Lie algebra-based kinematic prior for 3D human pose tracking
Conference Article
IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA)
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We propose a novel kinematic prior for 3D human pose tracking that allows predicting the position in subsequent frames given the current position. We first define a Riemannian manifold that models the pose and extend it with its Lie algebra to also be able to represent the kinematics. We then learn a joint Gaussian mixture model of both the human pose and the kinematics on this manifold. Finally by conditioning the kinematics on the pose we are able to obtain a distribution of poses for subsequent frames that which can be used as a reliable prior in 3D human pose tracking. Our model scales well to large amounts of data and can be sampled at over 100,000 samples/second. We show it outperforms the widely used Gaussian diffusion model on the challenging Human3.6M dataset.
computer vision.
Author keywords
Lie algebra, 3D human pose tracking, mixture models
Scientific reference
E. Simo-Serra, C. Torras and F. Moreno-Noguer. Lie algebra-based kinematic prior for 3D human pose tracking, 14th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications, 2015, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 394-397.
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