Mariella Dimiccoli

Científica Titular


Perception and Manipulation

E-mail mdimiccoli (at)

Phone 93 4010775


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As leader

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  • E. Thomaz and M. Dimiccoli. Acquisition and analysis of camera sensor data (Lifelogging). In Mobile Sensing in Psychology. Methods and Applications, 277-296. Guilford Publications, 2023.

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  • A. Dhamanaskar, M. Dimiccoli, E. Corona, A. Pumarola and F. Moreno-Noguer. Enhancing egocentric 3D pose estimation with third person views . Pattern Recognition, 138(109358), 2023.

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  • E.B. Bueno Benito, B. Tura and M. Dimiccoli. Leveraging triplet loss for unsupervised action segmentation, 2023 CVPR Workshop on Learning with Limited Labelled Data, 2023, Vancouver, Canadá, pp. 4922-4930, IEEE.

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  • F.J. Moreno, V.J. Traver, F. Barranco, M. Dimiccoli and F. Pla. Visual event-based egocentric human action recognition, 2022 Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 2022, Aveiro, Portugal, Vol 13256 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 402-404, 2022.

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  • M. Dimiccoli, S. Patni, M. Hoffmann and F. Moreno-Noguer. Recognizing object surface material from impact sounds for robot manipulation, 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2022, Kyoto, pp. 9280-9287.

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  • W. Zhang, M. Dimiccoli and B.Y. Lim. Debiased-CAM to mitigate image perturbations with faithful visual explanations of machine learning , 2022 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022, New Orleans, pp. 1-32, ACM.

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  • M. Dimiccoli, H. Wendt and P. Batlle. Learning grounded word meaning representations on similarity graphs, 16th Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2021, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, pp. 4760-4769.

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  • M. Dimiccoli, L. Garrido, G. Rodríguez and H. Wendt. Graph constrained data representation learning for human motion segmentation, 2021 International Conference on Computer Vision, 2021, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1440-1449.

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  • S. Felicioni and M. Dimiccoli. Interaction-GCN: a Graph Convolutional Network based framework for social interaction recognition in egocentric videos, 28th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2021, Anchorage, AK, USA, pp. 2348-2352.

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  • B. Nicolás, X. Wu, M. Dimiccoli, J. Sierpowska, C. Saiz-Masvidal, C. Soriano-Mas, P. Radeva and L. Fuentemilla. Behavioural and neurophysiological signatures in the retrieval of individual memories of recent and remote real-life routine episodic events. Cortex, 141: 128-143, 2021.

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PhD Theses as supervisor

Master theses as supervisor