Oriol Barbany Mayor

PhD Student


Perception and Manipulation

E-mail obarbany (at) iri.upc.edu

Phone 93 4010934

Web https://barbany.github.io/

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As contributor


  • D. Blanco-Mulero, O. Barbany, G. Alcan, A. Colomé, C. Torras and V. Kyrki. Benchmarking the sim-to-real gap in cloth manipulation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(3): 2981-2988, 2024.

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  • O. Barbany, X. Lin, M. Bastan and A. Dhua. Procsim: Proxy-based confidence for robust similarity learning, 2024 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2024, Waikoloa, Hawaii, pp. 1297-1306.

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