Research Project

SAMMIR: Safe multi-modal interaction with robot manipulators


CSIC Project

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Project Description

Human-robot collaborative tasks require close interaction through the use of natural interfaces while maintaining a high level of safety for both the human and the robot. The project will focus on human-robot interaction as the key robotics technology by advancing the robot abilities for physical, social, and cognitive interaction while taking into account safety as an essential criterion for collaborative task execution. The proposed research will be performed in collaboration between CSIC and three renowned international research centers and will allow the integration of CSIC knowledge in perception, vision-based interaction and robot control with each of the partners main expertise domains, namely natural language processing for robotics (Umea University, Sweden), human-robot collaboration (Ben-Gurion University, Israel) and robot safety (Bristol Robotics Lab, UK). The Spanish company Pal Robotics will provide access to their newly-developed robotic platform and technical expertise to implement the project research results, which ensures relevant industrial involvement in the project.

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC, Spain (Coordinator)
Umea University, Sweden
Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Bristol Robotics Lab, University of West of England, United Kingdom
Pal Robotics, Spain

Project Publications

Journal Publications

  • I. Tkach, A. Jevtić, S.Y. Nof and Y. Edan. A modified distributed bees algorithm for multi-sensor task allocation. Sensors, 18(3): 759:1-16, 2018.

    Open/Close abstract Abstract Info Info pdf PDF
  • C. Torras. Service robots for citizens of the future. European Review, 24(1): 17-30, 2016.

    Open/Close abstract Abstract Info Info pdf PDF

Conference Publications

  • S. Bensch, A. Jevtić and T. Hellström. On interaction quality in human-robot interaction, 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2017, Porto, Portugal, pp. 182-189.

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