basic_algebra.c File Reference


Definition of the basic lineal algebra routines used in the CuikSuite.

These basic routines are implemented using BLAS, if available.

Definition in file basic_algebra.c.


void ClearVector (unsigned int n, double *v)
 Set a vector to zero. More...
void VectorAnd (unsigned int s, boolean *v1, boolean *v2, boolean *vo)
 And of two vectors. More...
void VectorOr (unsigned int s, boolean *v1, boolean *v2, boolean *vo)
 Or of two vectors. More...
CBLAS_INLINE double GeneralDotProduct (unsigned int s, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the dot product of two general vectors. More...
CBLAS_INLINE double MatrixWeigthedDotProduct (unsigned int s, double *W, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the weighted dot product of two general vectors. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void ScaleVector (double f, unsigned int s, double *v)
 Scales a vector. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void ScaleVector2 (double f, unsigned int s, double *v, double *vout)
 Scales a vector. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void OffsetVector (double o, unsigned int s, double *v)
 Offsets a vector. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void AccumulateVector (unsigned int s, double *v1, double *v2)
 Adds a vector to another vectors. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SumVector (unsigned int s, double *v1, double *v2, double *v)
 Adds two vectors. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SumVectorScale (unsigned int s, double *v1, double w, double *v2, double *v)
 Adds two vectors with a scale. More...
void CosVector (unsigned int s, double *v, double *co)
 Cosine on a vector. More...
void SinVector (unsigned int s, double *v, double *si)
 Sine on a vector. More...
double AddVectorElements (unsigned int m, double *v)
 Adds the elements of a vector. More...
double AddVectorPositiveElements (unsigned int m, double *v)
 Adds the positive elements of a vector. More...
unsigned int MaxVectorElement (unsigned int m, double *v)
 Index of the maximum element of a vector. More...
double MaxVector (unsigned int m, double *v)
 Value of the maximum element of a vector. More...
unsigned int MinVectorElement (unsigned int m, double *v)
 Index of the minimum element of a vector. More...
double MinVector (unsigned int m, double *v)
 Value of the minimum element of a vector. More...
void Vector2Range (double l, double u, double mode, unsigned int m, double *v)
 Scales a vector to a given range. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SubtractVector (unsigned int s, double *v1, double *v2)
 Subtracts a vector from another vector. More...
void DifferenceVector (unsigned int s, double *v1, double *v2, double *v)
 Subtracts two vectors. More...
void DifferenceVectorSubset (unsigned int s, boolean *subset, double *v1, double *v2, double *v)
 Subtracts two vectors along some of its components. More...
void DifferenceVectorTopology (unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, double *v1, double *v2, double *v)
 Subtracts two vectors. More...
void DifferenceVectorTopologySubset (unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, boolean *subset, double *v1, double *v2, double *v)
 Subtracts two vectors along some of its components. More...
CBLAS_INLINE double Norm (unsigned int s, double *v)
 Computes the norm of a vector. More...
CBLAS_INLINE double WeightedNorm (unsigned int s, double *w, double *v)
 Computes the weighted norm of a vector. More...
CBLAS_INLINE double MatrixWeightedNorm (unsigned int s, double *W, double *v)
 Computes the weighted norm of a vector. More...
CBLAS_INLINE double NormWithStride (unsigned int s, unsigned int st, double *v)
 Computes the norm of a vector. More...
double SquaredDistance (unsigned int s, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the squared distance of two points. More...
double WeightedSquaredDistance (unsigned int s, double *w, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the weighted squared distance of two points. More...
double MatrixWeightedSquaredDistance (unsigned int s, double *W, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the weighted squared distance of two points. More...
double SquaredDistanceSubset (unsigned int s, boolean *subset, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the squared distance of two points along selected dimensions. More...
double WeightedSquaredDistanceSubset (unsigned int s, boolean *subset, double *w, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the weighted squared distance of two points along selected dimensions. More...
double MatrixWeightedSquaredDistanceSubset (unsigned int s, boolean *subset, double *W, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the weighted squared distance of two points along selected dimensions. More...
double Distance (unsigned int s, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the distance of two points. More...
double WeightedDistance (unsigned int s, double *w, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the weighted distance of two points. More...
double MatrixWeightedDistance (unsigned int s, double *W, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the weighted distance of two points. More...
double SquaredDistanceTopology (unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the squared distance of two points. More...
double WeightedSquaredDistanceTopology (unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, double *w, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the squared distance of two points. More...
double SquaredDistanceTopologyMin (double t2, unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the squared distance of two points. More...
double WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologyMin (double t2, unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, double *w, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the squared distance of two points. More...
double DistanceTopology (unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the distance of two points. More...
double WeightedDistanceTopology (unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, double *w, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the distance of two points. More...
double SquaredDistanceTopologySubset (unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, boolean *subset, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the square distance of two points along a subset of components. More...
double WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologySubset (unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, boolean *subset, double *w, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the square distance of two points along a subset of components. More...
double DistanceTopologySubset (unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, boolean *subset, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the distance of two points along a subset of components. More...
double WeightedDistanceTopologySubset (unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, boolean *subset, double *w, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the distance of two points along a subset of components. More...
double DistanceTopologyMin (double t, unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the distance of two points, if it is below a given threshold. More...
double WeightedDistanceTopologyMin (double t, unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, double *w, double *v1, double *v2)
 Computes the weighted distance of two points, if it is below a given threshold. More...
boolean CrossTopologyBorder (unsigned int s, unsigned int *tp, double *v1, double *v2)
 Determines if the line between two points crosses the topology boder. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void Normalize (unsigned int s, double *v)
 Normalizes a vector. More...
double Mean (unsigned int s, double *v)
 Computes the mean. More...
double StdDev (unsigned int s, double m, double *v)
 Computes the standard deviation. More...
void ArrayPi2Pi (unsigned int n, unsigned int *t, double *a)
 Applies PI2PI to an array. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void GetRow (unsigned int k, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m, double *v)
 Gets a row from a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void GetColumn (unsigned int k, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m, double *v)
 Gets a column from a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SetRow (double *v, unsigned int k, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Sets a row of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SetColumn (double *v, unsigned int k, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Sets a column of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void ScaleRow (unsigned int k, double sc, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Scales a row of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void ScaledAddRows (unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m, unsigned int n, unsigned int *sr, double *sc, unsigned int sv, double *v)
 Defines a vector as a scaled sum of rows of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void ScaleColumn (unsigned int k, double sc, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Scales a column of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE double RowsDotProduct (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Dot product between two rows of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE double ColumnsDotProduct (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Dot product between two columns of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE double RowSquaredNorm (unsigned int k, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Computes the squared norm of a row of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE double ColumnSquaredNorm (unsigned int k, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Computes the squared norm of a column of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SumRowsScale (unsigned int i, double sc, unsigned int j, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Accumulates in a given row another row, with a scale factor. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SumColumnsScale (unsigned int i, double sc, unsigned int j, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Accumulates in a given column another column, with a scale factor. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void CopyRow (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Copies a row into another row. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void CopyColumn (unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Copies a column into another column. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void IdentityMatrix (unsigned int n, double *M)
 Initializes an identiy matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void DiagonalMatrix (unsigned int n, double *v, double *M)
 Initializes a diagonal matrix. More...
void SymmetrizeMatrix (unsigned int n, double *M)
 Symmetrizes a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixVectorProduct (unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *A, double *b, double *o)
 Product of a matrix and a vector. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixVectorProductAccum (unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *A, double *b, double *o)
 Accumulate the product of a matrix and a vector. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void TMatrixVectorProduct (unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *A, double *b, double *o)
 Product of a transposed matrix and a vector. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void TMatrixVectorProductAccum (unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *A, double *b, double *o)
 Accumulates the product of a transposed matrix and a vector. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void TMatrixVectorStrideProduct (unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *A, unsigned int s, double *b, double *o)
 Product of a transposed matrix and a vector. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void AccumulateMatrix (unsigned int nr, unsigned int nc, double *B, double *A)
 A=A+B. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void AccumulateTMatrix (unsigned int nr, double *B, double *A)
 A=A+B^t. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SubtractMatrix (unsigned int nr, unsigned int nc, double *A, double *B)
 A=A-B. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixMatrixProduct (unsigned int ra, unsigned int ca, double *A, unsigned int cb, double *B, double *C)
 C = A * B. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixMatrixProductAccum (unsigned int ra, unsigned int ca, double *A, unsigned int cb, double *B, double *C)
 C = C + A * B. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixTMatrixProduct (unsigned int ra, unsigned int ca, double *A, unsigned int rb, double *B, double *C)
 C = A * B^t. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void TMatrixMatrixProduct (unsigned int ra, unsigned int ca, double *A, unsigned int cb, double *B, double *C)
 C = A^t * B. More...
double MinCosinusBetweenSubSpaces (unsigned int m, unsigned int k, double *T1, double *T2)
 Computes the cosinus of the maximum angle between two lineal sub-spaces. More...
unsigned int OrthonormalizeRows (unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Orthonormalize the rows of a matrix. More...
unsigned int OrthonormalizeColumns (unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Orthonormalize the columns of a matrix. More...
void ProjectToColumnSubSpace (unsigned int rs, unsigned int cs, double *ms, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Projects to the subpace spanned by the columns of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void RankOneUpdate (double sc, unsigned int nr, double *vr, unsigned int nc, double *vc, double *m)
 Rank-one update of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SubMatrixFromMatrix (unsigned int nr1, unsigned int nc1, double *m1, unsigned int nri, unsigned int nci, unsigned int nr, unsigned int nc, double *m)
 Defines a submatrix in a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void AddSubMatrix (double sc, unsigned int nr1, unsigned int nc1, double *m1, unsigned int nri, unsigned int nci, unsigned int nr, unsigned int nc, double *m)
 Accumulates a submatrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SubMatrixFromSubMatrix (unsigned int nrs, unsigned int ncs, unsigned int nrc, unsigned int ncc, unsigned int nr1, unsigned int nc1, double *m1, unsigned int nri, unsigned int nci, boolean trans, unsigned int nr, unsigned int nc, double *m)
 Defines a submatrix in a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixFromSubMatrix (unsigned int r_src, unsigned int c_src, double *m_src, unsigned int rs, unsigned int cs, unsigned int r_dst, unsigned int c_dst, double *m_dst)
 Initializes a matrix with a block from another matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SubMatrixFromTMatrix (unsigned int nr1, unsigned int nc1, double *m1, unsigned int nri, unsigned int nci, unsigned int nr, unsigned int nc, double *m)
 Defines a submatrix in a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SelectMatrixColumns (boolean *sc, unsigned int nr, unsigned int nc, double *m)
 Selects some of the columns of a matrix. More...
CBLAS_INLINE void SelectMatrixRows (boolean *sr, unsigned int nr, unsigned int nc, double *m)
 Selects some of the rows of a matrix. More...
void PrintVector (FILE *f, char *label, unsigned int n, double *v)
 Prints a vector. More...
void SaveVector (FILE *f, unsigned int n, double *v)
 Saves a vector. More...
void PrintMatrix (FILE *f, char *label, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Prints a matrix. More...
void PrintTMatrix (FILE *f, char *label, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, double *m)
 Prints a transposed matrix. More...

Function Documentation

◆ ClearVector()

void ClearVector ( unsigned int  n,
double *  v 

Sets a vector to 0.

nThe size of the vector.
vThe vector.

Definition at line 16 of file basic_algebra.c.

◆ VectorAnd()

void VectorAnd ( unsigned int  s,
boolean v1,
boolean v2,
boolean vo 

Generates a vector with the 'and' of two vectors of flags.

sSize of the vectors.
v1The first vector to operate.
v2The second vector to operate.
voThe output vector (and of v1, v2).

Definition at line 21 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by DynamicStepResidue(), and GetPositionJacobian().

◆ VectorOr()

void VectorOr ( unsigned int  s,
boolean v1,
boolean v2,
boolean vo 

Generates a vector with the 'or' of two vectors of flags.

sSize of the vectors.
v1The first vector to operate.
v2The second vector to operate.
voThe output vector (or of v1, v2).

Definition at line 29 of file basic_algebra.c.

◆ GeneralDotProduct()

CBLAS_INLINE double GeneralDotProduct ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

◆ MatrixWeigthedDotProduct()

CBLAS_INLINE double MatrixWeigthedDotProduct ( unsigned int  s,
double *  W,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes weighted the dot product of two general vectors.

sThe dimensionality of the vectors.
WThe matrix of weights.
v1First vector.
v2Second vector.
The dot produt.

Definition at line 52 of file basic_algebra.c.

References GeneralDotProduct(), and RC2INDEX.

◆ ScaleVector()

◆ ScaleVector2()

CBLAS_INLINE void ScaleVector2 ( double  f,
unsigned int  s,
double *  v,
double *  vout 

Multiplies all the elements of a vector by a given factor and stores the result in a new vector.

fThe factor.
sNumber of elements in the vector.
vThe vector.
voutThe output vector.

Definition at line 84 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by EvaluateTrans().

◆ OffsetVector()

CBLAS_INLINE void OffsetVector ( double  o,
unsigned int  s,
double *  v 

Adds a constant to all the elements of a vector.

oThe constant (or offset) to add.
sThe size of the vector.
vThe vector.

Definition at line 97 of file basic_algebra.c.

◆ AccumulateVector()

CBLAS_INLINE void AccumulateVector ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Adds a vector to another vector

sNumber of elements in the vector.
v1The vector to add.
v2The vector where to add v1.

Definition at line 105 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by accumSAM(), accumSAV(), AccumulateMatrix(), AddBranchToRRT(), BroydenUpdateJacobian(), ConnectSamplesChart(), dG(), dr(), EvaluateMEquationXVectors(), EvaluateTrans(), InitPatchTrans(), Local2Global(), NextDynamicState(), PolytopeBoundaryPointFromExternalCornerInt(), and PrintTransSeq().

◆ SumVector()

CBLAS_INLINE void SumVector ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v1,
double *  v2,
double *  v 

Adds two vectors and stores the result in another vector..

sNumber of elements in the vector.
v1The first vector to add.
v2The second vector to add.
vThe vector where to store the result.

Definition at line 117 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by body2SDF(), Chart2Manifold(), CombineGradients(), DynamicStepResidue(), GetJointTransSeq(), Local2Global(), LQRComputePolicy_t(), main(), NextDynamicStateLocalRK4(), NextDynamicStateRK4(), PrintJoint(), PrintTransSeq(), sumSAM(), and sumSAV().

◆ SumVectorScale()

CBLAS_INLINE void SumVectorScale ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v1,
double  w,
double *  v2,
double *  v 

Adds two vectors /scaling the second vector) and stores the result in another vector.. This is basically used in Gram-Smidth orthogonalization.

sNumber of elements in the vector.
v1The first vector to add.
wThe weight to scale the second vector.
v2The second vector to scale and add.
vThe vector where to store the result.

Definition at line 136 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by AddBranchToRRT(), ConnectSamples(), ConnectSamplesChart(), CuikGradientInBox(), DynamicStepResidue(), EvaluateTrans(), EvaluateVectorsPATrans(), FindPointInOtherBranch(), FindSingularPoint(), GeodesicDistance(), GetJointBasicTransform(), GetJointDOFValues(), GetJointTransform(), HandC(), InitWorldFromMolecule(), LQRComputePolicy(), LQRComputePolicy_t(), NewTemptativeSample(), NewTriangularPrism(), NextDynamicState(), NextDynamicStateEuler(), NextDynamicStateLocalEuler(), NextDynamicStateLocalRK4(), NextDynamicStateRK4(), PointTowardRandSample(), StepDispersionGradient(), StepEffortGradient(), and StepLengthGradient().

◆ CosVector()

void CosVector ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v,
double *  co 

Compputes the cosine for all the elements of a vector.

sNumber of elements in the vector.
vThe vector.
coThe vector with the cosines (output, allocated externally).

Definition at line 160 of file basic_algebra.c.

◆ SinVector()

void SinVector ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v,
double *  si 

Compputes the sine for all the elements of a vector.

sNumber of elements in the vector.
vThe vector.
siThe vector with the sine (output, allocated externally).

Definition at line 168 of file basic_algebra.c.

◆ AddVectorElements()

double AddVectorElements ( unsigned int  m,
double *  v 

Adds all the elements of a vector.

mThe size of the vector.
vThe vector.
The sum of the elements of the vector.

Definition at line 176 of file basic_algebra.c.

◆ AddVectorPositiveElements()

double AddVectorPositiveElements ( unsigned int  m,
double *  v 

Adds all the positive elements of a vector.

mThe size of the vector.
vThe vector.
The sum of the positive elements of the vector.

Definition at line 189 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by main().

◆ MaxVectorElement()

unsigned int MaxVectorElement ( unsigned int  m,
double *  v 

Returns the index of the maximum element in the given vector.

mThe size of the vector.
vThe vector.
The index for the maximum element or NO_UINT if the vector is empty.

Definition at line 202 of file basic_algebra.c.

References NO_UINT.

◆ MaxVector()

double MaxVector ( unsigned int  m,
double *  v 

Returns the value of the maximum element in the given vector.

mThe size of the vector.
vThe vector.
The value for the maximum element or 0 if the vector is empty.

Definition at line 226 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by ErrorInInequalities(), ErrorInSimpInequalitiesOnPoint(), InequalitiesHoldOnPoint(), InitBTree(), and SimpInequalitiesHoldOnPoint().

◆ MinVectorElement()

unsigned int MinVectorElement ( unsigned int  m,
double *  v 

Returns the index of the minimum element in the given vector.

mThe size of the vector.
vThe vector.
The index for the minimum element or NO_UINT if the vector is empty.

Definition at line 245 of file basic_algebra.c.

References NO_UINT.

◆ MinVector()

double MinVector ( unsigned int  m,
double *  v 

Returns the value of the minimum element in the given vector.

mThe size of the vector.
vThe vector.
The value for the minimum element or 0 if the vector is empty.

Definition at line 269 of file basic_algebra.c.

◆ Vector2Range()

void Vector2Range ( double  l,
double  u,
double  mode,
unsigned int  m,
double *  v 

Scales a vector so that their values span a given range.

lThe lower value of the range.
uThe upper value of the range.
modeExponential used in the transform. If positive we increase the resolution in the upper levels. If negative, the difference in lower levels are more remarked.
mThe size of the vector.
vThe vector.

Definition at line 288 of file basic_algebra.c.

References Error(), and ZERO.

Referenced by main().

◆ SubtractVector()

CBLAS_INLINE void SubtractVector ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Subtracts a vector from another vector: v1=v1-v2

sNumber of elements in the vector.
v1The vector from where to subtract.
v2The vector to subtract.

Definition at line 329 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by AtlasRRTValidateSample(), ComputeHandC_FJH(), ComputeInverseDynamics(), LinearizeDynamics(), LQRComputePolicy_t(), PolytopeBoundaryPointFromExternalCornerInt(), and SubtractMatrix().

◆ DifferenceVector()

void DifferenceVector ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v1,
double *  v2,
double *  v 

◆ DifferenceVectorSubset()

void DifferenceVectorSubset ( unsigned int  s,
boolean subset,
double *  v1,
double *  v2,
double *  v 

Subtracts two vectors and stores the result in another vector: v=v1-v2 Only the selected components are operated. The rest are set to 0.

sNumber of elements in the vector.
subsetThe selected components.
v1The vector from where to subtract.
v2The vector to subtract.
vThe vector where to store the result.

Definition at line 364 of file basic_algebra.c.

References DifferenceVector().

Referenced by DifferenceVectorTopologySubset().

◆ DifferenceVectorTopology()

void DifferenceVectorTopology ( unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
double *  v1,
double *  v2,
double *  v 

Subtracts two vectors and stores the result in another vector considering the topology for each component.

sNumber of elements in the vector.
tpThe topology for each variable.
v1The vector from where to subtract.
v2The vector to subtract.
vThe vector where to store the result.

Definition at line 384 of file basic_algebra.c.

References DifferenceVector(), PI2PI, and TOPOLOGY_S.

Referenced by AddBranchToRRT(), Chart2Manifold(), ConnectSamples(), ConnectSamplesChart(), DifferenceVectorTopologySubset(), GeodesicDistance(), and Manifold2Chart().

◆ DifferenceVectorTopologySubset()

void DifferenceVectorTopologySubset ( unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
boolean subset,
double *  v1,
double *  v2,
double *  v 

Subtracts two vectors and stores the result in another vector considering the topology for the selected components.

The output for the non-selected components are set to 0.

sNumber of elements in the vector.
tpThe topology for each variable. If NULL this function is the same as DifferenceVector.
subsetThe selected dimensions. If NULL this function is the same as DifferenceVectorTopology.
v1The vector from where to subtract.
v2The vector to subtract.
vThe vector where to store the result.

Definition at line 403 of file basic_algebra.c.

References DifferenceVectorSubset(), DifferenceVectorTopology(), PI2PI, and TOPOLOGY_S.

Referenced by StepDispersionGradient(), StepEffort(), StepEffortGradient(), and StepLengthGradient().

◆ Norm()

CBLAS_INLINE double Norm ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v 

Computes the norm of a vector with the given size.

sNumber of elements in the vector.
vThe vector.
The norm of the vector.

Definition at line 434 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by AddBorderConstraint(), AddBranchToAtlasRRT(), AddBranchToRRT(), ApplyLinkRot(), ApplyLinkRotAxisX(), ApplyLinkRotDeformX(), AtlasRRTSample(), AtlasRRTValidateSample(), body2SDF(), BroydenStep(), CDCallBackInfo(), Chart2Manifold(), ConnectSamples(), ConnectSamplesChart(), CuikGradientInBox(), CuikNewtonInBox(), CutPolytope(), CutPolytopeWithFace(), CutSPolytope(), DetermineSPolytopeNeighbour(), DistanceOnChart(), DynamicStepResidue(), ErrorInCSEquations(), ErrorInSimpCSEquations(), ErrorInSolution(), EvaluateTrans(), ExtendAtlasFromPoint(), ExtendAtlasTowardPoint(), GetConnectionLinkPotentialEnergy(), GetConnectionLinkWrench(), GetJointDOFValues(), GetPolytopeInteriorPoint(), GetTransform2ConnectionLink(), InsideSPolytope(), LQRComputePolicy_t(), main(), Manifold2Chart(), MatrixWeightedNorm(), MinCosinusBetweenSubSpaces(), MinimizeOnAtlas(), NewChartFromPoint(), NewFixJoint(), NewInPatchJoint(), NewPrismaticJoint(), NewRevoluteJoint(), NewSphericalJoint(), NewTemptativeSample(), Newton2ManifoldPlane(), NewUniversalJoint(), NextDynamicState(), NextDynamicStateEuler(), NextDynamicStateLocalEuler(), NextDynamicStateLocalRK4(), NextDynamicStateRK4(), Normalize(), PathInChart(), PlotForceField(), PointTowardRandSample(), PolytopeBoundaryPointFromExternalCornerInt(), ReconstructAtlasPath(), RefineSingularPoint(), StepDispersionGradient(), StepEffort(), StepEffortGradient(), StepLengthGradient(), Time2Go(), and WeightedNorm().

◆ WeightedNorm()

CBLAS_INLINE double WeightedNorm ( unsigned int  s,
double *  w,
double *  v 

Computes the weighted norm of a vector with the given size.

sNumber of elements in the vector.
wThe weigths.
vThe vector.
The weighted norm of the vector.

Definition at line 449 of file basic_algebra.c.

References Norm().

◆ MatrixWeightedNorm()

CBLAS_INLINE double MatrixWeightedNorm ( unsigned int  s,
double *  W,
double *  v 

The same as WeightedNorm but here the weights is given in the form of a matrix. Thus, were we compute v^T*W*v.

sNumber of elements in the vector.
WThe (symmetric) matrix of weigths.
vThe vector.
The weighted norm of the vector.

Definition at line 465 of file basic_algebra.c.

References Norm(), and RC2INDEX.

◆ NormWithStride()

CBLAS_INLINE double NormWithStride ( unsigned int  s,
unsigned int  st,
double *  v 

Computes the norm of a vector with the given size and whose elements might not be continuous in memory but separated by a given stride.

sNumber of elements in the vector.
stThe stride (separation between elements of v).
vThe vector.
The norm of the vector.

Definition at line 485 of file basic_algebra.c.

◆ SquaredDistance()

double SquaredDistance ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the distance between two points given as a vector with a given size.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points.

Definition at line 502 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by Distance(), MatrixWeightedSquaredDistance(), SquaredDistanceSubset(), SquaredDistanceTopology(), and WeightedSquaredDistance().

◆ WeightedSquaredDistance()

double WeightedSquaredDistance ( unsigned int  s,
double *  w,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the weighted distance between two points given as a vector with a given size.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
wWeight for each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The weighted distance between the points.

Definition at line 518 of file basic_algebra.c.

References SquaredDistance().

Referenced by WeightedDistance(), WeightedSquaredDistanceSubset(), and WeightedSquaredDistanceTopology().

◆ MatrixWeightedSquaredDistance()

double MatrixWeightedSquaredDistance ( unsigned int  s,
double *  W,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

The same as WeightedSquaredDistance, but the weights are given in the form of a matrix. Thus, we compute (v2-v1)^t * W * (v2-v1). WeightedSquaredDistance can be seen as a particular case of this function where matrix W is diagonal.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
WWeight in the form of a (symmetric) matrix.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The weighted distance between the points.

Definition at line 539 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX, and SquaredDistance().

Referenced by MatrixWeightedDistance(), and MatrixWeightedSquaredDistanceSubset().

◆ SquaredDistanceSubset()

double SquaredDistanceSubset ( unsigned int  s,
boolean subset,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the distance between two points given as a vector with a given size along some of its components.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
subsetThe selected components.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points.

Definition at line 565 of file basic_algebra.c.

References SquaredDistance().

Referenced by MatrixWeightedSquaredDistanceSubset(), SquaredDistanceTopologySubset(), and WeightedSquaredDistanceSubset().

◆ WeightedSquaredDistanceSubset()

double WeightedSquaredDistanceSubset ( unsigned int  s,
boolean subset,
double *  w,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the weighted distance between two points given as a vector with a given size along some of its components.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
subsetThe selected components.
wWeight for each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points.

Definition at line 589 of file basic_algebra.c.

References SquaredDistanceSubset(), and WeightedSquaredDistance().

Referenced by WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologySubset().

◆ MatrixWeightedSquaredDistanceSubset()

double MatrixWeightedSquaredDistanceSubset ( unsigned int  s,
boolean subset,
double *  W,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the weighted distance between two points given as a vector with a given size along some of its components.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
subsetThe selected components.
WThe (symmetric) matrix of weights. This is of the size of the vectors but only the selected rows/colums are used.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points.

Definition at line 618 of file basic_algebra.c.

References MatrixWeightedSquaredDistance(), RC2INDEX, and SquaredDistanceSubset().

◆ Distance()

double Distance ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the distance between two points given as a vector with a given size.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points.

Definition at line 656 of file basic_algebra.c.

References SquaredDistance().

Referenced by AddBranchToAtlasRRT(), AdjustBioWorldGeometry(), BioWorldRMSE(), CrossTopologyBorder(), DetermineChartNeighbours(), DistanceOnChart(), HTransformIsIdentity(), HTransformIsZero(), main(), NewTemptativeSample(), PathInChart(), ReadSTL(), ReadTwoSamples(), SimplifyPolyhedron(), and UpdateLQRPolicy().

◆ WeightedDistance()

double WeightedDistance ( unsigned int  s,
double *  w,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the weighted distance between two points given as a vector with a given size.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
wWeight for each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points.

Definition at line 661 of file basic_algebra.c.

References WeightedSquaredDistance().

◆ MatrixWeightedDistance()

double MatrixWeightedDistance ( unsigned int  s,
double *  W,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

The same as WeightedDistance but the weights are given in matrix form. Thus, the computation is: (v2-v1)^t * W * (v2-v1)

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
WThe (symmetric) matrix of weight.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points.

Definition at line 666 of file basic_algebra.c.

References MatrixWeightedSquaredDistance().

◆ SquaredDistanceTopology()

double SquaredDistanceTopology ( unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the squared distance between two points given as a vector with a given size and considering the topology for each dimension.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The squared distance between the points.

Definition at line 671 of file basic_algebra.c.

References M_PI, PI2PI, SquaredDistance(), and TOPOLOGY_S.

Referenced by DistanceTopology(), SquaredDistanceTopologySubset(), and WeightedSquaredDistanceTopology().

◆ WeightedSquaredDistanceTopology()

double WeightedSquaredDistanceTopology ( unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
double *  w,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the squared distance between two points given as a vector with a given size and considering the topology for each dimension.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
wWeight for each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The squared distance between the points.

Definition at line 696 of file basic_algebra.c.

References M_PI, PI2PI, SquaredDistanceTopology(), TOPOLOGY_S, and WeightedSquaredDistance().

Referenced by WeightedDistanceTopology(), and WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologySubset().

◆ SquaredDistanceTopologyMin()

double SquaredDistanceTopologyMin ( double  t2,
unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the squared distance between two points given as a vector with a given size and considering the topology for each dimension.

The squared distance is only fully computed for points closer than a given threshold. This accelerates the distance computations.

t2The threshold (a square distance!).
sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The squared distance between the points.

Definition at line 727 of file basic_algebra.c.

References M_PI, PI2PI, and TOPOLOGY_S.

Referenced by DistanceTopologyMin(), HaveChartAtPoint(), and WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologyMin().

◆ WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologyMin()

double WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologyMin ( double  t2,
unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
double *  w,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the squared distance between two points given as a vector with a given size and considering the topology for each dimension.

The squared distance is only fully computed for points closer than a given threshold. This accelerates the distance computations.

t2The threshold (a square distance!).
sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
wWeight in each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The squared distance between the points.

Definition at line 759 of file basic_algebra.c.

References M_PI, PI2PI, SquaredDistanceTopologyMin(), and TOPOLOGY_S.

Referenced by WeightedDistanceTopologyMin().

◆ DistanceTopology()

◆ WeightedDistanceTopology()

double WeightedDistanceTopology ( unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
double *  w,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the distance between two points given as a vector with a given size and considering the topology for each components.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
wWeight for each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points.

Definition at line 801 of file basic_algebra.c.

References WeightedSquaredDistanceTopology().

Referenced by AddBranchToAtlasDynamicRRT(), AddBranchToAtlasRRT(), AddBranchToRRT(), InitBranchState(), and PathStart2GoalInRRT().

◆ SquaredDistanceTopologySubset()

double SquaredDistanceTopologySubset ( unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
boolean subset,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the squared distance between two points given as a vector with a given size and considering the topology for the selected components.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
subsetThe components to use in the distance computation. If NULL, this function is the same as SquaredDistanceTopology.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The squared distance between the points in the selected dimensions.

Definition at line 807 of file basic_algebra.c.

References M_PI, PI2PI, SquaredDistanceSubset(), SquaredDistanceTopology(), and TOPOLOGY_S.

Referenced by DistanceTopologySubset(), and WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologySubset().

◆ WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologySubset()

double WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologySubset ( unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
boolean subset,
double *  w,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the squared weighted distance between two points given as a vector with a given size and considering the topology for the selected components.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
subsetThe components to use in the distance computation. If NULL, this function is the same as SquaredDistanceTopology.
wThe weight for each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The squared weighted distance between the points in the selected dimensions.

Definition at line 840 of file basic_algebra.c.

References M_PI, PI2PI, SquaredDistanceTopologySubset(), TOPOLOGY_S, WeightedSquaredDistanceSubset(), and WeightedSquaredDistanceTopology().

Referenced by WeightedDistanceTopologySubset().

◆ DistanceTopologySubset()

double DistanceTopologySubset ( unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
boolean subset,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the distance between two points given as a vector with a given size and considering the topology for the selected components.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
subsetThe components to use in the distance computation. If NULL, this function is the same as DistanceTopology.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points in the selected dimensions.

Definition at line 878 of file basic_algebra.c.

References SquaredDistanceTopologySubset().

Referenced by ConnectSamples(), ConnectSamplesChart(), PathLength(), StepDispersion(), StepDispersionGradient(), and StepLength().

◆ WeightedDistanceTopologySubset()

double WeightedDistanceTopologySubset ( unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
boolean subset,
double *  w,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Computes the distance between two points given as a vector with a given size and considering the topology for the selected components.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
subsetThe components to use in the distance computation. If NULL, this function is the same as DistanceTopology.
wWeight for each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points in the selected dimensions.

Definition at line 885 of file basic_algebra.c.

References WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologySubset().

◆ DistanceTopologyMin()

double DistanceTopologyMin ( double  t,
unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

This is like DistanceTopology, but it only computes the distance as far it is below a given threshold. This is usefuls to rapidly abort computing distances for points that are further away than other points when searching for nearest neighbours.

Note that if the output is above the given threshold, the distance is not actually fully computed (the output is not the true distance between the given points).

tThe threshold.
sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points.

Definition at line 892 of file basic_algebra.c.

References SquaredDistanceTopologyMin().

Referenced by GetRRTNNInChart().

◆ WeightedDistanceTopologyMin()

double WeightedDistanceTopologyMin ( double  t,
unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
double *  w,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

This is like DistanceTopologyMin, but including weights in each dimension.

tThe threshold.
sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
wWeight in each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
The distance between the points.

Definition at line 898 of file basic_algebra.c.

References WeightedSquaredDistanceTopologyMin().

Referenced by GetRRTNN(), GetRRTNNInBall(), GetRRTNNInBranch(), and PointInRRT().

◆ CrossTopologyBorder()

boolean CrossTopologyBorder ( unsigned int  s,
unsigned int *  tp,
double *  v1,
double *  v2 

Checks if the shortest line connecting two points crosses the borders imposed by the topology of each variable, i.e., if it goes across the pi,-pi discontinuity.

sNumber of elements in the vectors.
tpThe topology for each dimension.
v1The first point.
v2The second point.
TRUE if the line crosses the topology border.

Definition at line 904 of file basic_algebra.c.

References Distance(), and DistanceTopology().

Referenced by TriangulateAtlas().

◆ Normalize()

CBLAS_INLINE void Normalize ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v 

Normalizes a generic vector with the given size.

sThe size of the vector.
vThe vector to normalize. We output overwrite the input.

Definition at line 909 of file basic_algebra.c.

References Error(), and Norm().

Referenced by Atoms2Transforms(), axis2SDF(), body2SDF(), EvaluatePATrans(), GetJointBasicTransform(), GetJointDOFValues(), GetJointTransform(), GetTransform2ConnectionLink(), GetTransform2LinkAxisX(), NewTriangularPrism(), and PointTowardRandSample().

◆ Mean()

double Mean ( unsigned int  s,
double *  v 

Computes the mean of an array of doubles.

sThe size of the vector.
vThe vector with the data.
The mean of the elements in the vector.

Definition at line 933 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by PrintAverages().

◆ StdDev()

double StdDev ( unsigned int  s,
double  m,
double *  v 

Computes the sample standard deviation of an array of doubles.

sThe size of the vector.
mThe mean of the data (see Mean).
vThe vector with the data.
The mean of the elements in the vector.

Definition at line 945 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by PrintAverages().

◆ ArrayPi2Pi()

void ArrayPi2Pi ( unsigned int  n,
unsigned int *  t,
double *  a 

Applies PI2PI to an array but only to those elements that have sphere topology.

nSize of the array.
tThe topology for each entry in the array.
aThe array to adjust.

Definition at line 963 of file basic_algebra.c.

References PI2PI, and TOPOLOGY_S.

Referenced by AddChart2Btree(), AddNodeToRRT(), Chart2Manifold(), ConnectSamples(), ConnectSamplesChart(), CuikGradientInBox(), CuikNewtonInBox(), CuikNewtonSimp(), InitChartInt(), Local2Global(), Manifold2Chart(), Newton2ManifoldPlane(), RefineSingularPoint(), and SearchInBtree().

◆ GetRow()

CBLAS_INLINE void GetRow ( unsigned int  k,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m,
double *  v 

Defines a vector taking the values from the row of a matrix.

kThe row to use.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix.
vThe vector to define.

Definition at line 976 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

◆ GetColumn()

CBLAS_INLINE void GetColumn ( unsigned int  k,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m,
double *  v 

Defines a vector taking the values from the column of a matrix.

kThe column to use.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix.
vThe vector to define.

Definition at line 988 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by FindRightNullVector(), HandC(), and RefineSingularPoint().

◆ SetRow()

CBLAS_INLINE void SetRow ( double *  v,
unsigned int  k,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Defines a row of a matrix taking the values from a vector.

vThe vector with the values to use.
kThe row to replace.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix to update.

Definition at line 1000 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by Newton2ManifoldPlane().

◆ SetColumn()

CBLAS_INLINE void SetColumn ( double *  v,
unsigned int  k,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Defines a column of a matrix taking the values from a vector.

vThe vector with the values to use.
kThe column to replace.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix to update.

Definition at line 1012 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by EvaluateHessianVector(), EvaluateNHessianVector2(), HandC(), and LinearizeDynamics().

◆ ScaleRow()

CBLAS_INLINE void ScaleRow ( unsigned int  k,
double  sc,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Multiples a row of a matrix by a given factor.

kThe row to scale.
scThe scale factor.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix to update.

Definition at line 1025 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by OrthonormalizeRows(), and SumRowsScale().

◆ ScaledAddRows()

CBLAS_INLINE void ScaledAddRows ( unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m,
unsigned int  n,
unsigned int *  sr,
double *  sc,
unsigned int  sv,
double *  v 

Defines a vector as a scaled sum of rows of a matrix.

rNumber of rows.
cNumber of columns.
mThe matrix.
nThe number of selected rows.
srThe selection of rows.
scThe scale factor for each row.
svStride in the 'v' vector.
vThe vector to define.

Definition at line 1037 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by CRFxSAM().

◆ ScaleColumn()

CBLAS_INLINE void ScaleColumn ( unsigned int  k,
double  sc,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Multiples a column of a matrix by a given factor.

kThe column to scale.
scThe scale factor.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix to update.

Definition at line 1071 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by OrthonormalizeColumns(), and SumColumnsScale().

◆ RowsDotProduct()

CBLAS_INLINE double RowsDotProduct ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Dot product between two rows of a matrix.

iThe first row to operate.
jThe second row to operate.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix.

Definition at line 1083 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by ComputeHandC_FJH(), and OrthonormalizeRows().

◆ ColumnsDotProduct()

CBLAS_INLINE double ColumnsDotProduct ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Dot product between two columns of a matrix.

iThe first column to operate.
jThe second column to operate.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix.

Definition at line 1108 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by OrthonormalizeColumns().

◆ RowSquaredNorm()

CBLAS_INLINE double RowSquaredNorm ( unsigned int  k,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Computes the squared norm of a row of a matrix.

kThe row to use.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix to update.
The squared norm of the selected row.

Definition at line 1133 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by OrthonormalizeRows().

◆ ColumnSquaredNorm()

CBLAS_INLINE double ColumnSquaredNorm ( unsigned int  k,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Computes the squared norm of a column of a matrix.

kThe column to use.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix to update.
The squared norm of the selected column.

Definition at line 1154 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by FindRightNullVector(), and OrthonormalizeColumns().

◆ SumRowsScale()

CBLAS_INLINE void SumRowsScale ( unsigned int  i,
double  sc,
unsigned int  j,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Accumulates in row 'i' the values in row 'j' scaled by factor 'sc'.

iIndex of the row where to accumulate.
scThe scale factor.
jIndex of the row to scale and to accumulate in x.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix to update.

Definition at line 1175 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX, and ScaleRow().

Referenced by OrthonormalizeRows().

◆ SumColumnsScale()

CBLAS_INLINE void SumColumnsScale ( unsigned int  i,
double  sc,
unsigned int  j,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Accumulates in column 'i' the values in column 'j' scaled by factor 'sc'.

iIndex of the column where to accumulate.
scThe scale factor.
jIndex of the column to scale and accumulated.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix to update.

Definition at line 1200 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX, and ScaleColumn().

Referenced by OrthonormalizeColumns().

◆ CopyRow()

CBLAS_INLINE void CopyRow ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Row copy.

iThe index of the row where to copy.
jThe index of the row from where to copy.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix to update.

Definition at line 1225 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by OrthonormalizeRows().

◆ CopyColumn()

CBLAS_INLINE void CopyColumn ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Column copy.

iThe index of the column where to copy.
jThe index of the column from where to copy.
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix to update.

Definition at line 1237 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by OrthonormalizeColumns().

◆ IdentityMatrix()

CBLAS_INLINE void IdentityMatrix ( unsigned int  n,
double *  M 

Creates an identity matrix.

nThe number of rows/columns of the matrix.
MThe matrix.

Definition at line 1249 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by InitDynamicSpace(), MatrixExponential(), and NextDynamicState().

◆ DiagonalMatrix()

CBLAS_INLINE void DiagonalMatrix ( unsigned int  n,
double *  v,
double *  M 

Creates a diagonal matrix.

nThe number of rows/columns of the matrix.
vThe values for the diagonal.
MThe matrix.

Definition at line 1258 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

◆ SymmetrizeMatrix()

void SymmetrizeMatrix ( unsigned int  n,
double *  M 

Enforces the symmetry of a squared matrix.

nThe size of the matrix.
MThe matrix.

Definition at line 1267 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by dGt(), and SetLinearizedDynamics().

◆ MatrixVectorProduct()

CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixVectorProduct ( unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  A,
double *  b,
double *  o 

Product of a matrix with r rows and c columns by a vector with c elements. The output is a vector of r entries.

The input and output vectors must be allocated externally. Here we assume they have the correct size.

rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
AThe matrix (stored as a vector row/column major).
bThe vector.
oThe resulting vector.

Definition at line 1287 of file basic_algebra.c.

References NEW, and RC2INDEX.

Referenced by BroydenUpdateJacobian(), ComputeAcceleration(), ComputeHandC_FJH(), ComputeInverseDynamics(), dr(), EvaluateHessianVector(), EvaluateHessianVector2(), EvaluateNHessianVector2(), GetJointBasicTransform(), HandC(), Local2Global(), LQRComputePolicy_t(), LQRPolicy(), MechEnergy(), RefineSingularPoint(), SAMxSAV(), and StepEffortGradient().

◆ MatrixVectorProductAccum()

CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixVectorProductAccum ( unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  A,
double *  b,
double *  o 

Accumulates in 'o' the product of a matrix with r rows and c columns by a vector with c elements.

Note that 'o' must be different of A and 'b'. Otherwise the result would not be correct (and eventually an error is triggered).

rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
AThe matrix (stored as a vector row/column major).
bThe vector.
oThe resulting vector. o=o+A*b

Definition at line 1318 of file basic_algebra.c.

References Error(), and RC2INDEX.

Referenced by SAMxSAVAccum().

◆ TMatrixVectorProduct()

CBLAS_INLINE void TMatrixVectorProduct ( unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  A,
double *  b,
double *  o 

Product of a transposed matrix with r rows and c columns by a vector with r elements. The output is a vector of c entries.

The input and output vectors must be allocated externally. Here we assume they have the correct size.

rNumber of rows of the matrix (before transposing).
cNumber of columns of the matrix (before transposing).
AThe matrix (before transposing) stored as a vector (row or column major).
bThe vector (of size r).
oThe resulting vector.

Definition at line 1338 of file basic_algebra.c.

References NEW, and RC2INDEX.

Referenced by AtlasRRTValidateSample(), Chart2Manifold(), ComputeC(), CuikGradientInBox(), EvaluateSystemFromNJacobian(), LinearizeDynamics(), Manifold2Chart(), MinCosinusBetweenSubSpaces(), MinimizeOnAtlas(), NextDynamicState(), NextDynamicStateLocalEuler(), NextDynamicStateLocalRK4(), RefineSingularPoint(), StepDispersionGradient(), StepEffort(), StepEffortGradient(), StepLengthGradient(), Time2Go(), and TSAMxSAV().

◆ TMatrixVectorProductAccum()

CBLAS_INLINE void TMatrixVectorProductAccum ( unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  A,
double *  b,
double *  o 

Accumulates the product of a transposed matrix with r rows and c columns by a vector with r elements. The output is a vector of c entries.

Note that 'o' must be different of A and 'b'. Otherwise the result would not be correct (and eventually an error is triggered).

rNumber of rows of the matrix (before transposing).
cNumber of columns of the matrix (before transposing).
AThe matrix (before transposing) stored as a vector (row or column major).
bThe vector (of size r).
oThe resulting vector: o = o + A * b

Definition at line 1369 of file basic_algebra.c.

References Error(), and RC2INDEX.

Referenced by TSAMxSAVAccum().

◆ TMatrixVectorStrideProduct()

CBLAS_INLINE void TMatrixVectorStrideProduct ( unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  A,
unsigned int  s,
double *  b,
double *  o 

Product of a transposed matrix with r rows and c columns by a vector with r elements where the elements are separeted by stride positions. The output is a vector of c entries.

The input and output vectors must be allocated externally. Here we assume they have the correct size.

rNumber of rows of the matrix (before transposing).
cNumber of columns of the matrix (before transposing).
AThe matrix (before transposing) stored as a vector (row or column major).
sThe stride between elements in b.
bThe vector (of size r).
oThe resulting vector.

Definition at line 1389 of file basic_algebra.c.

References NEW, and RC2INDEX.

Referenced by MinCosinusBetweenSubSpaces().

◆ AccumulateMatrix()

CBLAS_INLINE void AccumulateMatrix ( unsigned int  nr,
unsigned int  nc,
double *  B,
double *  A 

Compute the sum of two matrices.

nrNumber of rows of the matrices.
ncNumber of columns of the matrices.
BThe matrix to add.
AThe matrix where to add.

Definition at line 1420 of file basic_algebra.c.

References AccumulateVector().

◆ AccumulateTMatrix()

CBLAS_INLINE void AccumulateTMatrix ( unsigned int  nr,
double *  B,
double *  A 

Compute the sum of a matrix and the transposed of another matrix. Both matrices are squared (otherwise the sizes would not match).

nrNumber of rows (and columns) of the matrices.
BThe matrix to transpose and add.
AThe matrix where to add.

Definition at line 1425 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by dG().

◆ SubtractMatrix()

CBLAS_INLINE void SubtractMatrix ( unsigned int  nr,
unsigned int  nc,
double *  A,
double *  B 

Compute the subtraction of two matrices.

nrNumber of rows of the matrices.
ncNumber of columns of the matrices.
AThe matrix from where to subtract.
BThe matrix to subtract.

Definition at line 1453 of file basic_algebra.c.

References SubtractVector().

Referenced by rbi2mci().

◆ MatrixMatrixProduct()

CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixMatrixProduct ( unsigned int  ra,
unsigned int  ca,
double *  A,
unsigned int  cb,
double *  B,
double *  C 

Computes the product of a matrix by another matrix.

raNumber of rows of A.
caNumer of columns of A. This also gives the number of rows of B.
AThe first matrix (ra x ca).
cbNumber of columns of B.
BThe second matrix (ca x cb)
CThe resulting matrix (ra x cb). The space for this matrix must be allocated (deallocated) externally.

Definition at line 1458 of file basic_algebra.c.

References NEW, and RC2INDEX.

Referenced by ComputeH(), ComputeHandC_FJH(), dG(), dGt(), HandC(), InitHandC(), MechEnergy(), ProjectToColumnSubSpace(), SAMxSAM(), SetLinearizedDynamics(), and TSAVxSAM().

◆ MatrixMatrixProductAccum()

CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixMatrixProductAccum ( unsigned int  ra,
unsigned int  ca,
double *  A,
unsigned int  cb,
double *  B,
double *  C 

Accumulates the product of a matrix by another matrix.

Note that C must be different of A and B. Otherwise the result would not be correct (and eventually an error is triggered).

raNumber of rows of A.
caNumer of columns of A. This also gives the number of rows of B.
AThe first matrix (ra x ca).
cbNumber of columns of B.
BThe second matrix (ca x cb)
CThe resulting matrix (ra x cb). The space for this matrix must be allocated (deallocated) externally.

Definition at line 1498 of file basic_algebra.c.

References Error(), and RC2INDEX.

Referenced by SAMxSAMAccum().

◆ MatrixTMatrixProduct()

CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixTMatrixProduct ( unsigned int  ra,
unsigned int  ca,
double *  A,
unsigned int  rb,
double *  B,
double *  C 

Computes the product of a matrix by another matrix transposed.

raNumber of rows of A (without transposing). This also gives the number of rows of B.
caNumer of columns of A (without transposing).
AThe first matrix (ra x ca).
rbNumber of rows of B.
BThe second matrix (rb x ca)
CThe resulting matrix (ca x rb). The space for this matrix must be allocated (deallocated) externally.

Definition at line 1527 of file basic_algebra.c.

References NEW, and RC2INDEX.

Referenced by dGt(), InitHandC(), rbi2mci(), and SetLinearizedDynamics().

◆ TMatrixMatrixProduct()

CBLAS_INLINE void TMatrixMatrixProduct ( unsigned int  ra,
unsigned int  ca,
double *  A,
unsigned int  cb,
double *  B,
double *  C 

Computes the product of a matrix transposed by another matrix.

raNumber of rows of A (without transposing). This also gives the number of rows of B.
caNumer of columns of A (without transposing).
AThe first matrix (ra x ca).
cbNumber of columns of B.
BThe second matrix (ra x cb)
CThe resulting matrix (ca x cb). The space for this matrix must be allocated (deallocated) externally.

Definition at line 1567 of file basic_algebra.c.

References NEW, and RC2INDEX.

Referenced by CompareTangentSpaces(), ComputeH(), FindRightNullVector(), ProjectToColumnSubSpace(), and TSAMxSAM().

◆ MinCosinusBetweenSubSpaces()

double MinCosinusBetweenSubSpaces ( unsigned int  m,
unsigned int  k,
double *  T1,
double *  T2 

We determine the cosinus of the maximum angle between tangent spaces.

Note that we actually return the minimum of the absolute values of the cosinus. This is so since aligned tangent spaces form an angle of 0 or of pi (with cosinus 1 or -1 respectively).

In other words, for subspaces to be equal this function should return 1. If the output is 0, the subspaces are orthogonal.

In any case, we assume that the matrices defining the subspaces are orthonormal.

mRows of the matrices defining the sub-spaces.
kColumns of the matrices defining the sub-spaces.
T1The matrix with the first sub-space.
T2The matrix with the second sub-space.
The cosinus of the maximum angle (i.e., the minimum cosinus) between the sub-spaces.

Definition at line 1607 of file basic_algebra.c.

References NEW, Norm(), RC2INDEX, TMatrixVectorProduct(), and TMatrixVectorStrideProduct().

Referenced by MinCosinusBetweenCharts().

◆ OrthonormalizeRows()

unsigned int OrthonormalizeRows ( unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Applies the Gram-Schmidt process to the rows of a matrix. Note that the input matrix might not have independent rows. The output may have only few non-null rows (as many as those indicated by the return value of this function). The orthonormalized rows are returned in the first rows of the output matrix.

rThe number of rows of the matrix.
cThe number of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix.
The number of indepentdent columns in the input matrix.

Definition at line 1651 of file basic_algebra.c.

References CopyRow(), RowsDotProduct(), RowSquaredNorm(), ScaleRow(), and SumRowsScale().

◆ OrthonormalizeColumns()

unsigned int OrthonormalizeColumns ( unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

The same as OrthonormalizeRows but operating on columns.

rThe number of rows of the matrix.
cThe number of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix.
The number of independent columns in the input matrix.

Definition at line 1677 of file basic_algebra.c.

References ColumnsDotProduct(), ColumnSquaredNorm(), CopyColumn(), ScaleColumn(), and SumColumnsScale().

◆ ProjectToColumnSubSpace()

void ProjectToColumnSubSpace ( unsigned int  rs,
unsigned int  cs,
double *  ms,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Projects a set of vectors into the sub-space spanned by the columns of a matrix.

Note that despite projecting, the returnted vectors are in the original space (i.e., not given as components in the sub-space of the columns of me).

We assume that the sub-space is given by a set of normalized vectors.

rsNumber of rows of the matrix spanning the sub-space of interest. Number of rows of the matrix to project.
csNumber of columns of the matrix spanning the sub-space of interest.
msMatrix spanning the sub-space of interest. Each column must be a normal vector.
cThe number of columns of the matrix to project. Number of vectors to project into the sub-space spanned by ms.
mThe matrix to project. The vectors in the columns of this matrix are the ones projected. At the output, this containts the ambient space coordinates of the vectors inside the given subspace.

Definition at line 1710 of file basic_algebra.c.

References MatrixMatrixProduct(), NEW, and TMatrixMatrixProduct().

◆ RankOneUpdate()

CBLAS_INLINE void RankOneUpdate ( double  sc,
unsigned int  nr,
double *  vr,
unsigned int  nc,
double *  vc,
double *  m 

Updates a matrix with a rank-one update.

scScale factor.
nrNumber of rows of the matrix. Number of elements in the first vector.
vrThe first vector.
ncNumber of columns of the matrix. Number of elements in the second vector.
vcThe second vector.
mThe matrix.

Definition at line 1723 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by BroydenUpdateJacobian().

◆ SubMatrixFromMatrix()

CBLAS_INLINE void SubMatrixFromMatrix ( unsigned int  nr1,
unsigned int  nc1,
double *  m1,
unsigned int  nri,
unsigned int  nci,
unsigned int  nr,
unsigned int  nc,
double *  m 

Inserts a matrix as a submatrix of a larger matrix.

nr1Number of rows of the matrix to insert.
nc1Number of columns of the matrix to insert.
m1The matrix to insert.
nriRow defining the position where to insert the matrix.
nciColumn defining the positon where to insert the matrix.
nrNumber of rows of the matrix to modify.
ncNumber of columns of the matrix to modify.
mThe matrix to modify.

Definition at line 1740 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by ComputeAcceleration(), ComputeH(), ComputeInverseDynamics(), EvaluateJacobianInVector(), EvaluateJacobianSubSetInVector(), EvaluateTransposedJacobianInVector(), EvaluateTransposedJacobianSubSetInVector(), NextDynamicState(), and RefineSingularPoint().

◆ AddSubMatrix()

CBLAS_INLINE void AddSubMatrix ( double  sc,
unsigned int  nr1,
unsigned int  nc1,
double *  m1,
unsigned int  nri,
unsigned int  nci,
unsigned int  nr,
unsigned int  nc,
double *  m 

Adds a submatrix into a particular position of a larger matrix.

scScale factor.
nr1Number of rows of the matrix to add.
nc1Number of columns of the matrix to add.
m1The matrix to add.
nriRow defining the position where to add the matrix.
nciColumn defining the positon where to add the matrix.
nrNumber of rows of the matrix to modify.
ncNumber of columns of the matrix to modify.
mThe matrix to modify.

Definition at line 1784 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by ComputeHandC_FJH().

◆ SubMatrixFromSubMatrix()

CBLAS_INLINE void SubMatrixFromSubMatrix ( unsigned int  nrs,
unsigned int  ncs,
unsigned int  nrc,
unsigned int  ncc,
unsigned int  nr1,
unsigned int  nc1,
double *  m1,
unsigned int  nri,
unsigned int  nci,
boolean  trans,
unsigned int  nr,
unsigned int  nc,
double *  m 

Inserts a submatrix taken from a matrix as a submatrix of a second matrix.

nrsRow defining the position from where to take the submatrix to copy.
ncsColumn defining the position from where to take the submatrix to copy.
nrcNumber of rows of the submatrix to copy.
nccNumber of columns of the submatrix to copy.
nr1Total number of rows of the matrix from where to take the submatrix to insert.
nc1Total number of columns of the matrix from where to take the submatrix to insert.
m1The matrix from where to take the submatrix to insert.
nriRow defining the position where to insert the matrix.
nciColumn defining the positon where to insert the matrix.
transTRUE if the input is transposed in the copy.
nrNumber of rows of the matrix to modify.
ncNumber of columns of the matrix to modify.
mThe matrix to modify.

Definition at line 1829 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

◆ MatrixFromSubMatrix()

CBLAS_INLINE void MatrixFromSubMatrix ( unsigned int  r_src,
unsigned int  c_src,
double *  m_src,
unsigned int  rs,
unsigned int  cs,
unsigned int  r_dst,
unsigned int  c_dst,
double *  m_dst 

Copies a sub-matrix into a matrix.

Note that rs+r_dst should be lower or equal than r_src and the same for the columns, but no error check is performed.

r_srcNumber of rows of the matrix from where to copy.
c_srcNumber of columns of the matrix from where to copy.
m_srcThe matrix from where to copy.
rsRow of the position from where to take the block to copy.
csColumn of the position from where to take the block to copy.
r_dstNumber of rows of the matrix where to copy. Size in rows of the block to take from m_src.
c_dstNumber of columns of the matrix where to copy. Size in columns of the block to take from m_src.
m_dstThe matrix to initialize.

Definition at line 1926 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by ComputeHandC_FJH(), and rbi2mci().

◆ SubMatrixFromTMatrix()

CBLAS_INLINE void SubMatrixFromTMatrix ( unsigned int  nr1,
unsigned int  nc1,
double *  m1,
unsigned int  nri,
unsigned int  nci,
unsigned int  nr,
unsigned int  nc,
double *  m 

Inserts a transposed matrix as a submatrix of a larger matrix.

nr1Number of rows of the matrix to insert (before transposing it).
nc1Number of columns of the matrix to insert (before transposing it).
m1The matrix to insert.
nriRow defining the position where to insert the matrix.
nciColumn defining the positon where to insert the matrix.
nrNumber of rows of the matrix to modify.
ncNumber of columns of the matrix to modify.
mThe matrix to modify.

Definition at line 1970 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by Chart2Manifold(), ComputeAcceleration(), ComputeH(), ComputeInverseDynamics(), GetChartDegree(), LQRComputePolicy(), LQRComputePolicy_t(), NextDynamicState(), and RefineSingularPoint().

◆ SelectMatrixColumns()

CBLAS_INLINE void SelectMatrixColumns ( boolean sc,
unsigned int  nr,
unsigned int  nc,
double *  m 

Reduces the size of a matrix selecting some of their columns, for instance, the linearly independent ones.

scThe selected columns (boolean array).
nrNumber of rows in the matrix.
ncNumber of columns in the matrix.
mThe matrix (stored as a matrix).

Definition at line 2014 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by GetPositionJacobian().

◆ SelectMatrixRows()

CBLAS_INLINE void SelectMatrixRows ( boolean sr,
unsigned int  nr,
unsigned int  nc,
double *  m 

Reduces the size of a matrix selecting some of their rows, for instance, the linearly independent ones.

srThe selected rows (boolean array).
nrNumber of rows in the matrix.
ncNumber of columns in the matrix.
mThe matrix (stored as a matrix).

Definition at line 2055 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by ComputeHandC_FJH(), and GetPositionJacobian().

◆ PrintVector()

void PrintVector ( FILE *  f,
char *  label,
unsigned int  n,
double *  v 

◆ SaveVector()

void SaveVector ( FILE *  f,
unsigned int  n,
double *  v 

Saves a vector into a file.

fThe file where to store the vector.
nThe size of the vector.
vThe vector.

Definition at line 2108 of file basic_algebra.c.

Referenced by main().

◆ PrintMatrix()

void PrintMatrix ( FILE *  f,
char *  label,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Prints a matrix into a file.

fThe file where to print the matrix.
labelTne name of the matrix (possibly NULL)
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix.

Definition at line 2117 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by ApplyExternalForces(), BroydenStep(), ComputeAcceleration(), ComputeC(), ComputeH(), FindRightNullVector(), GetChartDegree(), HandC(), InitHandC(), LinearizeDynamics(), LQRComputePolicy(), LQRComputePolicy_t(), MechEnergy(), NextDynamicState(), PointTowardRandSample(), and UpdateLQRPolicy().

◆ PrintTMatrix()

void PrintTMatrix ( FILE *  f,
char *  label,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
double *  m 

Prints a transposed matrix into a file.

fThe file where to print the matrix.
labelTne name of the matrix (possibly NULL)
rNumber of rows of the matrix.
cNumber of columns of the matrix.
mThe matrix.

Definition at line 2140 of file basic_algebra.c.

References RC2INDEX.

Referenced by ComputeAcceleration(), ComputeJacobianKernelBasis(), FindRightNullVector(), GetPositionJacobian(), and NextDynamicState().