
Yet a better closed-form formula for the 3D nearest rotation matrix problem

Technical Report (2021)

IRI code



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This technical report complements the results recently presented in [1] showing that they can be extended to define an efficient and robust method to determine the rotation matrix nearest to an arbitrary 3 × 3 matrix. This problem arises in different areas of robotics that range from the simple case in which we have to restore the orthogonality of a noisy rotation matrix to point-cloud registration or hand-eye calibration. We show that the new method compares favorably with the classical approaches to address this problem and also with more recent methods



Author keywords

Matrix orthonormalization

Scientific reference

J. Wu, S. Sarabandi, J.M. Porta, M. Liu and F. Thomas. Yet a better closed-form formula for the 3D nearest rotation matrix problem. Technical Report IRI-TR-21-01, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC, 2021.