Sergi Foix Salmerón
Científico Titular
Perception and Manipulation
sfoix (at)
93 4011901
Dr. Foix received M.Sc. degrees in Intelligent Systems and Automatic Control and Robotics from the University of Sunderland and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), respectively, and the PhD degree from UPC in 2016. He has been visitor at the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics (DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen-Weßling) (2010). His fields of interest are NBV planning for active vision, deformable object pose estimation for robot manipulation, and human robot interaction for assistive robotics.
As leader
As contributor
LLULL: Librerías de tratamiento de datos, modelado y exploración de procesos industriales
Technology Transfer Contract
Start Date: 03/07/2019
ARISE: Advanced AI and RobotIcS for autonomous task pErformance
European Project
Start Date: 01/01/2024
ROMANDIC: RObot MANipulation of Deformables through dynamIC actions
European Project
Start Date: 01/10/2024
CHLOE-Map: Geometric Coordinates to Navigate the Configuration Space of Cloth-Like Objects for Robotic Manipulation
National Project
Start Date: 01/09/2024
SoftEnable: Towards Soft Fixture-Based Manipulation Primitives Enabling Safe Robotic Manipulation in Hazardous Healthcare and Food Handling Applications
European Project
Start Date: 01/10/2022
DEMETER 5.0: Sistema digitalizado para la producción sostenible de algodón hidropónico en invernadero
National Project
Start Date: 01/11/2022
CHLOE-GRAPH: ClotH-Like ObjEcts Grasping, Representation, and Action Planning
National Project
Start Date: 01/09/2021
SGR RobIRI: Grup consolidat de Percepció i Manipulació Robotitzada de l'IRI
Regional Project
Start Date: 01/01/2022
A. Olivares-Alarcos, S. Foix, J. Borràs, G. Canal and G. Alenyà. Ontological modeling and reasoning for comparison and contrastive narration of robot plans, 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2024, Auckland (New Zealand), pp. 2405-2407.
Abstract Info PDF
R. Cupec, I. Vidovic, V. Simundic, P. Pejic, S. Foix and G. Alenyà. Teaching a robot where doors and drawers are and how to handle them, 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2023, Busan, Korea, pp. 2288-2294.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Olivares-Alarcos, S. Foix and G. Alenyà. Time to contact for robot safety stop in close collaborative tasks. In Human-robot collaboration: unlocking the potential for industrial applications, 87-104. Institution of Engineering Technology, 2023.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Olivares-Alarcos, A. Andriella, S. Foix and G. Alenyà. Robot explanatory narratives of collaborative and adaptive experiences, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2023, London (UK), pp. 11964-11971.
Abstract Info PDF
J. Borràs, A. Boix, S. Foix and C. Torras. A virtual reality framework for fast dataset creation applied to cloth manipulation with automatic semantic labelling, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2023, London (UK), pp. 11605-11611.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Boix, S. Foix and C. Torras. Garment manipulation dataset for robot learning by demonstration through a virtual reality framework, 24th Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022, Sitges, in Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, Vol 356 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp. 199-208, IOS Press.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Olivares-Alarcos, S. Foix, S. Borgo and G. Alenyà. OCRA – An ontology for collaborative robotics and adaptation. Computers in Industry, 132: 103627, 2022.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Olivares-Alarcos, S. Foix and G. Alenyà. Knowledge Representation for Explainability in Collaborative Robotics and Adaptation, 3rd International Workshop on Data meets Applied Ontologies, 2021, Bratislava, Slovakia (Virtual), pp. 1-8.
Abstract Info PDF
M.A. Roa, M.R. Dogar, J. Pagès, C. Vivas, A. Morales, N. Correll, M. Görner, J. Rosell, S. Foix, R. Memmesheier and F. Ferro. Mobile manipulation hackathon: moving into real world applications. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 28(2): 112-124, 2021.
Abstract Info PDF
A. Olivares-Alarcos, S. Foix and G. Alenyà. On inferring intentions in shared tasks for industrial collaborative robots. Electronics, 8(11): 1306, 2019.
Abstract Info PDF
PhD Theses as supervisor
Foundations of ontology-based explainable robots
Alberto Olivares Alarcos
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