Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial



Generates Figure 3.


function MakeFigure3(varargin)


   Generates Figure 3.

   Simulates a POMDP on one of the results obtained in the experiment in
   Figure 1. If the results are not pre-computed we compute them on the
   fly (this can be quite time consuming).

   The simulation shows the evolution of the belief and the
   executed actions and the obtained reward are printed in the Matlab
   At the end we also print the accumulated discounted reward for the
   This data can be used to generate a sequence of snapshots as
   those in the figure.

   This is an example of how to use the resulting policy out of a planning

     n: Number of steps of the simulation. If not given 15.

 'n' == simulation steps


This function calls:
  • OptimalAction Returns the optimal action for a given belief.
  • Policy Policy constructor.
  • plot Plots a discrete belief.
  • rand Random state from a discrete belief.
  • get Get for GBeliefs.
  • plot Displays a particle-based belief.
  • rand Random state from a belief.
  • get Get function for the GMixture object.
  • plot Plots a Gaussian mixture.
  • rand Generates random points on a GMixture.
  • set Set method for Gaussian mixtures.
  • get Gaussian object get function.
  • plot Plots a Gaussian.
  • rand Generates random ponts on a Gaussian.
  • GetData Loads and, if necessary, generates data from experiments.
  • TestRep Executes many times of Perseus on a given problem.
  • plot Plots the CS_CO_ObsModel
  • get Get function for CS_CO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for CS_CO_DA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for CS_CO_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for CS_DO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for CS_DO_DA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for CS_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_CO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_CO_DA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_DO_CA_POMDPs.
  • get Get function for DS_DO_DA_POMDPs.
  • POMDP POMDP constructor.
  • SimulationStep Executes one step of a POMDP simulation.
  • get Get functio for POMDPs.
  • set Set function for PODMP (base type)
  • plot Plots the CS_CA_RewardModel
  • rand Random state from a continuous space.
  • rand Random state from a discrete space.
This function is called by:


0001 function MakeFigure3(varargin)
0002 %   Generates Figure 3.
0003 %
0004 %   Simulates a POMDP on one of the results obtained in the experiment in
0005 %   Figure 1. If the results are not pre-computed we compute them on the
0006 %   fly (this can be quite time consuming).
0007 %
0008 %
0009 %   The simulation shows the evolution of the belief and the
0010 %   executed actions and the obtained reward are printed in the Matlab
0011 %   console.
0012 %   At the end we also print the accumulated discounted reward for the
0013 %   trial.
0014 %   This data can be used to generate a sequence of snapshots as
0015 %   those in the figure.
0016 %
0017 %   This is an example of how to use the resulting policy out of a planning
0018 %   experiment.
0019 %
0020 %   Parameters
0021 %     n: Number of steps of the simulation. If not given 15.
0022 %
0023   % 'n' == simulation steps
0025   if nargin==0
0026     n=15;
0027   else
0028     n=varargin{1};
0029   end
0031   fprintf('Loading/Generating the simulation results\n');
0033   GenData=@()(TestRep('Test1','Figure2',1));
0034   Results=GetData('Results/Test1-Figure2-1.mat',GenData);
0036   % Get the parameters used to generate the results
0037   P=Results.P;
0039   % Get the POMDP
0040   POMDP=Results.POMDP;
0042   % Get the las policy of the simulation
0043   Policy=Results.V{end};
0045   % Get the initial belief from the parmeters
0046   b=P.start;
0048   % The hidden state is selecte at random
0049   s=rand(b);
0051   fprintf('SIMULATING\n');
0052   fprintf('INITIAL STATE %f\n',s);
0054   h=clf;
0055   set(h,'name','C-POMDP Figure 3','numbertitle','off');
0057   h=plot(b); 
0058   xlabel('s');
0059   ylabel('p(s)')
0060   axis([-20 20 0 1]);
0061   hold on;
0062   rAll=0;
0063   gamma=get(POMDP,'gamma');
0064   g=1;
0065   for i=1:n
0066     fprintf('\nSTEP %u: ',i);
0067     a=OptimalAction(Policy,b);
0068     fprintf('  action: %u (',a);
0069     switch a
0070       case 1
0071         fprintf('Move-Left');
0072       case 2
0073         fprintf('Move-Right');
0074       case 3
0075         fprintf('Enter-Door');
0076     end
0077     [s b o r]=SimulationStep(POMDP,b,s,a);
0078     rAll=rAll+g*r;
0079     g=g*gamma;
0080     fprintf(')  state:%f  reward: %f   ',s,r);
0081     delete(h);
0082     h=plot(b);
0083     fprintf('<press a key>');
0084     pause;
0085   end
0086   hold off
0087   fprintf('\n\nDiscounted reward: %f\n',rAll);

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial

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