Research Project
DIST: Design and implementation of efficient parallelizable algorithms with applications to robotics and proteomics
National Project
Start Date
End Date
Project Code
Torras, Carme
Thomas, Federico
Ruiz de Angulo, Vicente
Ros, Lluís
Porta, Josep Maria
Creemers, Tom
Project Description
This project aims at developing efficient parallel algorithms of Distance Geometry for solving the following strongly NP-hard problem: given an arbitrary collection of kinematic constraints among a set of solids, generate all spatial configurations of these solids that satisfy them. When the number of feasible solutions is infinite the algorithm must be able to find a discretization of the whole solution space or, when needed, it must find the configurations that minimize a given objective function in the involved variables.
Project Publications
Journal Publications
J.M. Porta, L. Ros, F. Thomas and C. Torras. A branch-and-prune solver for distance constraints. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 21(2): 176-187, 2005.
Abstract Info PDF
F. Thomas and L. Ros. Revisiting trilateration for robot localization. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 21(1): 93-101, 2005.
Abstract Info PDF
Conference Publications
J. Andrade-Cetto and F. Thomas. Wire-based tracking using mutual information, 10th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, 2006, Lyubljana, Slovenia, in Advances in Robot Kinematics: Mechanisms and Motion, pp. 3-14, 2006, Springer.
Abstract Info PDF
J.M. Porta, L. Ros and F. Thomas. Inverse kinematics by distance matrix completion, 4th International Workshop on Computational Kinematics, 2005, Cassino, Italy, in Mechanism and Machine Theory, pp. 1-9, 2006, Elsevier.
Abstract Info PDF
J.M. Porta, L. Ros and F. Thomas. Isolating self-motion manifolds on a Playstation, 9th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, 2004, Sestri Levante, Italia, in On Advances in Robot Kinematics, pp. 123-132, 2004, Springer.
Abstract Info PDF
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