
No bells, just whistles: sports field registration by leveraging geometric properties

Conference Article


IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports (CVsports)





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Broadcast sports field registration is traditionally addressed as a homography estimation task, mapping the visible image area to a planar field model, predominantly focusing on the main camera shot. Addressing the shortcomings of previous approaches, we propose a novel calibration pipeline enabling camera calibration using a 3D soccer field model and extending the process to assess the multiple-view nature of broadcast videos. Our approach begins with a keypoint generation pipeline derived from SoccerNet dataset annotations, leveraging the geometric properties of the court. Subsequently, we execute classical camera calibration through DLT algorithm in a minimalist fashion, without further refinement. Through extensive experimentation on real-world soccer broadcast datasets such as SoccerNet-Calibration, WorldCup 2014 and TS-WorldCup, our method demonstrates superior performance in both multiple- and single-view 3D camera calibration while maintaining competitive results in homography.


computer vision, pattern recognition.

Author keywords

Computer vision in sports; Field registration; Calibration; Soccer

Scientific reference

M. Gutiérrez and A. Agudo. No bells, just whistles: sports field registration by leveraging geometric properties, 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports, 2024, Seattle (USA), pp. 3325-3334.