ROS wrapper for real-time multi-person pose estimation with a single camera
Technical Report (2017)
Arduengo García, Miguel
Jorgensen, Sven Jens
Hambuchen, Kimberly
Sentis, Luis
Moreno Noguer, Francesc
Alenyà Ribas, Guillem
Projects associated
For robots to be deployable in human occupied environments, the robots must have human-awareness and generate human-aware behaviors and policies. OpenPose is a library for real-time multi-person keypoint detection. We have considered the implementation of a ROS package that would allow the estimation of 2d pose from simple RGB images, for which we have introduced a ROS wrapper that automatically recovers the pose of several people from a single camera using OpenPose. Additionally, a ROS node to obtain 3d pose estimation from the initial 2d pose estimation when a depth image is synchronized with the RGB image (RGB-D image, such as with a Kinect camera) has been developed. This aim is attained projecting the 2d pose estimation onto the point-cloud of the depth image.
Scientific reference
M. Arduengo, S.J. Jorgensen, K. Hambuchen, L. Sentis, F. Moreno-Noguer and G. Alenyà. ROS wrapper for real-time multi-person pose estimation with a single camera. Technical Report IRI-TR-17-02, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC, 2017.
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