Research line
Automatic Control
The AUTOMATIC CONTROL line develops basic and applied research in
automatic control, with special emphasis on modelling,
control and supervision of nonlinear, complex and/or large-scale
The group has acquired specific expertise in the application of
advanced control techniques to environmental resources management,
specifically in the water and energy fields.
Head of line: Maria Serra Prat
Research areas
>> Modelling and control of complex nonlinear systems.
>> Modelling and control of large-scale networked systems.
>> Design and implementation of decision-support tools for resources management systems with multiple, heterogeneous constraints.
>> Real-time supervisory control, fault diagnosis and fault-tolerance.
>> Applied research
Tech. transfer
Our activity finds applications in several fields through collaboration with our technological partners.
Research projects
We carry out projects from the European Framework Programme and others national and international
research programmes.
→ More about our research projects
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Modelling and control of complex nonlinear systems
In order to design controllers for complex nonlinear systems, it is fundamental to have mathematical models of the systems' dynamic behaviour. Regarding dynamic modelling of complex nonlinear systems, the Control Group focuses on four subjects: models for multidomain systems using PHS formulation; distributed parameter models and their order reduction; experimental characterisation techniques combining the use of time and frequency responses of the dynamic system, conceived as diagnosis tools; the design of observers to be integrated in the control systems in order to improve the system performance and minimise the number of sensors. Regarding control system design, the work is based on the following advanced control techniques: passivity-based control, Optimal Control, Model Predictive Control, Variable Structure Control (VSC) and Linear Parameter Varying (LPV)-Robust Control.
Modelling and control of large-scale networked systems
In automation, it is more and more frequent to deal with large scale networked systems which are composed by a multitude of elements of diverse dynamical nature. Obtaining a mathematical model oriented to the management and control of such systems should take into account their real time operation and complex topology. Moreover, complementary considerations such as physical constraints, hybrid behaviour and bounded disturbances are also challenging topics in the study of this kind of systems.
Design and implementation of decision-support tools for resources management systems with multiple, heterogeneous constraints
A large variety of real-time resource allocation problems dealing with long- and medium-term resources management typically appear in public services and industry. Some examples are water management (both surface and pipeline systems), energy generation and distribution, and environmental planning. The operation of these systems requires dealing with multiple, heterogeneous constraints. Not just physical constraints are to be met, but also those imposed by regulations, operational practices, economy, ecology, etc. The overall aim is to step away from the classical trial-and-error-based simulation approach and create real problem-solving tools for optimal management of large-scale resources management problems.
Real-time Supervisory Control, Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerance
Reliability is a feature required in modern control systems which implies the introduction of fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control modules that allow to know in real-time if there is any non-desired behaviour (fault) and activate some remedial action in order to keep the system in operation (fault tolerance). Complementary aspects as sensor/actuator location for achieving the desired fault diagnosis and tolerance are also addressed.
Applied Research
Theoretical knowledge is applied in real cases, in close collaboration with industry. Currently, research is mainly focused on four fields: modelling and control of systems based on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells based systems; modelling, control and management of electrical networks; design of optimal operational management of networked systems related to the urban water cycle and sensor data validation/reconstruction of instrumentation systems. The Control Group gives primary importance to the tasks of implementation and experimental validation of the proposed control and modelling methodologies. These final stages of the control design process are developed either in the industry or at the Institute's Laboratories: the Fuel Cells Laboratory and the Water Cycle Control Systems Lab.
These are the latest research projects of the Automatic Control research line:
INN-BALANCE: Innovative cost improvements for balance of plant components of automotive PEMFC systems
European Project
Start Date: 01/01/2017
INCITE: Innovative controls for renewable sources integration into smart energy systems
European Project
Start Date: 01/12/2015
EFFIDRAIN: Efficient integrated real-time control in urban drainage and wastewater treatment plants for environmental protection
European Project
Start Date: 01/10/2015
GRACeFUL: Global systems Rapid Assessment tools through Constraint FUnctional Languages
European Project
Start Date: 01/02/2015
PUMA MIND: Physical bottom Up multiscale Modelling for Automotive PEMFC Innovative performance and Durability optimization
European Project
Start Date: 17/12/2012
EFFINET: EFFicient Integrated real-time monitoring and control of drinking water NETworks
European Project
Start Date: 01/10/2012
ACOFC: Advanced Controllers and Observers Development for Fuel Cell based Generation Systems
European Project
Start Date: 01/06/2011
ACRES: Advanced control of renewable energy generation systems based on fuel cells/wind power
European Project
Start Date: 07/05/2012
CLOCWiSe: Constraint logic for operational control of water systems
European Project
Start Date: 01/01/1996
MASHED: Efficient Management of Energy Systems including Hybrid Electrochemical Energy Storage using Digitalisation Technologies
National Project
Start Date: 01/12/2022
MAFALDA: Manufacture, automation and integration of vanadium redox flow batteries in renewable energy systems
National Project
Start Date: 01/01/2022
L-BEST: Supervision and fault-tolerant control of smart infrastructures based on advanced learning and optimization
National Project
Start Date: 01/09/2021
DOVELAR: Control and energy management of hybrid fuel cell-based electric vehicles
National Project
Start Date: 01/01/2019
MICAPEM: Parameter estimation, diagnosis and control for the improvement of efficiency and durability of PEM fuel cells
National Project
Start Date: 01/01/2016
DEOCS: Monitorización, diagnostico y control tolerante a fallos de sistemas ciberfísicos con métodos basados en datos
National Project
Start Date: 30/12/2016
ECOCIS: EConomic Operation of Critical Infrastructure Systems
National Project
Start Date: 01/01/2014
MESPEM: Desarrollo de sistemas de control para la mejora de la eficiencia y la vida útil en sistemas basados en pilas de combustible PEM
National Project
Start Date: 01/01/2012
WATMAN: Analysis and Design of distributed optimal control strategies applied to large-scale WATer systems MANagement
National Project
Start Date: 01/01/2010
DISCPICO: Design and implementation of control systems for PEM fuel cells and their integration into distributed electrical power generation systems
National Project
Start Date: 01/01/2011
AECI: Control avanzado y desarrollo de nuevos sistemas híbridos de generación de energía eléctrica basados en pilas de combustible tipo PEM
National Project
Start Date: 17/01/2010
DICOPEM: Avances en el modelo y diseño de controladores para sistemas basados en pila de combustible PEM
National Project
Start Date: 01/10/2007
ITACA: Integración de técnicas avanzadas de modelado, control y supervisión aplicadas a la gestión del ciclo integral del agua
National Project
Start Date: 01/10/2006
CONPEM: Diseño de controladores para el proceso electroquímico en pilas de combustible de tipo PEM
National Project
Start Date: 01/01/2005
ITECOTOF: Desarrollo e Integración de Técnicas de Control Tolerante a Fallos de Procesos Complejos
National Project
Start Date: 01/01/2003
TCNL: Análisis comparativo de técnicas avanzadas de control no lineal. Aplicaciones a sistemas de generación de energía eléctrica y a manipuladores mecánico
National Project
Start Date: 01/01/1995
CHEERFUL: Analysis and design of controllers for high-pressure electrolyzers applied to obtaining hydrogen for a PEM fuel-cells setup
CSIC Project
Start Date: 01/02/2018
MuYSCA: Modelado y control de sistemas de riego en canal abierto
CSIC Project
Start Date: 01/04/2019
DEOCBI: Ayudas extraordinarias para la preparación de proyectos 2019 - relacionada con proyecto DPI2016-76493-C3-3R DEOCS
CSIC Project
Start Date: 01/01/2020
MACPERCON: Enhanced management topologies based on unfalsified control for PEM fuel cells performance improvement
CSIC Project
Start Date: 01/01/2012
NEURON: Aprendizaje neuronal en la robótica. Aplicaciones a la minería
CSIC Project
Start Date: 01/09/1997
REFER: Reducció energètica i flexibilitat en edificis en rehabilitació
Regional Project
Start Date: 01/06/2016
DiaPEM : Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Stack Diagnosis System
Regional Project
Start Date: 12/05/2015
Hy-BCN: Study and development of a high efficient HYdrogen storage system Based on solid oxide Cells and reNewable energy sources
UPC Project
Start Date: 27/12/2019
TWINs: Digital Twin: Realizing Resilient Operation of Critical Infrastructures
UPC Project
Start Date: 01/10/2019
PLIO: Desarrollo de herramientas planificación integral operativa de redes de agua potable
UPC Project
Start Date: 01/03/2003
CORAL: Control Optimizado de Redes de Alcantarillado
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 01/03/2000
NODELAB II: Acuerdo para la realización de una prueba de concepto sobre metodología y conocimiento de detección de fugas (segunda fase)
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 15/02/2024
CETAQUA: Contribució a la promoció i supervisió de projectes de recerca de l'àmbit de les xarxes de distribució d'aigua
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 01/06/2007
TOFMAN: Towards the future smart manufacturing systems
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 01/09/2020
NODELAB: Acuerdo para la realización de una prueba de concepto sobre metodología y conocimiento de detección de fugas
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 23/06/2021
IKERCON: Control avanzado de procesos complejos de manufactura
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 01/09/2016
CETAQUA: RCT1201 Ph2-Optimal and predictive RTC module interfaced to SWIP
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 23/05/2014
STOP-IT: Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastructure against cyber-physical Threats
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 12/04/2018
ModCon: Modelado y control de redes de alcantarillado: aplicación en Bogotá (Colombia)
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 04/09/2015
SITEL: R+D consistents en el desenvolupament d'una "Llibreria de càlcul de repartiment de càrregues elèctriques en tecnologia.NET"
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 25/02/2013
ELISSA-CRISALIDA: Supervisory Algorithms for Safe and Efficient Energy Distribution
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 01/06/2007
CLABSA: Optimum control of urban drainage systems. implementation of an integrated tool for the global optimised control of a combined sewer network
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 02/10/2006
LEAR: Desenvolupament d'un algorisme de gestió de l'energia elèctrica en un vehicle híbrid sèrie amb arquitectura de doble bus
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 05/05/2006
CONDEP1: Regulación del depósito de tormentas de la estación regeneradora de aguas residuales de La China, Madrid
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 01/12/2005
ADASA: Contribución a la mejora de la gestión de alarmas hidráulicas del sistema de información de sectores en la red de agua de Barcelona
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 01/06/2004
COMPaSs: Constraints for optimized management and naintenance of pipeline systems
European Project
Start Date: 01/12/1999
WATERNET: Knowledge capture of advanced supervision of water distribution networks
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 01/01/1996
MARINE: Application of fuel cells for auxiliary power systems in marine environment
Regional Project
Start Date: 14/03/2005
GERHYCO: Gestión, simulación y predicción de la evolución de los recursos de redes hidrográficas en períodos críticos
Regional Project
Start Date: 01/01/2001
RiverBank: Constraint logic for river bank design; a pre-investigation delf hydraulics
UPC Project
Start Date: 01/01/1999
These are the most recent publications (2024 - 2023) of the Automatic Control
A. Luque, D. Parent, A. Colomé, C. Ocampo-Martínez and C. Torras. Model predictive control for dynamic cloth manipulation: Parameter learning and experimental validation. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 32(4): 1254-1270, 2024.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Molavi, M. Serra and A.P. Husar. Improved supervisory controller design for a fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 73(4): 4918-4933, 2024.
Abstract Info PDF
P. Cardona, R. Costa, V. Roda, J. Carroquino, L. Valiño, C. Ocampo-Martínez and M. Serra. Modelling and operation strategy approaches for on-site hydrogen refuelling stations. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 52: 49-64, 2024.
Abstract Info PDF
T.P. Puleston, A. Cecilia, R. Costa and M. Serra. Nonlinear observer for online concentration estimation in vanadium flow batteries based on half-cell voltage measurements. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 185: 108664, 2024.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Carrizosa, V. Puig and F. Nejjari. Safe motion planner for autonomous driving based on LPV MPC and reachability analysis. Control Engineering Practice, 147: 105932, 2024.
Abstract Info PDF
J.A. Aguilar, D. Chanal, D. Chamagne, N. Yousfi, M. Péra, A.P. Husar and J. Andrade-Cetto. A hybrid control-oriented PEMFC model based on echo state networks and Gaussian radial basis functions. Energies, 17(2): 508, 2024.
Abstract Info PDF
S. Zhang, S. Ifqir and V. Puig. Linear Quadratic zonotopic control of switched systems: application to autonomous vehicle path-tracking. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8: 1895-1900, 2024.
Abstract Info PDF
L. Romero, G. Cembrano and V. Puig. Leak learning for graph-based state interpolation in water distribution networks, 2024 European Control Conference, 2024, Stockholm (Sweden), pp. 110-115.
Abstract Info PDF
L. Romero, P. Irofti, F. Stoican and V. Puig. Nodal hydraulic head estimation through Unscented Kalman Filter for data-driven leak localization in water networks, 2024 IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, 2024, Ferrara, pp. 67-72.
Abstract Info PDF
T.P. Puleston, A. Trovò, G. Marini, M. Serra, R. Costa and M. Guarnieri. Design and experimental validation of an optimal remixing procedure for vanadium flow batteries affected by faradaic imbalance. Journal of Power Sources, 624: 235487, 2024, to appear.
Abstract Info PDF
M. Chen. Model modification and calibration of metal hydride tanks, 2024 IRI Doctoral Day, 2024, Barcelona, pp. 4.
Abstract Info PDF
T.P. Puleston. Monitoring and optimal operation of vanadium redox flow batteries, 2024 IRI Doctoral Day, 2024, Barcelona, pp. 15.
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L. Romero. Contributions to the real-time monitoring of water systems, 2024 IRI Doctoral Day, 2024, Barcelona, pp. 16.
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C. Xu. Data-driven control techniques for microgrids, 2024 IRI Doctoral Day, 2024, Barcelona, pp. 20.
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T.P. Puleston, M. Serra and R. Costa. Vanadium redox flow battery capacity loss mitigation strategy based on a comprehensive analysis of electrolyte imbalance effects. Applied Energy, 355: 122271, 2024, to appear.
Abstract Info PDF
P. Cardona. Optimization-based control of renewable hydrogen production, storage and dispatchment systems for the transport sector, 2024 IRI Doctoral Day, 2024, Barcelona, pp. 2.
Abstract Info PDF
S. Zhang, V. Puig and S. Ifqir. Set-membership estimation of switched LPV systems: Application to fault/disturbance estimation. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 34(7): 4509-4531, 2024.
Abstract Info PDF
L. Romero, J. Blesa, G. Cembrano and V. Puig. A comparison between model-based and data-driven leak localization methods, 22nd IFAC World Congress, 2023, Yokohama, pp. 737-742.
Abstract Info PDF
P. Irofti, L. Romero, F. Stoican and V. Puig. Learning dictionaries from physical-based interpolation for water network leak localization. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 32(3): 755-766, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
C. Trapiello, L. Romero, J. Meseguer, V. Puig, G. Cembrano, B. Joseph, M. Sarrias, D. Saporta and M. Minoves. Automatic network response methodology for failure recovery or bursts in drinking water networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 149(1): 04022073, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
Y.O. Eldigair, C. Kunusch and C. Ocampo-Martínez. Optimization-based thermal control strategy for auxiliary cooling circuits in fuel cell vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 9(2): 2734-2743, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Clemente, A. Cecilia and R. Costa. Online state of charge estimation for a vanadium redox flow battery with unequal flow rates. Journal of Energy Storage, 60: 106503, 2023.
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X. Fang, J. Blesa and V. Puig. Fault detection using data-driven LPV state estimation based on structural analysis and ANFIS, 2023 European Control Conference, 2023, Bucharest (Romania), pp. 1-6.
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S. Zhang, V. Puig and S. Ifqir. Zonotopic set-membership state estimation for switched LPV system, 2023 IFAC World Congress, 2023, Yokohama, pp. 9442-9447.
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M. Cugueró and V. Puig. Advances in the monitoring, diagnosis and optimisation of water systems. Sensors, 23(6): 3256, 2023.
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L. Romero, D. Alves, J. Blesa, G. Cembrano, V. Puig and E. Duviella. Leak detection and localization in water distribution networks: review and perspective. Annual Reviews in Control, 55: 392-419, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Cecilia and R. Costa. Estimation of the liquid water saturation in PEM fuel cells: A low-power peaking-free dead-zone observer approach. ISA Transactions, 140: 368-384, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
Á. Ruiz, B. Escachx and R. Costa. Gestión de energía, mediante control predictivo, de un vehículo de pila de combustible, XLIV Jornadas de Automática, 2023, Zaragoza, Spain, pp. 358-363.
Abstract Info PDF
J. Anderson, J. Moré, P.F. Puleston and R. Costa. Fuel cell module control based on Switched/Time-Based Adaptive Super-Twisting Algorithm: design and experimental validation. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 31(1): 434-441, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
M. Marti, A. Cecilia and R. Costa. Modelling and estimation in lithium-ion batteries: a literature review. Energies, 16(19): 6846, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
B. Wang, R. Costa, N. Jing, O. de la Torre and X. Escaler. Modeling and adaptive parameter estimation for a piezoelectric cantilever beam. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 70(1): 481-491, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
A. San-Miguel, V. Puig and G. Alenyà. Condition-based design of variable impedance controllers from user demonstrations. Control Engineering Practice, 140: 105658, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
Y. Xing, L. Bernadet, M. Torrell, A. Tarancón, R. Costa and J. Na. Offline and online parameter estimation of nonlinear systems: Application to a solid oxide fuel cell system. ISA Transactions, 133: 463-474, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Clemente and R. Costa. Comparison of charging control techniques for electrochemical energy storage systems, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2023, Sinaia (Romania), pp. 1-8.
Abstract Info PDF
J. Anderson, J. Moré, P.F. Puleston, V. Roda and R. Costa. Control Super-Twisting con adaptación basada en cruce por cero. Análisis de estabilidad y validación. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial, 20(1): 104–114, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
C. Fustero, A. Clemente, R. Costa and C. Ocampo-Martínez. Energy management using predictive control and neural networks in microgrid with hybrid storage system, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2023, Sinaia (Romania), pp. 1-8.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Clemente, M. Montiel, F. Barreras, A. Lozano and R. Costa. Experimental validation of a vanadium redox flow battery model for state of charge and state of health estimation. Electrochimica Acta, 449: 142117, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
E. Caldarelli, A. Colomé, C. Ocampo-Martínez and C. Torras. Quadratic dynamic matrix control for fast cloth manipulation, 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2023, Detroit, MI, USA, pp. 8178-8185.
Abstract Info PDF
P. Cardona, R. Costa, V. Roda, J. Carroquino, L. Valiño and M. Serra. Model predictive control of an on-site green hydrogen production and refuelling station. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48(47): 17995-18010, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
T.P. Puleston, A. Cecilia, R. Costa and M. Serra. Vanadium redox flow batteries real-time State of Charge and State of Health estimation under electrolyte imbalance condition. Journal of Energy Storage, 68: 107666, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
J.L. Svensen, C. Sun, G. Cembrano and V. Puig. Model predictive control of urban drainage systems considering uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 31(6): 2968-2975, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
P. Fornaro, T.P. Puleston, P.F. Puleston, P. Battaiotto, R. Costa and M. Serra. Electric vehicle charging station based on wind energy: evaluation of the power profile for vanadium redox flow batteries estimation. IEEE Latin America Transactions , 21(9): 1056-1062, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
C. Trapiello, V. Puig and G. Cembrano. Reconfiguration of flow-based networks with back-up components using robust economic MPC. Journal of Process Control, 122: 100-112, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Carrizosa, V. Puig and F. Nejjari. Zonotopic-tube-based LPV motion planner for safety coordination of autonomous vehicles, 22nd IFAC World Congress, 2023, Yokohama, pp. 2220-2225.
Abstract Info PDF
J.P. Martínez, C. Ocampo-Martínez, N. Quijano and A. Ingimundarson. Microalgae production and maintenance optimization via mixed-integer model predictive control, 22nd IFAC World Congress, 2023, Yokohama, pp. 11100-11105.
Abstract Info PDF
Fuel Cell Control Laboratory
The objective of the Laboratory is the validation and testing of control strategies of fuel cell based energy conversion systems. The facilities are equipped with a supervisor system which monitors necessary safety conditions. Each of the five fuel cell test stations is equipped with the necessary sensors and actuators to be able to operate in a safe and automated way, as well as to modify the working conditions that affect a fuel cell (humidity, temperature, flow, etc.).
Water-cycle Control Systems Laboratory
The aim of this laboratory is to test and validate modelling and control developments for dynamic systems associated to the water cycle. Hence, it provides platforms of pressure, flow and level processes, over which it is possible to implement real-time advanced control strategies. This laboratory is also open to offer services to other teams in the research community.
Blesa Izquierdo, Joaquim
jblesa (at)
Cembrano Gennari, Gabriela
cembrano (at)
Costa Castelló, Ramon
rcosta (at)
Martínez Piazuelo, Juan Pablo
jmpiazuelo (at)
Ocampo Martínez, Carlos A.
cocampo (at)
Puig Cayuela, Vicenç
vpuig (at)
Segovia Castillo, Pau
psegovia (at)
Serra Prat, Maria
maserra (at)
Tornil Sin, Sebastian
stornil (at)
PhD Students
Aguirre Serrano, Omar
oaguirre (at)
Arcila Osorio, Mateo
marcila (at)
Cardona Rubio, Pol
pcardona (at)
Carrizosa Rendón, Álvaro
acarrizosa (at)
Chen, Mingrui
cmingrui (at)
Conejo Barceló, Carlos
cconejo (at)
Fang, Xin
xfang (at)
Hosseindokht, Seyed Mohammad
shosseindokht (at)
Marti Florences, Miquel
mmartif (at)
Pedrosa Alias, Javier
jpedrosa (at)
Puleston, Thomas Paul
tpuleston (at)
Romero Ben, Luis
lromero (at)
Serrano Moncada, Fernando Emanuel
fserrano (at)
Sun, Yuanyuan
ysun (at)
Xu Zheng, Ce
cxu (at)
Zaragoza Sacristán, Raul
rzaragoza (at)
Zhang, Shuang
szhang (at)
Master Students
Caballé Benavent, Josep
jcaballe (at)
Support Staff
Escachx Estevez, Bryan
bescachx (at)
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