Research Project

BRUL: Barcelona Robotic Urban Lab


National Project

Start Date


End Date


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Project illustration


Project Description

The objective of the project Barcelona Robotic Urban Lab is the update of the present urban robotic labs equipment of the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (IRI) to consolidate as European excellence robotics infrastructure. The participation of IRI as a partner of the European project TERRINet (The European Robotics Research Infrastructures Network H2020-INFRAIA-2017-1 No 730994) (, has positioned the IRIs robotics labs, equipment and robots, as scientific infrastructure, sharing platforms, knowledge, technologies and resources with other 14 European infrastructures.

The IRIs urban robotic lab is unique in Europe, offering outdoor and indoor facilities that can be used for scientific-technologic experiments in urban robotics, oriented to research centers of public and private institutions, universities and companies. This laboratory will be used also for the research in Human-Centered-Robotics of the program of excellence of Maria de Maeztu of IRI, as well as for the EU project TERRINet. This last EU project will publish European competitive calls from 1/12/2018 to 30/11/2021, to researchers that want to use this infrastructure. Similar calls will be published for the Spanish public and private research centers.

This project is supported by European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) from the European Union