Antonio Andriella


Perception and Manipulation

E-mail aandriella (at)


I’m a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA). I was a Research Scientist at Pal Robotics awarded with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie cofund fellowship in the H2020 project PRO-CARED (no.801342. I received my PhD with a thesis entitled “Personalising robot assistance for cognitive training therapy” from the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (IRII) under the supervision of Dr. Guillem Alenyà and Prof. Carme Torras (2017-2022).

  • Current
  • Archive


  • A. Suárez, A. Andriella, C. Torras and G. Alenyà. User interactions and negative examples to improve the learning of semantic rules in a cognitive exercise scenario, 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2023, Detroit, MI, USA, pp. 7953-7960.

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  • S. Forgas, R. Huertas, A. Andriella and G. Alenyà. Gendered human–robot interactions in services. International Journal of Social Robotics, 15(11): 1791-1807, 2023.

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  • A. Olivares-Alarcos, A. Andriella, S. Foix and G. Alenyà. Robot explanatory narratives of collaborative and adaptive experiences, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2023, London (UK), pp. 11964-11971.

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  • S. Forgas, R. Huertas, A. Andriella and G. Alenyà. Social robot-delivered customer-facing services: an assessment of the experience. The Service Industries Journal, 43(3): 154-184, 2023.

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  • A. Andriella, C. Torras, C. Abdelnour and G. Alenyà. Introducing CARESSER: A framework for in situ learning robot social assistance from expert knowledge and demonstrations. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 33: 441-496, 2023.

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  • A. Suárez, A. Andriella, G. Alenyà and C. Torras. Proactive learning of cognitive exercises with a social robot, 2022 ICRA Workshop on Prediction and Anticipation Reasoning in Human Robot Interaction (PAR-HRI), 2022, Philadelphia, USA, pp. 1-4.

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  • A. Andriella, C. Torras and G. Alenyà. Implications of robot backchannelling in cognitive therapy, 14th International Conference on Social Robotics, 2022, Florence, Italy, Vol 13817 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 546–557.

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  • A. Andriella, R. Huertas, S. Forgas, C. Torras and G. Alenyà. “I know how you feel” The importance of interaction style on users’ acceptance in an entertainment scenario. Interaction Studies: Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems, 23(1): 21-57, 2022.

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  • A. Rossi, A. Andriella, S. Rossi, C. Torras and G. Alenyà. Evaluating the effect of Theory of Mind on people's trust in a faulty robot, 31st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2022, Napoli, Italy, pp. 477-482.

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  • S. Forgas, R. Huertas, A. Andriella and G. Alenyà. The effects of gender and personality of robot assistants on customers’ acceptance of their service. Service Bussiness, 16: 359–389, 2022.

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