Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial
KRD Group

The CuikSuite Project

Wheelie Directory Reference

The Wheelie family of mechanisms.




file [code]

The 10-Wheelie mechanism.

file [code]

The 6-Wheelie mechanism.

file [code]

A modified 6-Wheelie mechanism with one degree of freedom.

file [code]

The 8-Wheelie mechanism.

Detailed Description



All members of the Wheelie family have two particularities:

  • They cannot be solved in closed form.
  • Their position analysis cannot be decomposed into simpler problems. In other words, it cannot be solved by merging the solutions of sub-linkage modules.

The first property derives from the fact that the linkage graphs are planar and triconnected and, by the Owen-Power theorem, this implies their solution cannot be found by ruler-and-compass methods [Owen 2007]. The second property can be proved by showing that such graphs only contain a single triconnected component. Thus, solvers based on ruler-and-compass methods or on modular kinematics cannot solve such linkages. Therefore, the Wheelie linkages are a perfect scalable testbed for general position analysis algorithms.



As it can be seen in the figure above, a T-Wheelie linkage is formed by a loop of T equally sized isosceles triangles generated from two concentric circles and where the triangles are connected with the following pattern:

  • Two consecutive triangles around the circle are connected by two bars.
  • Two triangles with one triangle in between are directly connected by one bar.
  • The linkage is made rigig adding (T-6)/2 bars, creating (T-6)/2 adjacent triangles in the interior circle.


This directory includes the following Wheelie mechanisms:

  • Wheelie6 A wheelie with 6 triangles.
  • Wheelie8 A wheelie with 8 triangles.
  • Wheelie10 A wheelie with 10 triangles.
  • Wheelie6mobile A wheelie with 6 triangles where one of the bars is removed. With this, the configuration space is one-dimensional instead of zero-dimensional.

In all cases we use the implicit formulation (i.e., refering to the joint articulation points using the points defining the triangles) assuming that points 0 and 1 of the triangles are those on the external circle and point 2 is on the internal one.


  • J. C. Owen , S. C. Power, "The non-solvability by radicals of generic 3-connected planar graphs", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society no. 359, pp. 2269-2303, 2007.