Welding0D.world File Reference


The example of the RAM paper defining a 0-dim configuration space (i.e., isolated solution points).

This example is treated following these steps (from the main CuikSuite folder):

  • Generate the equations: The automatically generated system of equations is more complex than that in the paper since we actually use 3D reference frames attached to the links instead of a simple 2D vector. In this way the same process of generating kinematic equations generalizes to the 3D case.
  • Simplify them. This will generate equations equivalent to (1) and (2) in the paper (not to same
    equations due to different departing system and the particularities of the automatic simplification process). If you are only interested in solving the problem you can skip this step.
    • bin/cuiksimplify examples/Welding/Welding0D
    • cat examples/Welding/Welding0D_simp.cuik
  • Solve the problem: Observe that in the process some information is printed in the console. These informations basically say that the first search box is bisected and that one solution is isolated in each one of the two resulting boxes, as show in Fig. 4 in the paper.
  • Visualize the solutions: You will see the two valid configurations for this problem. The two configurations can be seen moving the slider of the scripts/cuikplayer window (it might appear behind the other windows)

If your are new to geomview (the program used for visualization in the CuikSuite) this tutorial might help you.

Jump to the next example: a 1-dimensional case.

Definition in file Welding0D.world.