Welding2D_limited.world File Reference


This is the same as Welding2D.world but the displacement of the welding tool along the beam is limited to produce a more difficult case for path planning.

This example is treated following these steps (from the main CuikSuite folder):

  • Plan a path in the collision-free C-space: We use a version of the Welding2D problem where the displacement of the welding tool is limited. This makes the path planning problem a bit harder. The start/goal points are in the joints file. They can be defined using bin/cuikexplore, although they are typically given from the task to solve.
  • Plot the full atlas (just to obtain a nicer representation):
  • Visualize the atlas and the RRT
    • geomview examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited_atlas.gcl examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited_rrt.gcl
  • Visualize the output path
    • bin/cuikplotpath examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited 0 9 18
    • geomview examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited_atlas.gcl examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited_path.gcl
  • Smooth the path and visualize the smoothed path:
    • bin/cuiksmoothpath examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited
    • bin/cuikplotpath examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited_path_s 0 9 18
    • geomview examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited_atlas.gcl examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited_path_s.gcl
  • Directly compute the shortest (or geodesic) path and visualize it. You will likely get almost the same path as the smoothed path, but in some cases the smoothed path will be very far from the shortest one.
    • bin/cuikatlasrrtstar examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited
    • bin/cuikplotpath examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited 0 9 18
    • geomview examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited_atlas.gcl examples/Welding/Welding2D_limited_path.gcl

Jump to the previous example: a 2-dimensional case.

Definition in file Welding2D_limited.world.