Jianxiong Shen



Perception and Manipulation

E-mail jshen (at) iri.upc.edu

Phone 93 4054490

Second-year Ph.D. student.

  • Current
  • Archive


  • J. Shen, A. Agudo, F. Moreno-Noguer and A. Ruiz. Conditional-Flow NeRF: Accurate 3D modelling with reliable uncertainty quantification, 17th European Conference on Computer Vision, 2022, Tel Aviv (Israel), in Computer Vision – ECCV 2022 , Vol 13666 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 540-557, 2022.

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  • Q. Guan, Z. Qu, M. Zeng, J. Shen and J. Du. CGP Box: An effective direction representation strategy for oriented object detection in remote sensing images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42(17): 6666-6687, 2021.

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  • J. Shen, A. Ruiz, A. Agudo and F. Moreno-Noguer. Stochastic Neural Radiance Fields: Quantifying uncertainty in implicit 3D representations, 2021 International Conference on 3D Vision, 2021, London, UK (Virtual), pp. 972-981.

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  • J. Liu, X. Li, J. Zhou and J. Shen. Prediction stability as a criterion in active learning, 2020 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, in Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2020, Vol 12397 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 157-167, 2020, Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

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