
Combined heat and power using high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells for housing facilities

Conference Article


IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA)





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Recently, new alternatives to conventional energy sources such as fossil fuels are arising due to global problems related to climate change effect and energy shortage. In this context, fuel cells and combined heat and power technologies appear as a possible solution due to their ability to provide both electrical and thermal energy more efficiently compared to traditional methods. Related to this, high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells offer the possibility of implementing combined heat and power systems, and they are also considered an efficient technology that emits less greenhouse gases. In this article a model predictive control based energy management system for a specific house is presented. Simulation and control models of the system are presented, together with dimensions and energy profiles used. Finally, control objectives and the proposed control algorithm are detailed, and the results when trying to match residential heat and power demands are discussed.


power generation control, predictive control.

Author keywords

energy management, model predictive control, combined heat and power, fuel cells

Scientific reference

V. Sanz, G. Lopez, R. Costa and C. Batlle. Combined heat and power using high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells for housing facilities, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2021, Västerås, Sweden, pp. 1-8.