.h [code]Definition of the Tstatistics type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/variable.h [code]Definition of the Tvariable type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/variable_set.h [code]Definition of the Tvariable_set type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/variables.h [code]Definition of the Tvariables type and the associated functions
src/CuikBase/include/vector.h [code]Definition of the Tvector type and the associated functions
src/CuikEquations/cuikequations.c [code]Main body of the cuikequations application
src/CuikPlot/cuikplot.c [code]Main body of the cuikplot application
src/CuikPlot/plot.c [code]Implementation of the functions to generate 2d plots
src/CuikPlot/include/plot.h [code]Module to generate 2d plots
src/CuikPlot3d/color.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on Tcolor
src/CuikPlot3d/cuikplot3d.c [code]Main body of the cuikplot3d application
src/CuikPlot3d/htransform.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on THTransform
src/CuikPlot3d/plot3d.c [code]Implementation of the functions operating on Tplot3d
src/CuikPlot3d/include/color.h [code]Definition of the Tcolor type and the associated functions
src/CuikPlot3d/include/htransform.h [code]Definition of the THTransform type and the associated functions
src/CuikPlot3d/include/plot3d.h [code]Definition of the Tplot3d type and the associated functions
src/CuikSimplify/cuikatan2.c [code]Main body of the cuikatan2 application
src/CuikSimplify/cuiksimplify.c [code]Main body of the cuiksimplify application
src/CuikSimplify/cuikunsimplify.c [code]Main body of the cuikunsimplify application
src/CuikSort/cuiksort.c [code]Main body of the cuiksort application
src/CuikWorld/cpolyhedron.c [code]Implementaton of the function operating on Tcpolyhedron
src/CuikWorld/error_world.c [code]Implementation of world error and warning functions
src/CuikWorld/joint.c [code]Implementaton of the function operating on Tjoint
src/CuikWorld/link.c [code]Implementaton of the function operating on Tlink
src/CuikWorld/mechanism.c [code]Implementaton of the function operating on Tmechanism
src/CuikWorld/readworld.l [code]Lexical analizer of .world files
src/CuikWorld/readworld.y [code]Syntactic analizer of .world files
src/CuikWorld/world.c [code]Implementaton of the function operating on Tworld
src/CuikWorld/include/cpolyhedron.h [code]Definition of the Tcpolyhedron type and the associated functions
src/CuikWorld/include/error_world.h [code]Error function specific of the CuikWorld library
src/CuikWorld/include/joint.h [code]Definition of the Tjoint type and the associated functions
src/CuikWorld/include/link.h [code]Definition of the Tlink type and the associated functions
src/CuikWorld/include/mechanism.h [code]Definition of the Tmechanism type and the associated functions
src/CuikWorld/include/varnames.h [code]Definition of variable names
src/CuikWorld/include/world.h [code]Definition of the Tworld type and the associated functions