Research Project

ECHORD++: European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development Plus Plus


European Project

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Project Description

The Project ECHORD++, which follows the FP7 Project ECHORD, wants to promote innovation by facilitating the cooperation between public bodies, academia and industry of robot manufacturers. This goal will be achieved by implementing different instruments – experiments, pre-commercial procurement (PCP) and robotic and innovation facilities (RIFs) - that are tailor-made to meet the needs of the society and public bodies in different areas.

The PDTI instrument -Public end-users Driven Technological Innovation- is financing two RTD consortia (ARSI and SIAR) including academia and industrial staff, that have already developed the Phases I - Solution Design - and II - Prototyping - and are now developing the Phase III - Small scale tests series of this procedure of Innovative Public Procurement. At the end of 2018 the cities will have two new robotic pre commercial products for inspection and maintenance of the Sewer Netwok.


- European Robotics Forum 2018. Workshop "Encouraging Regions and Cities to Innovate through Robotics" Tampere, Finland. March 15th, 2018

- Automatica 2018. Stand and System Integrators Activity. 14 prototypes will be showed at the Echord++ Stand. Munich, Germany. June 19-23th, 2018

- IROS 2018. Workshop "Echord++: From lab to market. Successful robot applications". Echord++ Final event. Madrid, Spain. October 1st-5th, 2018

Project Publications

Journal Publications

  • A.M. Puig-Pey, Y. Bolea, A. Grau and J. Casanovas. Public entities driven robotic innovation in urban areas. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 92: 162-172, 2017.

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Conference Publications

  • A. Grau, Y. Bolea, A. Sanfeliu and A.M. Puig-Pey. An innovative ICT solution for sewer systems, 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 2018, Palermo, Italy, Vol 3 of EpIC Series in Engineering, pp. 852-857.

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  • A. Grau, Y. Bolea, A. Sanfeliu and A.M. Puig-Pey. The city of the future: The challenge of the ECHORD++ Project, 6th International Multidisciplinary Conference, 2018, Lisbon, pp. 125-145.

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  • A. Grau, Y. Bolea, A.M. Puig-Pey, A. Sanfeliu and J. Casanovas. Sustainable technology results for sewage networks in smart cities, 5th IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability, 2017, Funchal, Portugal, pp. 1-4.

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  • A. Grau, Y. Bolea, A. Sanfeliu and A.M. Puig-Pey. The ECHORD++ Project: Robotics in a public economy, 24th International Scientifc Conference on Economic and Social Development, 2017, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 40-49.

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  • A. Grau, Y. Bolea, A. Sanfeliu, J. Casanovas and A.M. Puig-Pey. Robotic solutions for sewage systems in urban environments, 13th International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment, 2016, Mykonos, Greece, pp. 61-61.

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