Checkers Directory Reference




This series of linkages belongs to the family of hinged tesselations. It illustrates the solver on simulating large deployable mechanisms. The tesselation shown above deploys with a one degree of freedom self-motion, and can actually be folded to occupy a single square.


Each linkage consists of n x n (with n uneven) square bodies hinged together at their corners by means of revolute joints to form a regular checkers pattern.


This directory includes the following Checkers mechanisms:

  • Checker3 A deployable checker with 3 squares.
  • Checker5 A deployable checker with 5 squares.
  • Checker7 A deployable checker with 7 squares.
  • Checker9 A deployable checker with 9 squares.

Check each file for detailed instructions about how to solve them.


Characteristics of the problems:

3x3 5x5 7x7 9x9
Nr. of loops 4 16 36 64
Nr. of links 9 25 49 81
Nr. of joints 12 40 84 144
Nr. of equations (in the simplified system) 16 56 120 208
Nr. of variables (in the simplified system) 16 48 72 160

Here you have the statistics about the execution (on an Intel Core i7 at 2.9 Ghz).

3x3 5x5 7x7 9x9
Nr. of empty boxes 0 0 0 0
Nr. of solution boxes 802 798 801 789
Solver time (s) 11 65 240 721


  • D. Wells, The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry, London, Penguin, pp. 101-103, 1991.


file [code]
 A 3x3 deployable checker.
file [code]
 A 5x5 deployable checker.
file [code]
 A 7x7 deployable checker.
file [code]
 A 9x9 deployable checker.