Wheelie Directory Reference


[Introduction] [Geometry] [Process] [Statistics] [Results] [References]


All members of the Wheelie family have two particularities:

  • They cannot be solved in closed form.
  • Their position analysis cannot be decomposed into simpler problems. In other words, it cannot be solved by merging the solutions of sub-linkage modules.

The first property derives from the fact that the linkage graphs are planar and triconnected and, by the Owen-Power theorem, this implies their solution cannot be found by ruler-and-compass methods [Owen 2007]. The second property can be proved by showing that such graphs only contain a single triconnected component. Thus, solvers based on ruler-and-compass methods or on modular kinematics cannot solve such linkages. Therefore, the Wheelie linkages are a perfect scalable testbed for general position analysis algorithms.


As it can be seen in the figure above, a T-Wheelie linkage is formed by a loop of T equally sized isosceles triangles generated from two concentric circles and where the triangles are connected
with the following pattern:

  • Two consecutive triangles around the circle are connected by two bars.
  • Two triangles with one triangle in between are directly connected by one bar.
  • The linkage is made rigig adding (T-6)/2 bars, creating (T-6)/2 adjacent triangles in the interior circle.


Please, see the individual files for the instructions on how to process them:

  • Wheelie6 A wheelie with 6 triangles.
  • Wheelie8 A wheelie with 8 triangles.
  • Wheelie10 A wheelie with 10 triangles.
  • Wheelie6mobile A wheelie with 6 triangles where one of the bars is removed. With this, the configuration space is one-dimensional instead of zero-dimensional.


Characteristics of the problem:

Wheelie6 Wheelie8 Wheelie10 Wheelie6Mobile
Nr. of indep. loops 10 14 18 9
Nr. of links 21 29 37 20
Nr. of joints 18 24 30 18
Nr. of equations (in the simplified system) 40 56 72 37
Nr. of variables (in the simplified system) 40 56 72 38

Here you have the statistics about the execution (on an Intel Core i7 at 2.9 Ghz).

Wheelie6 Wheelie8 Wheelie10 Wheelie6Mobile
Nr. of Empty boxes 1485 4135 12671 5867
Nr. of Solution boxes 19 17 25 2595
Execution time (s) 300 1800 7600 1900

The execution times can be significantly reduced executing cuik on a cluster of computers. This is easy using the rmpicuik script (assuming that you have a properly configured cluster of computers).


These are the 19 valid configuraions of the Wheelie6.world problem:

This is a projection of the one-dimensional configuration space of the Wheelie6mobile.world problem.

Actually, this configuration space contains 16 connected components, corresponding to 16 different assembly modes of the linkage. One of such modes is rigid, and the remaining ones are mobile. The mobile modes show up as disjoint closed curves in the above plot (they are better appreciated in the 3d plot, as seen with geomview).


  • J. C. Owen , S. C. Power, "The non-solvability by radicals of generic 3-connected planar graphs", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society no. 359, pp. 2269-2303, 2007.


file  Wheelie10.world [code]
 The 10-Wheelie mechanism.
file  Wheelie6.world [code]
 The 6-Wheelie mechanism.
file  Wheelie6mobile.world [code]
 A modified 6-Wheelie mechanism with one degree of freedom.
file  Wheelie8.world [code]
 The 8-Wheelie mechanism.